avatar for easyrider99

Comments by easyrider99

review comment
2 years ago
avatar for Jman87
Sad Excuse for what it once was.
Agree with Cardman, it sounds like Showclub on Evans with the secondfloor and curtains. The neighborhood of Centerfolds isn't too bad either.
discussion comment
2 years ago
avatar for Muddy
Midterm Election
"Conservative down the line and really not something I had to think about hard at all" A Conservative voter that doesn't think... that's not at all surprising.
review comment
3 years ago
avatar for Btr781
First time - did not disappoint
desertscrub, get a clue. You're shtick is old and people are tired of it. This is obviously not an ad.
review comment
3 years ago
avatar for Hwade
Good time, definitely handjobs in the private room, a bit pricey but good overall.
Scrub's schtik is really fucking tired at this point. I'm not sure if he thinks it's funny or if he's really that much of a moron but he's adding zero value. He's such a weird loser. This review is obviously legit. It matches all recent reviews for this place and my experience. Plus it contains details I doubt the owner wants public. Also, every club in Denver has been two-way touch for at least a decade - try taking a shower first. Desertscrub does not know what the fuck he's talking about. I'm starting to doubt he's ever been to any club or even left the house. Can we get him removed?
review comment
3 years ago
avatar for Romeo6969
Saturday Night Live is Great for Any Night!!!
Definitely a club ad/shill review. It *is* basically accurate, I'll give you that. I've been here and it's an ok dive-bar with tiddies kinda club but the thing that makes this stick out as a shill review is the "consulted TUSCL which led us to SNL" - that makes no sense. You paid for a membership to read reviews and then went to the club with the fewest and most lackluster reviews? Nah... total shill.
discussion comment
11 years ago
avatar for easyrider99
{UPDATE #2} I got extras without any extra cash, and I wasn't expecting it.
Well, three medical professionals have examined my genitals. A PP nurse, my PCP, and a urologist. They all knew STDs were in play. None detected herpes. I know you can have herpes without ever getting blisters, but supposedly if it hurts, you'll have sores. I have no sores. Is that true enough? I dunno. I get comfort from the fact that most herpes outbreaks last 3 weeks or less. I've been dealing with this for about 3 months so I'm thinking it can't be herpes. Still, appreciate the response and I want a herpes blood test on my next exam, but I'm thinking low-risk... I hope anyway.
discussion comment
11 years ago
avatar for easyrider99
[Update] I got extras without any extra cash, and I wasn't expecting it.
"Yikes! What a dismal story." And the worst part is I got nothing, nobody I can talk to. I have friends, but no one that can take this. Tuscl is my only place where people might understand. Who else can advise on this? All our friends know each other anyway. Oh man, I fucked up.
discussion comment
11 years ago
avatar for easyrider99
[Update] I got extras without any extra cash, and I wasn't expecting it.
"Almost seems unbelievable." What consoled me for the first few days, and lulled me to think sex with my wife wouldn't put her at risk, was the odds. I had plenty of unprotected sex before my wife with no issue. I had hookers, all with condoms, in the past too. No problem. In 10 years I've had sex with no one but my wife expect for this one incident, and it was really, really short. There's no way, right? Fuuuuuuuuuck. I don't know what stage I'm at but I prefer last week when I was in denial.
discussion comment
11 years ago
avatar for easyrider99
[Update] I got extras without any extra cash, and I wasn't expecting it.
Oh yeah. Some people in the other thread seemed to be concerned that I might be a dad. I've had a vasectomy so I'm not worried. Coincidentally, after the dance when I was freaking out on the stripper about how we should have at least used a condom, she was like "Don't worry. I'm on the pill." and "I already have a man." which was a nice touch. I'm sure he's thrilled. So much regret.
discussion comment
11 years ago
avatar for easyrider99
I got extras without any extra cash, and I wasn't expecting it.
Probably not HIV though, right? Female to male HIV transmission isn't that common. Odds are on my side.
discussion comment
11 years ago
avatar for easyrider99
I got extras without any extra cash, and I wasn't expecting it.
Imagine how long you would last if your only concern was making sure you finish before she stops.
review comment
7 years ago
avatar for applebottomjeans
High mileage, high price
Is it really better than COI clubs?