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Joined Jun, 2008
Last Seen May, 2018


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15 years ago
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question for everyone about dance ratings in a club?
I would recommend that ratings by PLs that admit they did not get any LDs be disregarded. With rare exceptions, these do not…
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15 years ago
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That One Thing
Know how much $$$ you are willing to spend before you enter the club. Quit when that amount is gone. No exceptions.
avatar for Otto22
15 years ago
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Diamond Girl's Showbar
1702 Saginaw St, Flint, MI 48503
After being disappointed in my last...
After being disappointed in my last few visits here I had a much better experience last night. Virtually all new talent. (I agree…
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15 years ago
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Are You a Day Guy or a Night Guy?
Occasionally I try both shifts on the same day to sample the talent. While there are occasional surprises, day shift dancers are often…
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15 years ago
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Dancer on the rag.
Had a dancer last week that told me to disregard the tampon. She said she wears one every day dancing so guys won't…
avatar for Otto22
15 years ago
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Bogarts Lounge
30100 Michigan Ave Inkster, MI 48141
Sunday evening was a "dead" time...
Sunday evening was a "dead" time at Bogart's this week. Parking lot was nearly deserted and I counted four customers when I arrived.…
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15 years ago
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There are lots of places when one can find cheap LDs. The real issue is "value". I define value as "mileage for…
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15 years ago
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stripper gonna make me rich....
Mr. Johnson, what a great idea! As a CFP myself I think I've just discovered a new marketing idea. I should open…
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15 years ago
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John's Hot Spot
51352 Old Michigan Ave, Belleville, MI 48111, USA*
Ah, the joy of unpoluted air!...
Ah, the joy of unpoluted air! The atmosphere at John's is nearly crystal clear now but the vibe was rather cloudy today as…
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15 years ago
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Yes, scatterbrain, there is a judyjudy
Hang in there, JJ. We believe!
avatar for Otto22
15 years ago
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I never wear jeans to a club. Dancers uniformly tell me that denim is uncomfortable for them. I usually wear microfiber slacks…
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15 years ago
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I always go with the hope of encountering the legendary JUDYJUDY. So far, only disappointment. Where are you going to…
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15 years ago
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Smoking, when it comes down to it
As a non-smoking Michigander I welcomed the May 1 advent of a smoking ban on indoor businesses. Like my pal Philip A. Stein…
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15 years ago
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Smoking ban in Michigan
Clubber, national smoker rates are currently about 25%. It is a rare community where incidence of smokers is above 35%.
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15 years ago
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Smoking ban in Michigan
While I am a small government advocate, my understanding of this ordinance is not that it is to protect customers, who all agree can…
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15 years ago
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Stripper "Hello"
My favorite stripper greeting was at John's Hot Spot when my ATF at the time was on stage upon my arrival.  She motioned for…
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15 years ago
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Heartbeats Exotic Nightclub
182 Avenue A Springfield, MI 49037
Heartbeats doesn't change much. Low...
Heartbeats doesn't change much. Low cover charge and cheap beer. Dancers were a mixed bag of teens who don't know what they…
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15 years ago
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Hip Hugger
805 Belvedere Dr Kokomo, IN 46901
Returned to HH after an absence...
Returned to HH after an absence of a couple of years and, I must say, I was disappointed. Previously had found this to…
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15 years ago
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Only Customer in the Club
Happened to me last summer at Choice in MSP. I must think like my pal CT as I proposed a 2-4-1 with each…
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15 years ago
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Update on Detroit
Hey MMDV26, do you have any idea what kind of town Detroit is? This is a City Council that is all black, all…
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15 years ago
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finger in the kitty
This is a line I am ready to cross at any opportunity. Dancers make wonderful finger puppets!
avatar for Otto22
15 years ago
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John's Hot Spot
51352 Old Michigan Ave, Belleville, MI 48111, USA*
$10 dance Thursday cam still be...
$10 dance Thursday cam still be enjoyable here because, unlike Bogart's and H8, some veteran dancers still work on discount days. Personally I…
avatar for Otto22
15 years ago
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Bogarts Lounge
30100 Michigan Ave Inkster, MI 48141
Made a rare...
Made a rare Friday visit to Bogart's and the place was pretty busy but not many guys were getting dances. …
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15 years ago
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<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Great post.&nbsp; Thanks.&nbsp; The $10 day for John's Hot Spot is Thursday.</p>
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15 years ago
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Bogart's Lounge
Like your strategy when Bogart's is crowded. I have found that you actually can get more for the money around the…
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