
Comments by jablake (page 16)

  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Dancer gives you a lousy dance to get get rid of you. Does it work?
    "if you're getting a bad dance it means you're not tipping enough. it's that simple." The dancer who wants a tip at Angels can forget about getting dances from me. I have a zero tolerance policy on tipping for dances. If $5 ain't enough green, then the woman needs to find a wealthier club or wealthier customers. Meanwhile, other customers are paying $2 to $3 per dance and seem to pretty much get everything on the menu plus so at least as far as Angels, your thinking is way off. Perhaps I'm overpaying and that is the problem.
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    15 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Southern U.S. girls
    "In more "conservative" areas, people are nicer. Liberals are often vicious and hateful, in part because they cannot stand themselves." The extremely conservative folks that I knew from Angels weren't friendly at all. I liked them. I liked the fact that they were always hostile. That was just the culture. As far as vicious and hateful---seems like I've met plenty of conservatives and liberals who fit that bill. Doesn't really seem to matter the politics, ime. I haven't met any liberals whose basic culture was non-friendliness. The super conservatives at Angels---the culture was extreme non-friendliness. As I said, I liked those conservatives. Also, by and large it seemed like most were very hardcore racists. Normally, ime, the liberals in general give much better dances. Who knows, maybe I just grew up among the wrong type of conservatives. Not saying you couldn't have a good time----just a lot more work normally. I prefer the girl is already taking her clothes off even before my mind had gone in that direction---imo, that is an excellent experience and it has only happened with liberals. Can't really say about Southern U.S. girls. The people I knew from the South, definitely weren't standard issue. The white Southern U.S. girls that I knew definitely didn't have the friendly gene by and large----more interested in being warriors or plain ornery for god knows what reasons. Now the black Southern U.S.----wow, some of those girls were so nice they were beyond belief. I just couldn't/can't understand that extreme niceness. Don't get me wrong. It was like pure sugar. I just could believe it was possible. How can a culture like that exist in the U.S. Maybe the black Southern girls that I knew weren't standard issue either. One huge difference in cultures.
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    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Stripper emails you her picure. Why?
    I like the photos. I'm more interested in photos of hot women who I've actually gotten to know even if it is just hello or goodbye. I have this one picture and it is very nice to look at because too often I'd forget how truly stunning the woman was. Sure, I'll that stripper was smoking hot. It is only when I actually see the photo that I get jolted to reality and realize she was way beyond smoking hot.
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    15 years ago
    Economic question - Do you think the recession will be over sometime next year?
    On CNN I was watching this very large police officer tasering this tiny cantankerous 72 year old lady (she had violated the speed limit). A former police officer working for CNN thought the tasering was appropriate because she didn't obey the officer. Pretty much I consider the news stations to be just propaganda centers and this segment was pretty much what I expected. The government's officer is to be so revered that he even has the right to attack little old ladies. That little old lady could have been my grandmother. Anyway that officer needed his butt handed to him so many different ways I get sick just thinking about. Anyway, then you get people calling in and giving thumbs up to attacking the little old lady. The officer/law is god and she is garbage type mentality. Well, I don't know how many people believe in attacking the little old lady----but, I can assume that with enough propaganda even this could be a divisive issue. Is there any middle ground with people who believe an officer should be so respected that he has the right to attack a disobedient little old lady? I don't see any middle ground. If they're ruling class, then that is just the current game. Maybe a different culture will arise in later generations. Like I said, I consider much of the news to be mere propaganda for training the cattle.
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    15 years ago
    Economic question - Do you think the recession will be over sometime next year?
    It is funny, but I've pretty much always preferred small government; less money for education, transportation, military, welfare, health care, etc. After President Bush it became clear, imo, that large government was just a reality. There weren't any or at least very few "conservatives" who favored small government. Well, if large government is the only real option President Obama or actually someone a lot more liberal is, imo, the excellent answer. I mean if hundreds of billions are going to be spent on endless wars (terrorism, drugs, rogue states, etc.), then I strongly prefer the government spend much much much more on all manner of programs for everyone. Give the sugar billionaires even more billions! Tobacco farmers need some freshly printed U.S. dollars? Give 'em a few trillion. Tax cuts? Everyone gets a tax cut----but, mainly low and middle income taxpayers. The old need expensive medical care? Not, a problem even a little bit. Government has as many billions or trillions as you need. The young worker or young bum needs medical care? Same answer. There plenty of billions. No, I've got zero interest in hearing stupidity about small government or not even printed dollars----if they is enough money for endless wars and more prisons, then guess what? You got it! There is plenty of money also for all manner of government giveaways. :) Hopefully, President Obama doesn't shy away from spending whatever trillions of dollars on more government that is necessary. Funding the idiotic wars is fine by me if he delivers the bacon for the rest of those needing a large or tiny handouts. Socialism is the solution to those people like President Bush.
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    15 years ago
    Economic question - Do you think the recession will be over sometime next year?
    Hi txtittyfan, Yes, the greed was in my story. It didn't end there however. My former employer wasn't the same good guy when it came to deals involving the government. From being overly honest and caring, he changed when it came to any deal involving the government. He just didn't have the same good values when it came to the government---not saying he stole from 'em, but he definitely had a very different mindset---that it was the enemy; just do the very least allowable. So, let's say that my former employer got a contract with government and he found a "risk free" way of stealing left, right, and center from the government. Let's say further he was wrong about it being "risk free" and he got caught. Most would assume his theft from the government was due to greed----and, they couldn't be more wrong. The greed wouldn't have been the issue even at little. More of a question of getting a tiny bit of retribution against an evil corrupt system. People want to support this filth? Good, let 'em pay thru the nose for it. Maybe if or when they get raped they wont be so arrogant and stupid. The point is sometimes people are willing to steal big time and the reason isn't greed. That is what people may think or know, but the truth runs a lot deeper.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Economic question - Do you think the recession will be over sometime next year?
    "more greedy and self serving." I don't think it is really a question of greed in many cases. I think there is great deal of antipathy. My former employer was truly a great man. He cared about his family, his employees, and his customers. I'm not talking about empty caring. He was a man of action. He'd put his hard earned and well deserved earnings on the line to help people. More than once he extended interest free loans without any written contracts to me---the sums weren't minor. Yes, he could afford it. That isn't the point. The point is he genuinely wanted to help and be a good guy. He bought this insurance that if the business needed to shut down due to disaster his employees would be paid. He didn't have to do this. He wanted to, to protect his employees. Disaster strikes in the form of a hurricane. Does the insurance company pay? LOL! The contract was very clear. He got different opinions from experienced attorneys who said the insurance company definitely had to pay. To protect his employees he went into debt to pay their salaries. This wasn't a minor loan he could afford----this was financially extremely painful for him. :( I think almost any other man, even a very good man, would have just laid the employees off. Say, well I bought the insurance and if they don't pay then the employees have to suffer. End of story? After over 7 years in this vile corrupt court system a judge decided the insurance company didn't have to pay. You think my former employer still has the same respect for the court system or even the government? You think he still obeys the law out of the thinking that is the right thing to do? LOL! If he obeys the law, then it is out of fear and nothing more. His eyes were finally opened to the massive corruption and there is not a bit of honor in obeying the law----it is a scam game with each man out for himself. Any sack of shit who believes in the law needs to go thru what my former employer went thru and then they talk that filth and I'll respect their view. BTW, I do know a man who got royally screwed by the government and he isn't embittered and still believes in more government. After what he thru, I can very much respect his opinion of still loving America. I think most would view the country as total shit after what he went thru----of course, there is the slim, imo, chance that he was guilty. In that case, he has nothing feel anger or hatred over. He is just a very lucky duck.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Economic question - Do you think the recession will be over sometime next year?
    It ain't a question of holding 'em accountable, imo. Excellent, intelligent, hardworking individuals get elected to office all the time. You may not like their core values, but their intent is to do good. The problem is systemic. It doesn't take great brain power to see this, if you could just stand in their shoes for a few months. You got all manner of people depending on you to get services or pass laws and you want to do a good job not just for your supporters, but for the country. Guess what? You are in for a rude wake up call. Very rude if you were an innocent sheep whatsoever. You want the tax cuts, programs, laws, whatever? Fine. Then be prepared to deal with the devil or you definitely wont even get a chance to propose your brilliant legislation let alone have an opportunity to see it pass. Corruption rules. And, it is mainly the system is very bad. Over time even the best can be corrupted to the point where they can't even see how bad the system is especially if they worked their way up and had to cut a bunch of deals to get their current power and status.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Bad day at the Strip Club
    Depends on how bad, but generally the answer is HELL YES!!! :)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Economic question - Do you think the recession will be over sometime next year?
    Almost forgot. Printing money essentially out of thin air is like socialism on steroids, and erudite understand that socialism is the wave of the future. More importantly to this board, however, is that creating lots of new dollars is wonderful for stripclubs. A few million dollars should be dumped over club Angels as an experiment. :) Yes, the dance price might increase from the current $5, but hell when millions are being dumped even $50 or a $100 per dance ain't a bad deal. Deflation? Not necessary! Get those military copters in the air and load with dollars to be dumped on Angels. :)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Economic question - Do you think the recession will be over sometime next year?
    "jablake: Yes the fed can and is buying treasuries in an attempt to keep rates low. So far it's not clear whether or it is having an effect or not. Yes, in theory the Fed could just keep expanding the program until it worked. The amount of inflation created and weakening of the dollar though are practical limits on how high they can go in reality. And don't forget that as they print more money and buy more treasuries, it actually decreases the attractiveness of treasuries due to dollar devaluation." The Fed can buy---directly or indirectly---via newly credited dollars (computer credits) ALL of treasuries if necessary to guarantee a low rate. Countries such as China not only don't wish to see a dollar devaluation, but supposedly devalue their own currency to be able to sell their products here. Let's take a look at what happens when China or anyone buys a U.S. debt instrument. Is that money destroyed??? No and given the economy's need for liquidity that wouldn't be too bright anyway. The money is spent. So gee, China or whoever could spend the money or the U.S. government could spend the money. And, the money needs to be spent! The auctions are just a facade that some other countries have a vested interest in supporting. The U.S. government paying interest for money it essentially creates is also a facade---I believe the government gets a rebate nowadays for the interest the Fed charges the government, but it makes diddly difference rebate or not. The whole game is a confidence racket and a very good one that helps Americans provide real goods and services. It makes no sense to have a farmer capable of producing food non-stop and then let people go hungry merely because of a shortage of exchange. Print the needed exchange (dollars) and make everyone happy. Also, all this new money creates the opportunity for other beneficial exchanges to take place! :) A shortage of money makes not a bit of sense.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Economic question - Do you think the recession will be over sometime next year?
    "Anyone (jablake) referring to Social Security as a 'conservative program' is disqualified from having his comments here considered worthy of note. Wow!" Of course, I didn't say that. Liberals create programs like Social Security and before long "conservatives" are embracing 'em as next to godliness. The Wall Street Journal's love of Medicare is a perfect example of a program created by liberals that is then embraced by "conservatives." When I hear "conservatives" in Congress and in the States calling for the immediate dismantling of these 2 monster programs, then I'd change my tune. Unfortunately, the public----including "conservatives"---are in love with these large socialistic programs. Basically, it seems like "conservatives" are mentally challenged liberals. What we need is a monster program assuring unlimited access to hot stripper babes. :) Socialism improving peoples lives with adult entertainment ---stripclubs, massage joints, escorts, etc.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Dancer gives you a lousy dance to get get rid of you. Does it work?
    Seems like probably a lot of Mexicans are being pre-judged---that does suck. And, if they get a dance perhaps it is a get-lost-dance before they even get the chance to be a good customer. I really don't think it takes a mind reader in some cases where the dancer is making it clear via body language etc. that she wants the first dance to be the last dance. I had forgotten that that is the way Gambling dancer and I started out. She reminded me, maybe a year ago. And, damn it all came back. She was a major pest when it came to giving me dances. It was especially frustrating at the time because of her looks and skill (watched her interactions with dancers and customers).
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Economic question - Do you think the recession will be over sometime next year?
    "Well, FDR didn't have strip clubs to help the economy, but he did manage to keep the the recession running until Hitler and his boys bailed him out. Perhaps obama can do better or perhaps North Korea will help him out." President Obama will do better than the last president. Unfortunately, for all President Obama's good points it is doubtful he supports stripclubs. Maybe he is a closet clubber? Watching CNN, it seem like maybe there is another war front opening. Domestic terrorists might need a little government ass kicking. Those scared shitless by a handful of Bin Laden's men should welcome all out war against these domestic terrorists. All out was means depriving the enemy combatants of their ability to wage war and murder innocents. Let 'em keep their guns? LOL! No guns, no trials, no prohibition against cruel and unusual punishments, no right to counsel-----this is WAR!!! You let God figure out the complicated stuff once they're dead. I'm concerned that if a war against domestic terrorists does become hot, then that might hurt stripclubs. I mean customers might be afraid to go out at night. Or, maybe the dainty type strippers will be in a state of total fear and unable to service customers properly. I'm also concerned about the definition of domestic terrorist. Sure gun owners should be included unless they actively serve in government, but maybe clubbers would also be added to the list as a precaution. Not good developments, imo, as far as the health of stripclubs and stripclubbers.
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    15 years ago
    Economic question - Do you think the recession will be over sometime next year?
    "The more bonds lose ground, the more investors are likely to wonder whether the Federal Reserve will increase its current $300 billion program of buying Treasurys, which it launched in March to keep credit conditions loose throughout the recession-bound economy. As part of that campaign, the Fed bought $3.5 billion of Treasurys maturing from 2019 to 2026 on Wednesday and also announced its next rounds of purchases." http://www.cnbc.com/id/31204061 The Fed could keep the interest rate at 1% or less if it so desired. The ability of the government to control interest rates should bode well for stripclubs, imho. Socialized stripclubs? What the heck, if government can ship a man to the moon and build the internet and fight Bin Laden . . . there is just no limits. President Obama has done a remarkable job considering what he started with, but who knows North Korea might add a little support to ending the economic decline. Perhaps the President could offer 'em free American cars for a peace deal? I'd say free American strippers, but I really don't wish to see those commies get anything of value. :)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    How long do you know a dancer before OTC?
    I'd say at least a month and probably longer. I'm not in a rush. Some of these women are as wacked out as the customers. :)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Economic question - Do you think the recession will be over sometime next year?
    Ultimately, I predict that the conversation would turn to what China is going to do with its dollar hoard. The best answer, imo, is that China will reward its elite with strippers and stripclubs. Thus, both the U.S. and China and strippers become winners. :)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Economic question - Do you think the recession will be over sometime next year?
    "Socialism is based on assumptions that are inconsistent with reality. Anyone who favors socialism is either ignorant, evil, or both." Socialism is the future, imo. And, it is completely logical as the government becomes not only more dominant and massive (sending cops undercover to get lap dances, for example), but the ability to produce increases massively. In the future it could easily be one wage slave supporting one elderly Social Security beneficiary. With the right tech it could be one wage slave supporting 100 elderly Social Security beneficiaries. Also, whimpering against socialism seems sorta empty when supposed "conservatives" support programs such as Social Security and government paid health care for the elderly. The Wall Street Journal had a few pieces that imo were wholly disgusting in that they applauded unlimited government paid medical care for the elderly, but opposed it for the wage slave under the sloganeering of that would be SOCIALISM. Forget that silliness. You want government to care for the elderly, then I damn sure want to see the wage slaves as well as the rest of the community protected. A free market in health care? What a joke. That supposed free market has been dead a long time. And, it is way past time for universal care under this already socialized system of health care. Just as more government is eagerly embraced by "conservatives" for the government's Drug Wars and its War on Terror, it is time for government programs that might actually do some good instead of spreading evil.
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    15 years ago
    Asking for LD'S
    I've been satisfied being aggressive and asking. Having said that, I'm fairly indolent and prefer just to sit and wait, and wait, and wait. :)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Economic question - Do you think the recession will be over sometime next year?
    BTW, I have NO doubt that China is acutely aware that the U.S. government defaulted on its past obligations and would have no qualms about doing so in the future. Of course there is a minuscule possibility that China's leaders suffer from the U.S.A. Flag Waving Syndrome. :) So why does China wish to sell it products in the U.S.A.? Ordinarily, one would respond that we must have some products that they are desperate to buy. They're desperate to buy more computer credits? :) Not likely, but trading with the U.S. is still probably a very wise deal even if China said keep your worthless computer credits---you have NO products that we wish to buy in any appreciable volume. It isn't about China gaining material goods from the U.S. on some fantasy that suddenly the U.S. will produce products that they wish to buy. I think it is about good relations not only with the U.S., but with the world. Seems like countries which have shared needs are far less likely to go to war. So the U.S. needs cheap imports from China and China needs a U.S. that isn't so eager to start dropping bombs for real or imagined or created injuries. China if you look at what they lose by giving away products to the U.S. most likely lose very little in the scheme of things. They hopefully buy some clout when people look at how much would be lost if China's products suddenly disappeared from the U.S. market.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Economic question - Do you think the recession will be over sometime next year?
    "...and that's been the case for quite some time now, since the only thing backing up the U.S. Dollar is the full faith & credit of the USA, period." And, we all should know how well that full faith & credit worked with the legal tender Silver Certificate of the U.S. government. The U.S. government could be trusted? LOL! It is amusing people still trust it. I guess not only is a sucker born every minute, but suckers get sucked repeatedly without even realizing it. Yes, the U.S. government broke its contract with gold back bonds as well and the U.S. Supreme Court gave the thumbs up to that scam by a 5-4 vote. Yes, only thing backing those U.S. dollars or U.S. securities is hope because U.S. law is a fraud as is the U.S. government.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Dancer gives you a lousy dance to get get rid of you. Does it work?
    "Pre-judging a person based on stereotyping their 'type' sucks." It may suck, but people will rely on what information they have. Mexican customers it seems have a horrible reputation here in some South Florida clubs. Basically, they're many field hands over here who may not be as refined as a stripper would like. It doesn't take too many negative confrontations and bingo the stripper wants nothing to do with anyone who looks like they're Mexican field hands. It truly does suck for the Mexican field hand who'd be an excellent customer if given the chance. There are certain people who look very much like me, who trigger an immediate and extremely hostile feelings. At the old Angels other customers had the same learned or genetic trigger. Just based on their looks which are only slightly different and difficult to describe, I'd be much happier if they just moved along and the faster the better. I don't rightly care if they be friendly, intelligent, wealthy, or whatever other positive traits you can think of----I just want 'em gone. I compare that inherent feeling of revulsion to the inherent feeling of seeing perky natural titties; it isn't like I've got a choice whether the feeling is positive or negative. Somethings are hardwired and others are learned and sometimes maybe a little of both. I believe the instant positive reaction to perky titties is 100% hardwired.
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    15 years ago
    'Lion of the Senate' paralyzed
    "CNN Truth Squad: Will health bill pay for illegal immigrants? An update . . . The verdict: False. A new report finds the bill could require illegal immigrants to buy coverage, but it clearly restricts subsidies to U.S. citizens and legal residents." http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2009/08/27/cnn-truth-squad-will-health-bill-pay-for-illegal-immigrants-an-update/ IMO, the Republican would have been a true hero by publicly and obnoxiously calling out President Obama as liar if (1) his charge was correct and (2) he didn't act like a coward by apologizing to the liar he was seeking to hold accountable. OH, But the liar was the President of the U.S.!!! Big ffing deal, buddies. Even more reason to hold the President to a much higher standard. Republicans are so damn sleazy in general that they'd rather apologize to a liar (because as President, he has the right to lie?) than get to the truth----what a bunch of low-lifes. However, the truth, imo, is the Republican didn't have good grounds to call President Obama a liar, which is why he was so eager to apologize. Slander the President and then muddy the waters by issuing an apologizing. It is the morality I'd expect of fear mongering Republicans whose can't stand to have the light shown on their flimsy bs.
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    15 years ago
    Economic question - Do you think the recession will be over sometime next year?
    One of my pet peeves is about loudmouths screaming about mortgaging our children's future. It is like that horrible scraping of nails against a chalkboard. The real risk to our children's future is giving greater concern to good accounting than is merited. Let's imagine politicians were exacting when it came financial management and basically managed government finances as if they were a conscientious breadwinners or homemakers. OK. The elderly are ready to stop working and require all manner of care. Does having storerooms of gold deliver that care? Does storerooms of foreign or domestic bonds deliver that care? It short it matters not a bit which ostensible store of value is in the storerooms. That pretty much is irrelevant. It means ZERO. What is important is who and what is available to take care of 'em. If there haven't been sufficient quality doctors trained and ready to go it is meaningless if their accounts are filled with gold, oil, food, etc. Assume that there are sufficient doctors and sufficient medicine. Are there enough grunts to do housekeeping and personal grooming and all the other chores that the elderly may not be capable of doing for themselves? For that end maybe illegal immigrants need to be granted citizenship or legal status or encouraged to labor illegally? The point is focusing of stores of value doesn't make a whole lot sense when said assets may very well be incapable of being sold or traded for the care and goods that are needed. Spending like a proverbial drunken sailor on the other hand maybe much more rational; by comparison. :) Spending on welfare, education, roads, prisons, subsidies, research, war, etc. Yep, all the aforementioned may help in actually achieving the goal of taking care of the elderly boom in the not so distant future while "stores of value" may essentially be valueless to that end. It is like what is the value of water in the middle of the desert? Will a gold bar buy even 10 gallons of water?
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    15 years ago
    Economic question - Do you think the recession will be over sometime next year?
    It is difficult to see the dollar as being low for a few reasons. I think historically governments have gone more than a little overboard with the printing press as it relates to creating new money. Seems unlikely the US can avoid that same fate. Social Security----when the big bill comes due is there going to be a real option other than creating new money? The China threat. Not too worried about them dumping dollars/treasuries because I think there are very effective counter-measures and it really isn't in China's interest. A greater concern, imo, is that China may wish to wean the U.S. away from dirt cheap products i.e. total giveaways. I can see China pushing a patriotic Buy America advertising campaign right here in the USA. Undervalued compared to other currencies? Perhaps. The best currency, and I'm hardly a currency guru or even that knowledgeable about other currencies, is the Swiss Franc. Gee, I'm not a fan of gold, however, I'd rather own gold than Swiss Francs. That is one tiny ass country and with high tech it, imo, is more vulnerable than ever. But why stick with currencies? I'd like to think that a person doesn't stick with dollars because the other currencies are even worse, but that may indeed be the case. Real estate? Can be highly risky depending on how the government shuffles the deck. Think rent control. Think environmental liability. Think taxes. Think demographics---the government may get tough with the illegal immigrants and send 'em home. Commodities? Same as real estate. Shares? Ugh. I may be 100% wrong, but I don't trust the propaganda about stocks. Again, I may be 100% wrong and this may be the answer as far as where to try and store value.