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Joined Jun, 2008
Last Seen May, 2018


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14 years ago
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I am of the school that believes it is good form to tip all dancers for an acceptable show. I always tip at…
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14 years ago
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How to act when you're the only one in a club
Steve 229 and I agree. I buy drinks for several dancers at one time to get acquainted and throw a little dancer/PL party.…
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14 years ago
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ever take a non-dancer to VIP?
I agree with HonestT that servers are often up for a little LD action. In fact some of my favs serve and dance…
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14 years ago
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I always feel like somebody's watching me...and I have no privacy.
My ATF is not currently dancing because her DJ boyfriend knocked her up. It will be months before she is back to work,…
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14 years ago
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Strppers as Tuscl Members?
Happy to have anyone here that has something to add. I doubt, however, that dancers could offer meaningful reviews. I feel much…
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14 years ago
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Diamond Girl's Showbar
1702 Saginaw St, Flint, MI 48503
If you can tolerate the gritty...
If you can tolerate the gritty dive-club atmosphere and are not intimidated by a decidedly "urban" vibe, this club has possibilities. I have…
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14 years ago
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Thanks founder of tuscl
We all owe Founder a great deal of gratitude.
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14 years ago
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Overheard in the VIP
Once at Henry 8 the dancer called out to her colleagues, "My God, look at the balls on this guy!" They were impressive,…
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14 years ago
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Can we stop with the whining about cover charges?!
I never complain about cover charges except on the rare occasions when the cover is wildly disproportionate to the club, i.e. most DVs.
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14 years ago
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Contribution of Barmaids/Waitresses to your good time...
With few exceptions the servers are an intrusion rather than an enhancement of the experience. A few clubs have girls who dance as…
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14 years ago
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Do you really give a shit about the club layout?
I'm in agreement with SC. Further, I resent "reviews" where the poster admits that they did not get any LDs. WTF? …
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14 years ago
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well, damn
Was at John's Hot Spot last week where I observed a waitress doing a two-dance set on the stage. Great pole work so…
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14 years ago
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John's Hot Spot
51352 Old Michigan Ave, Belleville, MI 48111, USA*
Visited John's Hot Spot for the...
Visited John's Hot Spot for the first time in some months and, I must say, the quality is on the decline. Visited both…
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14 years ago
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The Ultimate Stevie
Gotta admire her determination to accomplish, through medical science, what she could not accomplish through beauty or talent. Nevertheless, not a turn-on.
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14 years ago
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When and Where Did Lap Dancing Begin?
First LDs I ever experienced were in Memphis 1982. All the clubs near the airport seemed to offer them, pretty high mileage too.
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14 years ago
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Bogarts Lounge
30100 Michigan Ave Inkster, MI 48141
First visit back to Bogart's after...
First visit back to Bogart's after a period of illness. Free admissiona and wristbands before 1:00pm throughout May. Saw a couple of…
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14 years ago
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A bit of confusion about lap dance policies at strip clubs.
Every club I have ever visited has allowed touching boobs as long as they are your own!
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14 years ago
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Dancers who are Students at a Four-year College
Dancers lie routinely about almost everything. Such lies even have their own term, SS. No surprise, then, that dancers lie about attending…
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14 years ago
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Melbourne prostitution sting nets 7 arrests
As a Melbourne resident I am ashamed - ashamed of the quality of these skanks shown in these pictures. Given the neighborhood they…
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14 years ago
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What do you prefer?
IMHO pole tricks are a waste of your energy. Save your strength for satisfying me in the VIP.
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14 years ago
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I have what?
Had an experience at Hank 8 a year or so ago that reminded me of this. As many of you know, Hank's has…
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14 years ago
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how many clubs have you hit in your life...
Counted 'em up last night and got to 70 but I've probably forgotten some. About 60 of these clubs have seen me in…
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14 years ago
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Why It's so Difficult to Communicate with Them
This does not concern dancers but might be appropos. Last year before we drove into Canada I stopped by AAA to get a…
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14 years ago
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Is Minneapolis a lost cause?
There is little mileage to be had in the Twin Cities. Best deal in King of Diamonds southeast of town. Nude and…
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14 years ago
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Priming the pump
I generally do this as well but I can't say that it has resulted in a stampede to join the tip-a-thon. Girls are…
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