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Joined Jun, 2008
Last Seen May, 2018


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11 years ago
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Retired Dancers
I have had some great P4P experiences with retired dancers. Since I know that my payment(along with other customers, of course)is their primary…
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11 years ago
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OT: Seattle approves highest US minimum wage, $15/hour
Anyone who supports the $15 wage should be required to show why $150 would not be better. I guess this helps me decide…
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11 years ago
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OT: Philanthropy
In addition to my tithe to church the wife and I have established a scholarship fund at our alma mater. I enjoy the thank…
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11 years ago
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In Vero Beach -What is closest but best strip club around?
You're about an hour away from Cocoa Beach and the excellent clubs there. I recommend Inner Room as best value.
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11 years ago
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My Candy Crush
I have bought sex toys for strippers but only if I could help her inaugurate the equipment. LOL.
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11 years ago
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Amateur Nights
Haven't seen real amateurs at an "Amateur Night" for many years. About 40 years ago when I was in grad school in the…
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11 years ago
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Her: I'm not wearing any panties
I think the Kate Middleton photo is not sans panties but rather wearing a thong. BTW, did you know that the queen has lead…
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11 years ago
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Strippers and Expensive/High-End Alcohol
A former ATF used to ask for "top shelf margaritas". I admonished her that such language was tacky. If she wanted a…
avatar for Otto22
11 years ago
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going to stip clubs with strippers
Have done this on a few occasions, both to clubs where she used to dance and to clubs she always wanted to visit. …
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11 years ago
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off topic: Real Estate Investment Trusts
In my judgment there is no reason to buy REITs that are not publicly traded. Your advisor likely makes a significantly larger commission…
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11 years ago
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Why dont nude clubs serve alcohol most of the time?
Michigan clubs recently discovered that they can still sell alcohol and offer nude dancing. Most clubs still expect the girls to keep their…
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11 years ago
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Memphis SC - The good old days
First real lapdances I ever got were at Danny's in Memphis,about 1981. Made it a point to visit Memphis every year for several…
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11 years ago
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otc threesome
In my experience the girls have to be into each other or else it is just not that great. At my age I…
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11 years ago
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Enjoy buffets when traveling because I don't need to wait for my food. As far as the Vegas buffets, while once legendary, they…
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11 years ago
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Strangest thing you heard a stripper say?
One blonde told me she was a student at the local junior college. I asked her what she was studying. "Psychiatry," she…
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11 years ago
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Detroit in the Spring
Think I saw her at Hank8 South!Lol.
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11 years ago
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Good News! Shooting at Jewish Center in Kansas!
And another name is added to my growing ignore list.
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11 years ago
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what was your favorite subject in school?
Latin. took all four years and it has been a wonderful asset to aid my use of any language.
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11 years ago
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Paying for sex vs. "paying" for "free" sex
A wise man once said, "The difference between sex for money and sex for free is that sex for free costs more." Amen!
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11 years ago
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I had a awesome time last...
First review is a rave with no detail.
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11 years ago
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You can only choose one
Farmer Art and I are about the same age and interests. Bet we would have a great time.
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11 years ago
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Memorable Quotes
"Cogito, ergo spud!" I think, therefore I yam.
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11 years ago
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My surgery today
Best wishes,Shadow!
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11 years ago
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I must be missing something with...
First review and he dumps on one of the top clubs in US. Drinks are not $8. No other details. Wonder if he…
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11 years ago
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White Guys, Black Chicks
While I am caucasian, my ATF is black and several of my almost-favs are AA as well. Yes, there are many black dancers…
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