
Comments by muni48

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    15 years ago
    My Baby got the Swine Flu
    tamiflu is not an antibiotic, it's an anti-viral. Huge difference. Anti-virals don't prevent the flu (which is a virus, not a bacteria) but slow the spread of the virus inside you once you're infected. Personally I don't think the risk of getting the flu at a SC this year is that much greater than in past years. But I have actaully passed on nipple licking/sucking recently unless I happen to get the first dance of a shift from a fave. I can usually tell if a dancer seems ill, but I can't tell about the guy before me that might have the flu and mabye left his virus on her nips. If an dancer is sniffling or coughing I have her move on.
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    15 years ago
    Celebrities you've actually seen inside a strip club
    Saw Tony Stewart in Brad's Brass Flamingo in Indianapolis in 2008. He lives nearby.
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    15 years ago
    What is YOUR line of BS?
    If I'm out of town (not at my regular club) and I want to go the BS route I usually go with a name from a Clive Cussler novel (Dirk Pitt or Kurt Austin) and my job is underwater marine explosives expert (if I'm near an ocean on my travels) or a consultant for the defense industry in I'm in a landlocked city. I'm too old for anyone to believe I've never been married so I usually go with married for 25 yrs but recently separated (we just grew apart, but still great friends). Otherwise, any interestig character from a recent novel I've read will do. Not much chance the dancers will have read the same books.