Joined Sep, 2010
Last Seen Dec, 2023

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Your Favorite SC Drink ?Blue Moon. Not really a "strip club" drink, but is my favorite beer.

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Things about the JJ@ Good Southern boy
-I had a girl getting on the stage because it was her birthday. She choose me to dance for her,…
-I had a girl getting on the stage because it was her birthday. She choose me to dance for her,…

Things about the JJMy boobs are real.
I only dance occasionally.
I'm pretty normal by stripper standards.
Go ahead and ask.
I only dance occasionally.
I'm pretty normal by stripper standards.
Go ahead and ask.

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Ever routinely visit the same club and hear dancers ask "So where have you been?I do that, especially if that dude was somewhat of a regular (as in, a cheap regular).

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Stripper Locker Room DramaThanks Ranukam. Some dudes in here sure forget about the fact we are people too.

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Stripper Locker Room DramaA lot of times, YOU GUYS are the reason why there's drama in the dressing room. How? When some of you tell dancer…

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Stripper With A PhD?I once worked with a dancer who was doing her residency...at a local Walgreens! So I did meet one who already had a doctorate.…

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Ban All 62-Year-Old StrippersI got a dance from a 50 yr. old at the Yellow Rose. If them older dancers look and dance like her, I…

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Bartender better looking than DancersIn a similar discussion, I listed the reasons of why there are hot bartenders at titty bars. The majority are retired dancers who…

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wifey looking to let hubby (me?) get a GREAT club. NC areasclvr5005 and dw.buck also forget that I'm both a dancer AND a customer.

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Things Strip Club Customers Always AskGee, thanks for making me feel old! I'm also 25 and I do not think 25 is old to be a dancer. Not…

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wifey looking to let hubby (me?) get a GREAT club. NC areaIF I was in Virginia, I'd give you my contact info and rates; that area was a few hours, but driveable. Sorry, but…

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Taking your wife to a non smoking strip club in VegasIf she's willing, TAKE HER!!!!!!!
I personally love to go to strip clubs (as a customer) with my spouse. I had gotten plenty of…
I personally love to go to strip clubs (as a customer) with my spouse. I had gotten plenty of…

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Stripper's FamilyY'all already know I have a baby and a dude with a big dong waiting for me to get home the nights that I…

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Your Daughter A Stripper?When I was dancing in North Carolina, one baby stripper had her mom and dad in the club, and they were just fine with…

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Stripper Quiz: How Well Do You Know Strippers?1) What percentage of their body weight can a stripper do in cocaine before she OD's?
I don't do that shit.
2) An mature female stripper…