
Comments by Lucifer

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    17 years ago
    internet friend who dances
    Dude coming from someone who's worked as a DJ and is currently dating a stripper don't go there.If you really want to be a friend to her stay out of that part of her life.No matter what you read on this dancers do not like mixing biz with personal.When they do it's still biz to them
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    17 years ago
    Kicked Out of a Strip Club
    A couple times.Once I was caught fucking one of the girls in the lap dance booth.They knew she was my g/f which is why I was only kicked out and the other I was insanely drunk and got in a fight
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    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    husbands/boy friends in the club...
    I dated a dancer years ago.I spent a lot of time there and everyone knew what the deal was but I used to DJ and that's how we met.We had a very kinky relationship and used her job as..... well you get the point.I'll admit our relationship was purely sexual but if I really liked her?I don't know if it would have bothered me or been the same
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    17 years ago
    update.....I went on my trip and checked Goldfinger out.I went during the day and spent time with this really hot blonde. Unfortunately I can't remember her name but I know it started with an H.I wish I could tho I go back to see her again next year
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    17 years ago
    What about extras or sex in the booth at Goldfinger?Anyclue or any girls
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    I appreciate the feedback but I only have half a day and staying near Goldfinger.I'll be blunt I heard it was a good place for extras from someone I work with who went last year.He gave me a name but who knows if she's even still there.I was looking to see if any locals new anything about the dayshift girls
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    17 years ago
    Thanks and if I had the time I would but I only get one day on these trips to go out.I choose SC's b/c you can more down there than up here if you know what I mean.Last year I did Vegas caberet,the year before Score's, and this year it was between Goldfinger and Solid Gold.I chose Goldfinger b/c of what I've heard and read.I've already gotten a couple names I was told I could prob get what I'm looking for.I want to see if the same names are consistantant