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Joined Jan, 2010
Last Seen Jun, 2018


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15 years ago
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*GUYS* What are your thoughts on Stippers with short hair??
Short hair means you will stand out from the other strippers in the club, and that attention will get you $$$.
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15 years ago
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Stripper drank all my water.
A preferred club I go to has a no alcohol, two-drink minimum. $7 a piece. I regularly offer one of my bottles of water…
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15 years ago
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There are a couple of clubs in Southern California where the DJ ask for people to clap after each stripper performs. The patrons rarely…
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15 years ago
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I'm studing to be a pharmacist...
Had a stripper tell me she was starting her course work on oenology. I was impressed; she could carry on a pretty in depth…
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15 years ago
Brazil is overtaking Thailand as a destination for sex tourism...…

"The country's erotic reputation has long been attracting an unwanted type of tourist. Every week specialist holiday operators bring in thousands of European singles…
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15 years ago
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How Did You Find TUSCL?
one word: google
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15 years ago
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Best mileage club in LA
Just go to HT. Bring a hat.
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15 years ago
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What are some things a dancer does during a dance that annoys you?
I had a stripper who took the ear nibbling to a new and irritating level. She stuck her tongue in my ear canal and…
avatar for winorhino
15 years ago
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The Strip Club as Scientific Laboratory
I read the publication. Self reporting bias in the data, and I am too weak in my stats knowledge to know if the F…
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15 years ago
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Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness
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15 years ago
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Best places for prostitution (off topic)
New Zealand. Legal everywhere in that country. Thinking about a visit as I have a friend down there.
avatar for winorhino
15 years ago
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Yeah, but how well does she dance?

Really Divadiver, just take that shit elsewhere. I am here to be entertained and aroused.
avatar for winorhino
15 years ago
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New Photo
Great photo
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15 years ago
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California Girls Santa Ana
1109 N Harbor Blvd Santa Ana, CA 92703
Went in late last night. 10...
Went in late last night. 10 to get in the door. They remodeled the place and put in new pricing. 3 for 30 in…
avatar for winorhino
15 years ago
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Does it seem like the looks of several dancers isn't what it used to be? and fac
Absolutely I have a fake FB account. I want to keep my hobby and my "friends" quite separate.
avatar for winorhino
15 years ago
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Just got glasses
A long, long time ago I was at a strip club/bar in Amsterdam. The bar acted as the stage and the girl would do…
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15 years ago
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You cum during a lapdance...
Condom or tissues work. I relax afterward in the club and talk to her.
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15 years ago
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Dropped $450 once for fs in an SC and felt ripped off. Dropped the same amount for a hj and was completely satisfied. So…
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15 years ago
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HBO's Cathouse series
I was at a Lakers game a couple of years about and I see the back of a big guy with a blonde honey hanging off…
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15 years ago
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Dancer's secret stash
I got a hj last thursday and the stripper pulled out a small bottle of lotion and tissues from the space between the couch/bed…
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15 years ago
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Are You a Day Guy or a Night Guy?
I am a night guy, but after reading this thread, I decided to head to my regular SC during the day. I was nearly…
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15 years ago
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Prostitution-related charge lands former GF mayor in jail
Are you fucking kidding me? A year in jail for two pissant misdemeanors?!

Yes, he'll only serve a few months of actual time, but…
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15 years ago
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About once a week, but there are stretches where I am not at a club for a month.

Longest drought, 2 years.
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