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Joined Dec, 2012
Last Seen Mar, 2014


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12 years ago
can we teach our daughters not to get tattoos?
It's so rare to see a stripper with no tattoos it's kind of like seeing an albino t-rex.

& every one of them have…
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12 years ago
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escort as a backup
If you have a wife you shouldn't be fucking other women unless it's allowed.

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12 years ago
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you know I've always wondered about shit like this, strippers always do some dangerous things on stage and being that they're almost always drunk,…
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12 years ago
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Large-size condoms
cool story bra
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12 years ago
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Large-size condoms
The size of your penis hurting the woman will always become an issue before the size of the condom does.
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12 years ago
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Large-size condoms
On the flip side, being a rather tall and large human being, I disappoint often.
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12 years ago
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Hef got married last night. What did you do?
she's talking about her son, which makes it infinitely more fucked up.

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12 years ago
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Pink site should be renamed
why they trying to do cams now?

a stripper mentioned something like that the other week, then she was like yea you should see me…
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12 years ago
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Shit I wouldn't do it.
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12 years ago
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ripped off by a girl? par for the course? how bad did she take me?
That sucks, never imagine being treated like that by a girl, some things us intimidating guys take for granted.
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12 years ago
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Frequently Asked Questions
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12 years ago
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Don't do stuff just because it's convinient.
I don't do little blue pills bro, but I won't just go for anything either.
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12 years ago
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Did you meet your SC goals for 2012? What are your goals for 2013?
I really just hope to stay out of trouble completely while being able to maintain the level of fun I'm having right now.

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12 years ago
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Don't do stuff just because it's convinient.
@ilbbaicnl thanks for that. Thing about escorts that I highly dislike is that it carries the risk of law enforcement. & honestly I do…
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12 years ago
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dear rick the slick dungen

what the actual fuck?
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12 years ago
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Rap Music and the decline of Strip Clubs.
Actually us who grew up on 90s rap music are looking down on modern hiphop music. There's genres within genres, not all hiphop is…
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12 years ago
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12 years ago
Don't do stuff just because it's convinient.
Few weeks ago, I was approached by some old ass stripper, at a club where there was no hot girls so I figured I'd…
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12 years ago
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Life lessons from the hobby
Juice is retarded.
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12 years ago
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I'm going to end up getting played arent I?
If you want to date a stripper you can't become a customer.

I'm talking about, zero money given to her, don't buy her drinks, NOTHING.

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12 years ago
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Life lessons from the hobby
This seems like a ripoff of my thread started the other day ;)
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12 years ago
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They Called Me a Stripper
The real thing that amazes me how many people refuse to believe these are real human beings.
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12 years ago
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Rap Music and the decline of Strip Clubs.
Some clubs they get to pick, others they have no choice.
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12 years ago
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Rap Music and the decline of Strip Clubs.
i prefer big booty light skinned black girl with a nice body 100 times out of 100 over a blonde with big boobs.

I also…
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12 years ago
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How Strip Clubs Saved My Life
Ha, reminds me of the Louie episode where the Comedy Club owner dies. Louie goes to his funeral where nobody turns up but some…
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