Chicago, IL
Reviews by 3LeggedMan
Bottoms Up Lounge
567 Grant St
Akron, OH 44311
9 years ago
just finished my third visit to bu and i'm enjoying it more each time
Just finished my third visit to BU and I'm enjoying it more each time. Normally my club dollars are saved for higher quality VIP trips but here I've found mileage to be...
Palace In the Pines
4040 McCartney Rd
Lowellville, OH 44436
9 years ago
went to da palace last nite hoping to meet chardonnay, but instead of meeting the small ebony with a big rack, i just found large ebonies with small racks
Went to da Palace last nite hoping to meet Chardonnay, but instead of meeting the small ebony with a big rack, I just found large ebonies with small racks. My eyes were then drawn...
6 years agoby