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Joined Jun 2008
Last Seen May 2018


12 yrs ago
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General Petraeus Affair
Fidelity in marriage is a fine thing and I practiced it for decades. However, there has been much written about the strains on long-term marriages when the wife's libido plummets after menopause while the husband still feels a robust need for sexual satisfaction. Until you have experienced the disillusionment of recognizing the sex is no longer a part of your relationship with a woman you still love I don't feel you are in any position to moralize to me about fidelity, divorce, or sexual mores.
12 yrs ago
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possibly ripped off
I try to make it a rule never to take my wallet out in a club. I always wear a shirt with a front pocket where I keep a was of $20 bills. In my left front pants pocket I keep a wad of $10 & $5 bills. In my right front pants pocket I keep a wad of singles. This helps me manage my money and also allows me to keep track of how much I am spending. If I ever run short of money in my pockets, I have to decide to violate my "rule" and raid the wallet for more cash than I had planned to spend. I also keep $50 and $100 bills in a separate part of my wallet.
12 yrs ago
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Is the lap dance an endangered species?
As a veteran PL I have gotten to know several dancers over the years. By "know" I mean I have come to understand their lives well enough that they need not BS me. None of these girls is wealthy nor making a net income of $1,000 per week, many making much less. Why do strippers make less today than 8-10 years ago (a fact that even the Pinkies acknowledge)? I agree with the OP that the rise of internet escort sites has provided a level of competition absent in prior years. Today I use the clubs to screen for OTC companions. Yes, I use escort sites as well but eschew Backpage and Craigslist as I am still paranoid about LE until P4P is legal.
12 yrs ago
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Percentage of Legit Reviews
I flagged two reviews today because they didn't pass the "smell test." Both were from newbies and both made claims I find impossible to believe. The first listed, by name, nearly a dozen dancers at a club and recommended every one. (I question if any reviewer who was not an employee of the club could remember that many dancer names, much less be in a position to recommend them.) The second flagged review claimed to have spent 10-13 minutes getting dances in a DV for only $20. Seriously?
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