
Comments by StripClubXpert (page 7)

  • review comment
    2 years ago
    High mileage dive bar in an unsafe area
    @bonedoctor In my review I said "During the day the neighborhood is about as safe as Iraq." I meant to say Afghanistan. It does not look safe. Even if no one broke into my car, the streets are narrow & people were racing around the corners pretty fast. I wouldn't have been surprised if my side view mirrors were knocked off or if someone broke into my car. That may have added to my unease inside the club. I might have been more relaxed if I wasn't worried about my car. I you have a beat up car, that is what you should drive here.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    High mileage dive bar in an unsafe area
    @Tetradon That sounds great. It may have just been the day/time I went (Friday, 6:24pm). If I go back I will speak to more ladies in the room even if I am not into them just to find out where they are from. There were only two black girls there. They only white women there were from Brazil. There were some pretty milfs that I could have been into if they just lost 10lbs. I wrote that I wasn't into the blond because her ass was too big but now that I think of it it was because she had a little gut. Just not my thing. I don't mind a little pouch or even a little baby damage but I prefer a flat stomach. Aroa had a phat ass but a stomach like a washboard.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Nothing but Consistent
    @sarsta I always worry that something like this happened before I suck a nip.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Another decent time at Jiggles
    @Pusslicker2 good point about the name and the extras
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Indian or Filipina dancers in NY, NJ, PA or DE?
    @K I thought I was the only one with a Filipina fetish. Thanks
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    High mileage dive bar in an unsafe area
    ADDITION I left out one of the best parts of the LD closet. As I was getting my relatively legit LD (except that I was getting it in my boxers), we hear a girl getting banged in a room adjacent to us. It must have been a chair banging against the wall because the vibrations from each time this chick got banged were so hard it sounded like an impact tremor from an approaching dinosaur in Jurassic Park. After 20 second of this we heard the girl moaning. Actually moaning isn't accurate - it was more like a girl screaming in a porno. It made Aroa & I both laugh. One annoying thing about the LD closet is that it did seem kind of dirty & there was no table to leave my cell phone on. I could have left it in my pocket except that would have pulled my pants down around my ankles & on to the dirty monkeypox laden floor. I had a pretty great time here but only because of Aroa. If she was not there I would have left & felt like I wasted my time.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    High mileage dive bar in an unsafe area
    @Papi_Chulo I could be wrong but they looked Brazillian. I can ussually tell because girls from Brazil & DR are some of my favorites. I did ask the older blond who came up to ma and she said she was Brazillian. I did ask Aroa if most of the other girls were Brazillian and she nodded.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Meh but good priced drinks and good scenery
    @Pussylicker2 I am assuming"Down stairs was very off limits" means you can't touch the vag even over the outfit. I hope it doesn't mean you cant grab the ass.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Harem Nights
    @BuckMcNutter Thanks for the tip about sitting at the stage. I am visually impaired and need to be close to get a good look.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Indian or Filipina dancers in NY, NJ, PA or DE?
    @K How can Ashley be so popular in a club that is legit - no extras? She must be a real entertainer.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    decent low mileage place but watch the song count
    @desertscrub I never would have guessed that. Seemed like a safe area. Thanks for the heads up.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    decent low mileage place but watch the song count
    @Pussylicker2 I did try to proofread but I did it on a phone & I just finished a VIP. My brain must not have been getting enough blood flow. It is hard to read - my bad.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Indian or Filipina dancers in NY, NJ, PA or DE?
    @K Thanks for all of the info. I am guessing it is best to get there right when Ashley gets there for the least wait. Do you know which days would have the least wait? I am guessing weekdays.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Indian or Filipina dancers in NY, NJ, PA or DE?
    @K I am off to GGR. Any idea what days Ashley works?
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Indian or Filipina dancers in NY, NJ, PA or DE?
    @nicespice Last time I was there was pre-pandemic but yes, there were several Filipina dancers in Sacramento. I became friendly with one & went out with her. No sex but alot of LDs in my Hotel room.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Indian or Filipina dancers in NY, NJ, PA or DE?
    @Myoman That’s great. Can you give me some club names to check out?
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Indian or Filipina dancers in NY, NJ, PA or DE?
    @heaving Indian as from Indian, Nepali, Pakistani, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka… anyone of the countries on this Indian subcontinent. There is a half Indian half German girl who works at Haks in DE but she looks more German than Pakistani.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Worth checking out but hit or miss
    @MniSte656 She is great at what she does. Re the vax it’s good she is young and strong. @Techman This is the VIP pricing 15 $160 (+$110 for each level starting at $160) 30 $270 45 $380 60 $490 Plus 2 free drinks for every 15 Min, so 60 min gets you 8 free drinks (4 for you and 4 for the girl)
  • article comment
    2 years ago
    Why smelling good at a strip club is an amazing idea
    @GoVikings "So dancers avoid the stinky customers, huh?" I have had at least a couple of dancers complain to me about regulars of theirs that stink because they go right to the club after work. They still go to the VIP but they are never happy about it.
  • article comment
    2 years ago
    My Overpaying Story
    @Leonard313 "I treat stripper storytelling like old people with dementia....just let them tell the story and nod like it makes sense." LMAO! I do the same thing. "I didn't really want her to stay. She was weird and she smoked most of my weed." Sometimes the stripper fantasy is best left a fantasy. "I also wasn't sure how to get rid of her post-deed. Seemed kinda rude to just jump up, pull up my boxers, and say, "Okay, that was nice...now GTF out."" In the words of Charlie Sheen "You don’t pay a call girl to do what she does. You pay her to leave afterward.". If you gave her the cash she probably would have been off like a prom dress. "GFE is hard to price.". I think you really got the full Girlfriend Experience when she was yelling at you for nothing. " But if "GFE" is just that she is willing to let you "sort of" kiss her or some she's willing to sit next to you while you watch a movie and she smokes your weed...thats really just a whore trying to score free weed. ". LMAO! Thanks for posting this and for the laughs.
  • article comment
    2 years ago
    Games Strippers Play
    @ Muddy. Thank for posting this. Wish I read it when I was 21. Feeling pity for a dancer should be another PL commandment. Never get a dance with a dancer because you feel bad for them. "Demanding tips." I don't mind when they ask but I hate it when they demand a tip. Around 2017 there was a BARTENDER at Hak's (DE) who used to harass me for a tip every time I was there. Not when she was serving me. I started it myself by overtipping one day. I did that because because I felt bad for her. Then every time I came in she would DEMAND it. Finally manned up and told her no. It was never a problem after that. "I ain't a fucking cash cow just waiting to get milked (unless you get me drunk, then uh yeah)" I never drink now until I am done with the dances. @Locutusburg "Dancer's friend" I hate when a dancer's friend comes over and expects a drink from me just because it is slow.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Miami Nice
    sucking titties, feeling up and down while still sitting at the bar and tipping $1's here and there all out in the open not giving a fuck during the day. keep living the dream Muddy. Makes me want to get on the next flight to Miami.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Sex sells...
    This is a PSA on WHY strip clubs SUCK ASS on Long Island
    Where do you go in South Jersey?
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Great spot for a good time
    What were the girls like (old, young, fat, skinny, black, white)?
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Not What It Used To Be But Still Fun
    @Pussylicker2 I think you are correct. I spent too much. I wasn't trying for mileage. Never did even pre-covid at g2k but it may be possible. I'll start asking about it even when I'm not looking for it from now on. Could have had a similar experience for $100. It just would have only lasted 15min with one girl.