Joined Sep, 2010
Last Seen Dec, 2023

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It's official - Every Strip Club in Austin* has ghetto girls dancing.The club that will open around February is still under construction. Like I said, it's on the i35 access road around the city…

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Club T-Shirts.When I used to dance in the Headlights in Elizabeth City, I got a few club tshirts to use them as pajamas. When…

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Idea For Improving Stage ShowI'm part of the minority of dancers who enjoy the stage. Why? Is a good workout.

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Thunder thighs or melon breasts?Well the problem with thunder thighs and melon boobs are the following (since I had them both not too long ago for obvious reasons):

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How To Be a Perfect DancerNumber nine is not that important if a dancer is a great teaser. That's what all the veteran dancers always say.

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Pasties v. Topless, Part two -- Alcohol is InvolvedIn Virginia, besides Au&Ag in Roanoke, the following clubs are pasties free and they're all in Portsmouth:
-Hot Seat
-Magic City
These are lap lances only
-Headlights Gold…
-Hot Seat
-Magic City
These are lap lances only
-Headlights Gold…

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It's official - Every Strip Club in Austin* has ghetto girls dancing.There are going to open a new strip club in Austin (right at the i35 access road; between the RR/A city limits), and for…

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ever got kicked out of a club?Oh, of course I kept the 50. When I kicked the dude, I tucked the bill in my bottoms. To this day,…

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ever got kicked out of a club?When I was working in Virginia, a dude by accident tipped me a 50 thinking it was a 5. He noticed and quickly…

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Learning curve for OTC@Kingcripple: I had OTC appointments that involved things like going to NBA games (you know, as an arm candy), fancy parties, and things like…

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Married Dancers ?I am. I usually joke about it if a customer ask me, if a custie don't ask I don't reveal it.

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^Wow Pablito, condescending much?
OP, check on youtube for Felix Cane videos, and for pole dancing videos. Check out the ones that are written…
OP, check on youtube for Felix Cane videos, and for pole dancing videos. Check out the ones that are written…

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Learning curve for OTCWhen I was dancing in southeast Virginia (AKA, the no lapdance, no touching bikini clubs) I used to do lots of OTC. I…

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Need help from you vetsFrom a dancer's PoV:
-Alucard hit it well when he mentioned going in the dayshift and tipping well while on stage. Kudos for that.…
-Alucard hit it well when he mentioned going in the dayshift and tipping well while on stage. Kudos for that.…

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pregnant dancersHey, you guys should not feel bad for those of us who choose to dance while pregnant. I danced until my 16th week…

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Kim and Kanye@ilbbaicnl: Armenians are descendants of Persians. All that area was occupied by them, not just the country that's modern day Iran.
Back to…
Back to…

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Pasties v. ToplessI started dancing in Virginia, and I danced in both pasties and bikini clubs. The money sucked soooooooo much, but it wasn't as…

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Pink site should be renamed^^^ Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!
I thought it was funny too.
I thought it was funny too.

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Thick, fat, big...?Sorry Longneck, I'm already married and I have a baby. Too late for you.