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Joined Dec, 2012
Last Seen Mar, 2014


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12 years ago
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I'd imagine threads like this existing if internet was around pre 1860something.
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12 years ago
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Being the only person in the club
I was never at a club alone, but my favorite time is when there's very few people there, I don't get dances at that…
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12 years ago
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How Strip Clubs Saved My Life
@scpatron that's exactly how I feel. Now traveling makes sense, where it never interested me before. Being so anti social, what am I to…
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12 years ago
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How Strip Clubs Saved My Life
Being a loner w/ no social life, no addictions, no kids, little responsibility, zero distractions, never getting into trouble, and being this way for…
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12 years ago
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How Strip Clubs Saved My Life
Thanks for complimenting my writing guys, probably for the first time in my life have I received such recognition, being a high school drop…
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12 years ago
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How Strip Clubs Saved My Life

But thanks for advice guys, trust me I know how much that is to be true, and I was already somewhat played, but…
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12 years ago
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How Strip Clubs Saved My Life
regarding my physical existence now my writing skills.

nobody is confident in everything, I also mentioned that with the whole "I'm confident with my work…
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12 years ago
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Detroit 2PMer.
Regarding guns in the club, I don't know how it is in Detroit, but here in Akron, you don't even need an ID to…
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12 years ago
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Just wondering, are some dancers so forgetful they can't remember you from 30 mi
To test this thesis you should've moved to yet another spot and see what happens.

Sometimes I feel like strippers should be part of…
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12 years ago
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How Strip Clubs Saved My Life
Haha you right, I should, never been a good writer or a reviewer though, so I'm not really comfortable with that.
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12 years ago
How Strip Clubs Saved My Life
Little background on me: 24 year old white male, with a high speed internet connection, competent around googles and internets, with a sufficient income…
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12 years ago
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minimizing risk of STD
I'm concerned because of the ignorance of some posters on here, wow.
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12 years ago
minimizing risk of STD
While, of course the risk if elevated due to the nature of women we're dealing with, and besides the obvious use of condoms &…
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12 years ago
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Threats From A Significant Other
This is a common problem, not just dealing with strippers.

What you guys should be concerned about is nobody following you home, specially if you…
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