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Joined Jan, 2008
Last Seen May, 2010


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17 years ago
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Going Commando or Not
I hope I find a girl that dances good enough to create a wet spot.
I can't wait till 5:00 !!!!
avatar for godfatherstill
17 years ago
Going Commando or Not
I am going to a club after work today. I am wearing a soft pair of dress slacks and I am considering going…
avatar for godfatherstill
17 years ago
avatar for godfatherstill
17 years ago
commented on
Lots of new people here
Wow lopaw, it sounds like you and I have alot in common. Next time I am in LA we should go clubbing together.…
avatar for godfatherstill
17 years ago
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Lots of new people here
Godfatherstill here. I will be 45 soon and live in the Bible Belt. Happily married but recently re-realized how much fun it…
avatar for godfatherstill
17 years ago
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Peppermint Hippo
2366 N College Ave Fayetteville, AR 72703
I hit both of Fayettevilles only...
I hit both of Fayettevilles only 2 strip clubs on the same night last Saturday. I liked the bar and the girls at…
avatar for godfatherstill
17 years ago
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Peppermint Hippo 2
2125 N College Ave Fayetteville, AR 72703
My first time in an Arkansas...
My first time in an Arkansas strip club and as someone else noted there are just 2 in Fayetteville and they are just a…
avatar for godfatherstill
17 years ago
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Dragon's Lair
2201 N Washington St, Stillwater, OK 74075, USA*
Went there on a whim with...
Went there on a whim with some buds the other night. College town and a young college crowd. Many college age girls…
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