avatar for soulchicken

Comments by soulchicken

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16 years ago
avatar for casualguy
What's the most money you ever spent on a single lap dance?
$30 - fully nude feel-o-vision lapdace at the OutHouse. Almost spent $40 in Boston, till someone informed me there's a strict no-touch policy. $20 2-4-1's are the average.
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16 years ago
avatar for Ms.DurtyMilf
what makes a lap dance great?
Personally, I like the woman to be totally interested in me and my experience. Sold the dance, not on a pushy and agressive sales pitch, but on the willingness to give me a good time. Also it should be with someone who's not constantly watching the club or looking around. That isn't likely to be a very good dance. Perhaps that's what I like about more private rooms, less distractions for her (and I). But most of all once the stage has been set for a good lapdance, I like her to be aggressive - with lots of encouraged contact.
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16 years ago
avatar for now_starring
North Carolina
HS stripper
I saw a girl I went to HS w/ and it was totally awesome. She even recognized me. She also gave me a line about how her car was broken down and needed some help w/ the repairs! lol! Didn't fall for it but had to get a dance cause she had one hell of a body. It was funny too though, she was really shy in HS and was a state qualifying competition dancer. Needless to say the stage show was fantastic.
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16 years ago
avatar for Anna
The Christian's Guide to Stripping
This is my first post, usually a lurker, but felt the need to chime in. I've actually had several dances from her. She danced at Bazooka's Showgirls in KC for a while then moved to the Outhouse in Lawrence. She's actually super cool and very sexy. Stage name was Lori (or Supergirl, on account of one of her costumes). I don't know where she dances now, but I've always had good conversations from her.