Joined Dec, 2012
Last Seen Mar, 2014

commented on
Probably, http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb… wouldn't hurt either.
Interesting though, I've asked dancers about this and usually they say something like, another stripper taught them.
Older strippers teach the…
Interesting though, I've asked dancers about this and usually they say something like, another stripper taught them.
Older strippers teach the…

commented on
Do you get hard during a LD?hey little girl, 4 replies to a thread all dedicated to getting back to me on a comment that you already chalked up as…

commented on
Online Strip ClubsSC online to me defeats the purpose.
I'd rather just go to youporn or something and look at women for free if I wanted something…
I'd rather just go to youporn or something and look at women for free if I wanted something…

commented on
Pasties v. ToplessYeah that Juicy J line stands true but really not really.
Full nude where they show pussy is rare occurrence in Ohio as they can't…
Full nude where they show pussy is rare occurrence in Ohio as they can't…

commented on
Do you get hard during a LD?I'm 24, I don't have an ED, I'm not gay either, I know this because I don't like men.

commented on
Do you get hard during a LD?If you're insisting that I'm gay, no, I'm not, my dick is fine once it's stimulated.

Do you get hard during a LD?From what I've read (I read a lot), this seems very common, and some dudes even cum off a LD.
There's only one dancer that…
There's only one dancer that…

commented on
question about cameras in private areas.
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any of you ever get asked out by a dancer?@Papi_Chulo thanks for the OG advice bro.
@pabloantonio I don't have a big dick & if she felt any thing it'd be rather average sized…
@pabloantonio I don't have a big dick & if she felt any thing it'd be rather average sized…

commented on
question about cameras in private areas.juice, how old are you? you sound and act like you're 12, how the hell did you get in a strip club, ever?

commented on
question about cameras in private areas.gatorfan
are you juice's brother?
that sentence makes no fucking sense.
are you juice's brother?
that sentence makes no fucking sense.

commented on
any of you ever get asked out by a dancer?@juice http://www.youtube.com/watch?v… that's all I got for you.

any of you ever get asked out by a dancer?and not in, I'll suck your dick for $100 type of asking out, but more of, do you want to grab lunch together tomorrow…


Diamond Royale
4675 Munson St NW
Canton, OH 44718Diamond Royale is a happy place. Reason I say that is, a lot of strip clubs are not happy places, and a lot of…

commented on
Kim and KanyeYeah all jokes aside Kanye is one of greatest musicians of this era.
I know some old head will walk in and say that's a…
I know some old head will walk in and say that's a…

commented on
DaddysGirlA quick search revealed she stopped dancing. I'm also going to assume that she had her password saved on a different computer. I'm now…

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question about cameras in private areas.Sure, I'll sit down and knock out a review for every club I been to tonight, but, this has nothing to do with that,…

question about cameras in private areas.Are these more of a streaming type of thing, or are they recorded, and do you guys know if they keep the recordings?

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can we teach our daughters not to get tattoos?Actually this whole thread was subliminally saying that you guy's daughter will be strippers.

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I can't say it any better than Keanu Reeves in "Parenthood"I agree but you do know how kids are conceived & how this is impossible, right?