Comments by toddm
review comment
2 years ago
Melanie is definitely still there - late last week, late afternoon. She told me she is "retired" from the $20 room as she doesn't make enough money in there. She also told me some of the paydays she was getting from OTC activity...all I can say is that there are some real suckers out there really ruining it for the rest of us!
review comment
2 years ago
ThatXGuy85, you have to give up that info - that is a serious PSA for the rest of us who frequent the Orchid! So is Glossy the first case of Monkeypox there, or are you referring to the more traditional diseases?
review comment
3 years ago
Fake club promoters...haha, whatever! Well that's cool Scrub, you keep going to the high priced, low milage rip off shops and leave the high milage, value pricing of the Orchid to us.
review comment
3 years ago
Scrub, the P.O. is what we refer to in the investing world as deep value. Melanie is more like a high priced growth stock, so if you want to keep your total spend under 3 figures, you need to limit your time with dancers like her and focus on the others.
review comment
3 years ago
Spot on, when it comes to transmissible viruses and bacteria at the Orchid, Omicron is the least of our worries.
review comment
3 years ago
So a few drinks and a cheesesteak and no dances, yet you spent between $100 and $300???
review comment
4 years ago
Man, you guys are a tough crowd. Gumboman takes one for the team and spends over $100 so we can get the inside info on VIP and people are complaining about paragraph formatting! How about Thank You instead. What I learned here is that if on Passyunk, just stick to Orchid - talent might be a notch lower, but value seems to be better.