
Comments by havaV6 (page 2)

  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Reminds Me of Juarez In The Late '60s
    You're correct. I should have said "Spanish" or "Latina." Its why I don't hold myself out as fluent in Spanish. But its like I said in the narrative.. you don't have to speak the same lingo in order to have a good conversation.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Reminds Me of Juarez In The Late '60s
    ABQ: your question is better than my answer. Lesson #3 is "you should always proofread your post before pushing the 'enter' button."
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Enjoying lap dances for 15 years and counting...
    Busy and Hot
    I'm just curious about the violence problem in Juarez these days. The last several years the place has sounded like it was no-man's land. Now that "El Chapo" Guzman is locked up in the US, what is the level of gang warfare.?
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    First Time And Maybe Last Time Here
    I don't know if he's the manager or the owner, but there is a very corpulent bald man patrolling the area beyond the pool table that is certainly quashing the fun. I think the girls are there to make money and know how that's done, but this man is definitely the blanket on the flame. He patrols the premises and the girls freeze up, then he goes someplace, and the girls are as loose as can be. He's been there every time I've been there during the day. I don't go back into the VIP area hardly at all, because there's no advantage to do so, and it costs $25 per dance vs. $10 per dance on the north wall. There's an "eye in the sky" on the left wall as you go into the VIP, and they've conveniently stacked some chairs in the one area that can't be covered by the "eye." I once got the idea that when a 2nd girl comes in and offers to join the 2-some, its for the purpose of shielding you and the one girl who is the "action." But that comes to $50 per dance, which is an awful lot to pay. Too bad, because Chicas was my favorite "go-to" in times past, and depending on the girl, times could be great (read: BBFS or equivalent). In any event, its not the girls who are the limiting factor, its the corpulent bald guy from management. The girls advise that the man walking around with the clipboard is not the problem, for he's just keeping track of who's doing interactive things with customers and who's on the phone, etc. The tip-out by the girls is variable, depending on how much "action" they are able to generate.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Felt like Nogales
    The last time I was there, I was doing $10 booth dances with a very nice young Latina lady. Every time the guy with the clipboard made his rounds, I would put my hands at my side. After about 3 times I was told by her that the clipboard guy did not present a problem. So I started ignoring him and nothing happened. BUT I was told the big corpulent guy WAS a problem. Indeed he was, for as I was having a $10 booth dance he came by and told me "Do not touch certain areas of the girl's body." And she said the same thing. Then he left and we resumed where we left off. Both girls told me the rules were different in the VIP area, but really they weren't. My advice: find a cooperative girl who is motivated, stick to the $10 booth dances, and have a good time.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Back to the norm
    Salty Nutz: I was there today and there were several very attractive ladies to visit with. Some were natural, some were enhanced, some brunettes, some bleached blondes. No BBWs. With some you needed your Google translation app from your I-phone.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Hot, Hot Eboni!
    It has been reported several times on this blog that the girls are aware of TUSCL and subscribe to it. They follow the comments of the men to know how they're doing. If any one girl is doing things way out of line with what the other girls are doing, they will reprimand her on their own. Please hold down on name dropping.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Update on HL "Z family" and...
    For all the reading about liquor license renewal problems at the HL, Chicas and other places, I can see why the BML doesn't even bother to serve alcohol. The regulatory problems are much less. Plus they can go full nude (and more than that) without worry that the liquor gendarmes will be scoping them out.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Got robbed by dancers and the bouncer
    My reading of the situation at Chicas is that, 1) for whatever reason, mgmt. is clamping down on dancers doing lap dances on the main floor of the club (and maybe in the VIP also). 2). customers are not going to the club in the usual numbers or getting the usual numbers of dances, so income to the girls is down. 3). Some of the girls are trying to gin up income by overcharging for the number of dances actually done vs. the number of dances they say they provided. 4). this is causing even more paying customers to shy away from the club for the time being. Lets hope mgmt. lightens up on the rules. Especially for me, because I'm going to be making one of my periodic trips to Phx next week and Chicas has become my favorite place to go. Does anybody have good info on what is causing the clamp-down at the club??
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Afternoons have always been -0- cover. Afternoons are better (other than Fridays) unless you just can't make it until evenings.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Not too bad
    What I do with VIP dances is to state upfront how many dances I want. Then I have the girl repeat that number. So far I've not been ripped off (subject to change without notice).
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Had A Very Good Time
    I forgot to mention in the main write-up that there's a new phenomenon at Chicas. While at the side booths and enjoying the ambiance with one girl, several times a 2nd girl would lean into the booth and ask if I'd like a 2-on-1. Me and most guys can barely handle one young lady. I didn't think I could handle two at a time, and would ask the 2nd girl to stand by until after the first young lady and I were done. They did so. The point is, in the summer doldrums they're really out on the floor looking for activities with customers. When that phenomenon occurs, there's an extra chance for excitement.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Pleasantly Surprised
    In Columbia...? When I lived in Mo. the cops were all over every club not next to Ft. Leonard Wood. Columbia was the strictest. To now hear that a good time can be heard in Columbia is almost heresy. How loose were the rules.?
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Hot times in BML
    I had heard that Dulce was only working Thursdays and Fridays. Can anybody verify this one way or the other..? Thanx
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Desert Scrub and MrRock: you might consider going there in the afternoons. The last many times I've gone, once you're in the VIP area on the topless side, touching is expected. They have put up a veil / screen for privacy for the VIP. My typical budget is: -0- to get in, $4 for two bottles of water, which satisfies their two-drink minimum, and $10 for a VIP wristband. So I'm into the VIP area for a total of $14. I've been approached by a couple different girls while sitting in the main room area, and then we go to the VIP. My budget is usually a Benjamin. The young lady will either sit on my lap or on a chair within easy reaching distance. Her outfit consists of a bikini bottom. And away we go. Now, there's nothing even close to a HJ, BJ or FS, but if more moderate levels of interaction are your forte (as they are mine) this is entirely within the envelope.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    before the club crowd while they still had a taco table...
    I visited the VIP a week ago with a nice Latina young lady. First change: there is a plate glass door now instead of the beads. The back wall has a full-length cushioned, upholstered bench, with a divider down the middle for a little more privacy. At each end there is another, shorter bench. So, if there is a lady+customer at the ends, they can easily see what's going on (if anything spectacular) on the back benches, and vice versa. Of course, the two couples on the short end benches have a straight shot view of what their opposites are doing (if anything). The wall to your left as you walk in has an "eye in the sky." There is apparently a blind spot for the "eye", which is to go to the back bench, and to the left of the center divider, and sit upright against the bench's back. My lady pointed this out to me, and that's where we went. It costs $20 to get into VIP, and then $20 per dance, although one dancer once said she'd give me a discount, down to $15. When I signed up for VIP this most recent time, I was the only customer there initially. Nothing more happened than what the dancer and I were accomplishing over in the wooden benches. Within a song or two, the VIP filled up, and had a waiting line. I didn't see anybody doing anything that wasn't being accomplished out on the main floor. Not to say that individual dancer-customer combinations could come to extra agreements. I initially spent $100 for 10 dances over by the main floor wall, and there was interesting interplay going back and forth. Then I thought that, "if some is good, more is better." But the VIP was just more of the same, but at double the cost. This was on a mid-afternoon where there weren't that many customers and you might think the girls would like to gin up some extra income from those in the club. Wasn't so this time around. This has been my recent go-to club and its a worthwhile place to go. Moderately good things can happen. There's no entry fee and a bottle of water costs $4.
  • review comment
    10 years ago
    Highly recommend the dancer name Siren....
    No dancer, at any club, anywhere, asks for her tip prior to the dance. And as others have said, there's no bar at BML, they only serve soft drinks and water by the bottle or can.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    A better place
    Got a question: you mentioned the "back room." Do they have an actual back room now, or just still the 2 open stalls like they've always had.? The two open stalls don't lend themselves to any decent activity. They need at least something with doors.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Cage boxing brings a crowd
    The VIP is one room with a couple of couches. When more than one customer / dancer is there, you can watch what the other people are doing. And they can see you. The price to get in is / was $20, and then you and the girl discuss matters further. So don't be shy when you go in there. One other thing, don't plan on getting fully carried away, because a couple of dancers have told me that there are "eyes in the sky." If nothing else, you and the girl are away from the hustle and bustle of the club, and perhaps you can trade digits in privacy.
  • review comment
    8 years ago
    No bueno
    Cost me $100 one time to find out NEVER pay up front. It was going to be the whole deal, but ended up with a vacant spot on my lap. The most is to show the girl some Jacksons and Lincolns and tell her that its cash on delivery (COD).Well, now you know. Everybody has to learn this the hard way, so don't feel bad.
  • review comment
    8 years ago
    Not overly thrilled
    Monday-Friday afternoons are good times. Almost always 6 girls there, and they're motivated to make money. Dulce, Clover, Mya, all deep breathers, just for starters.
  • review comment
    8 years ago
    HiLiter starting to come apart at the seams...
    Guys, remember we're not there to buy some new $5K sofas and chairs from a high-class home furnishings store, we're there for the unique ambiance that HiLiter offers. As long as the seat holds the weight of me and her while she's gyrating around, that's all I need. Look at it this way: the furniture adds a little bit of sleaze to the experience, as though a little bit of sleaze is actually needed.
  • review comment
    8 years ago
    Dissapointing :(
    I think some of us are getting a little too explicit in our details of a BML club visit. And with mentioning the name of the dispenser of benefits to us. I've been told by several of the girls that they subscribe to TUSCL and check out the reviews to see if they're doing enough of the right thing. My point is that it is entirely possible that Robert and other doormen also read our reviews and hence know who to watch out for, who might be getting carried away with their customers. I've seen some amazing things happen at the club and have been told by more than one girl what extras might be available, but to any extent that I've gotten those benefits, I don't mention the girls' names when passing along a club visit. Or get too explicit in describing the benefit that was dispensed. A word to the wise.
  • review comment
    8 years ago
    Pleasantly surprised...
    I'm with you as far as you're in the corner and the man is just about 10-15 ft away from you. Here's the thing: he's got that little banker's light on his podium so he can count money and give change and keep track of the girls. The added benefit of this is that the light completely ruins his night vision, which is just like he is constantly walking in the door at midday. Try it yourself. Get some change from him and then right away look over into the corners in the back. You can['t see sh** (anything). I've seen some amazing things happen in the back. Take your cue from the girl. She's not going to do anything to get herself in trouble.
  • review comment
    8 years ago
    Has gone downhill...
    Lets not be overly judgmental here. A girl who lets you give her an ongoing handshake while over in one of the side cubicles is not something we (or at least me) find every day. Remember that there ARE hidden eyes in the VIP room and the girls are continually reminded of this. Plus indications are that undercover LEs are more common these days too. I've had some girls tell me that they wouldn't mind getting one of my handshakes but that there's an added element of risk of eyes in the sky that they just don't want to run afoul of. One girl suggested OTC and I thought it was a good idea. Giving her handshakes and "other" shakes is now not a problem.