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Joined Jun, 2008
Last Seen May, 2018


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11 years ago
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Ace's Men's Club
74 N Orlando Ave Cocoa Beach, FL 32931
Returned to my Melbourne place for...
Returned to my Melbourne place for some R&R and, for me, that meant 5 visits to IR. This review will summarize them all.…
avatar for Otto22
11 years ago
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Aa dancers
Rightly or wrongly, I believe Shadowcat's observation is accurate. At the Inner Room here in Florida there is a distinct increase in AA…
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11 years ago
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Good article, Papi.
@Dr. F- ten seconds? Come on, let's not strain credulity. What you're getting is a pissed off woman and a pissed…
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11 years ago
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Dancers cumming
Had an interesting experience last week that helped me understand this phenomenon. Earlier in the week got LDs with a dancer I had enjoyed…
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11 years ago
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Big vs. Small Spenders
Motorhead +1
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11 years ago
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"Milking the prostate".
Since my prostate was removed two years ago, I doubt I would enjoy it. :)
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11 years ago
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Low Budget Reviews
I can certainly understand how a PL may not find much to spend $$ on at a SC. It has happended to me.…
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11 years ago
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Diamond Cutter vs. Blue Veiner
I'm your age, Art, and have had prostate cancer a couple of years ago. Since my surgery I have taken Cialis, first the…
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11 years ago
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The Stripper and Cory Booker
Since Booker is reportedly gay I doubt she will be first lady anytime soon.
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11 years ago
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Tampa Strip Clubs
If eye candy is all you want, Mons Venus will do it for you. If you want mileage, go to Scarlett's Ybor Strip.
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11 years ago
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Saving Singles
Used to do it but not any more. Just ask the shotgirls to give me 9 $1s for a $10 bill.
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11 years ago
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Feature acts
While I try to avoid features, I once saw Lotta Topp at a DV in Saginaw, MI. Look her up on Google and…
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11 years ago
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[OT] Ted Cruz
One does not need to be born in the United States to become an American citizen. If either of one's parents is a…
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11 years ago
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Face ... Body ... or Both ?
Face and personality mean much more to me than the body alone.
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11 years ago
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TUSCL members I miss :(
I miss JudyJudy
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11 years ago
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Well wish granted. Welfare is cutting down bit by bit
@Santiago, this relates to SCs because it suggests that many of your favorite dancers will need to sell a few more LDs each month.
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11 years ago
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Ever Notice
@Motorhead, my friend, I regularly browse the escort ads on BP and, believe me, scarcely a day goes by that such ethnic prohibitions are…
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11 years ago
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Alternative lap dance options
Had a great experience in Denver this week with a former stripper who now is escorting. She prefers to start the activities with…
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11 years ago
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Guide to Asking for Extra's at a Club
Saw a new dancer this week and virtually her first words to me were that she is "too nice" and doesn't suck or fuck.…
avatar for Otto22
11 years ago
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Cleanliness is next to godliness
My current FAV always performs this task and I have come to appreciate it. In some of the clubs I visit in Florida the…
avatar for Otto22
11 years ago
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Tittie Bars or Gentlemen's Clubs
This week I have sampled SCs from "sublime" to "ridiculous" and I much prefer the latter. On Tuesday I visited Diamond Cabaret in Denver…
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11 years ago
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Strippers And Lube
I often discover that dancers are pretty "juicy", especially later in the shift. I have occasionally wondered if this is residual natural lube…
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11 years ago
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Tried a week ago, Thursday starts...
Sounds like a shill to me. 1st review ever too.
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11 years ago
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Diamond Cabaret
1222 Glenarm Pl Denver, CO 80204
In Denver for a conference so...
In Denver for a conference so decided to play a bit. The escort I entertained yesterday recommended this place highly so off to…
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11 years ago
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Thoughts on the Jacksonville Jaguars
JAX is Tebow's hometown and they have no room for him? WTF?
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