
Comments by motorhead (page 18)

  • discussion comment
    8 months ago
    Aggressive Dancers
    I think there’s a sweet spot that’s difficult to hit. I’ve probably had as many times when I’ve walked into a new club with a pocket full of cash to be never approached by a dancer for an hour or more as I’ve had to deal with an aggressive dancer.
  • discussion comment
    8 months ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Are any of y’all watching NFL championship games today
    Never been a fan of either the Chiefs or Ravens - but the last thing I ever want to see is the Taylor Swift non-sense that will take place during Super Bowl week if the Chiefs win
  • discussion comment
    8 months ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    83 Million
    83 million Alex, what is The number of illegals that crossed into Texas in 2023
  • discussion comment
    8 months ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    Please answer if the following factual statement is either TRUE Or FALSE:
    Loan me a #2 pencil please
  • discussion comment
    8 months ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    OK You People, On A Scale Of “1 To 10" Question: How Racist Are You?
    I would agree with those who said everyone is racist in some way. Even Jesse Jackson once famously said: “There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps... then turn around and see somebody white and feel relieved.”
  • discussion comment
    8 months ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    OK You People, On A Scale Of “1 To 10" Question: How Racist Are You?
    As part of the curriculum of the DEI/Re-orientation required by law students at the University of Wisconsin - traditional liberal attitudes such as “colorblindness” and “deferential treatment of people of color” were deemed racist. So I don’t know how racist I am, but CJK is a 10
  • discussion comment
    8 months ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    A multiple-choice question (MCQ) for you people, select the best answer:
    Did you ever see the movie “The Rookie” ? Based on a true story about a high school chemistry teacher and baseball coach who tries out for Tampa Bay and makes the team. There’s a scene in a bar with his minor league teammates and I’m paraphrasing “if you were this funny all the time people wouldn’t hate you so much”
  • discussion comment
    8 months ago
    With Diversity and Love
    The University of Wisconsin recently held a DEI/Re-orientation seminar for first year law students. The phrase “rugged individualism” is now considered to be racist. Huh?
  • discussion comment
    8 months ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Iowa Caucus results
    There’s lots of talk about a fresh candidate. Former Indiana governor Mitch Daniels should have ran in 2016. He has broad appeal to both parties. But his wife doesn’t like politics. He will be 75 in April so now his time has passed (even though he’s still younger than either Trump or Biden). Wishing he would have ran and the country would have avoided the whole Trump/Biden mess.
  • discussion comment
    8 months ago
    ATF Drought
    I feel your pain. After my ATF Retired I felt no one else could measure up. Then COVID hit. Then I moved away from the Detroit area (one of the best strip club places in the US) to a virtual strip club wasteland. There’s a few clubs in the area but they get awful reviews. And as James mentioned, I too can’t connect with the girls who over do ink, piercings, unnatural hair colors or the goth chicks. So I guess I’m not retired but almost tired of finding another ATF
  • discussion comment
    8 months ago
    Ongoing Changes
    Just a very minor annoyance - and maybe I’m doing something wrong. When I sort the posts, I like “last comment” as the default. But when I change it, the change doesn’t “stick” as it did with old version. Each time I go to the discussion page I have to change to last comment. I know it’s not the end of the world. No biggie
  • discussion comment
    8 months ago
    What happened to Search option in the website
    Lions don’t have to search. Scientists say they can possibly detect smells from a mile away.
  • discussion comment
    8 months ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Pussy Dust
    I did some google searching and apparently it’s a gelatin capsule filled with glitter and other scents that dissolves inside the vag. Medical experts advised against it so wonder if it quickly went out of favor
  • discussion comment
    8 months ago
    Anyone been to Istanbul turkey?
    https://youtube.com/shorts/ToLFt7w_mGw?si=W_O9n1vTPSlqVm4p Take me back to Constantinople
  • discussion comment
    8 months ago
    Wrapping her Tits around your d*ck
    Part of the Detroit experience . I’ve never asked. Just happens.
  • discussion comment
    8 months ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Iowa Caucus results
    ^^. Best post of the decade !!
  • discussion comment
    8 months ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Iowa Caucus results
    The highest court in the land has already ruled on this. Roberts wrote “The question here is not whether something the should be done; it is who has the authority to do it.” Enough said. Ultra lib justice Kagan hilariously called the ruling political when in fact the 3 leftist justices who dissented are the ones making it political. So…Biden is trying it again even after being told he can’t. Just shows his total ineptitude. Again, I’m not a Trump guy - it would be horrible if he were elected again. It’s too bad the Republicans can’t come up with a viable candidate. I fear Trump will get the nomination and we have another 4 years of Biden - or worse yet, Harris.
  • discussion comment
    8 months ago
    I’ve had enough and I can’t take it any more
    Better title for a troll?
    I said that wrong but you know what I mean. ( Or to self - don’t post 4:30 am)
  • discussion comment
    8 months ago
    I’ve had enough and I can’t take it any more
    Better title for a troll?
    We haven’t pumped our own gas since the 70’s. It’s 2024 and we can’t take a leak without help?
  • discussion comment
    8 months ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Iowa Caucus results
    Trump is not the answer - but saw Biden cancelled another $5 billion in student debt. He can’t keep running amok buying votes. This has to stop
  • discussion comment
    8 months ago
    Hidden Big Boobs
    “Musical genius” — lol. I guess you didn’t take Nancy Reagan’s advice to “just say no to drugs”. Very few modern day musical geniuses…. Off the top of my head, maybe John Lennon, Bob Dylan, Jimi Hendrix, Miles Davis and John Williams.
  • discussion comment
    8 months ago
    Big money VIP outcomes
    This is a long read (apologies) but the guy writes a pretty good story. This was posted nearly 15 years ago on the old Michigan TwoSheds board. (This is not my experience - but written by TwoSheds himself (think founder)). It’s fun to reminisce about the classics. — Business takes me to Dallas. I've never visited The Lodge but it's supposed to be one of the best upscale clubs in the country. I head out to the club on a Thursday night. It's a one-man celebration of the successful end of a long and painful project before I get on a plane home in the morning. Entering the club into the main room, it's a stone and log affair with a main stage and a smaller satellite stage in the middle of the room. Two hallways in the back lead you to a just-as-large wood-paneled library room. It has its own stage in the middle, a floor level dance floor with a pole. There's the Champagne Room off of this. $275 for a bottle and $400 per hour to your dancer. More on this later. There's a VIP Room upstairs, $400 for a bottle plus $400 per hour to your dancer. I'm told the VIP has private rooms. I didn't see that. The Champagne Room has booths around the walls, tables in the middle. Not private, although there wasn't anyone else in there while we were in there. There are lots of dancers, most of them pretty plain. But there are four or five fabulous babes who interest me, a pretty decent talent pool by my standards. I have a steak. It's ok. Not as good as what they serve at my favorite Detroit clubs but definitely good enough. Less expensive though, so that's a bonus. The sixth game of the Series is on. The local team can clinch it all with a win tonight. So the boys are focused on the game and cheering every move their guys make. Only a few girls are working the room. The rest are just hanging out waiting for the game to end, including all the fabulous babes. So if I'm gonna get any, I'm gonna have to take the initiative. There's a fabulous tall, curvey brunette who's touring the room with her less fabulous blond friend. I arrange it so that they catch me from behind while I'm headed somewhere else. After a little sexual banter and some preliminary groping in the hallway we head back to a corner booth in the library room for some table dances. The brunette is hot. Big, firm, but not obviously fake tits. Great curves. Slutty stripper hair. Slutty stripper eyes locked in on mine. Hands all over me. The blonde is more laid back. Fried egg titties. Big hips. Not bad looking but nothing special. After a couple warm up songs I want some two-girl play. "C'mon, lemme see you nibble on her nipples." But "No," the brunette says, "we can't do that out here." She promotes the private rooms. What the hell, I'll go for the $275 bottle room. It's a celebration after all, and this girl is hot. We move, into the room. There's nobody here so we get "their favorite booth." Deal with the bottle purchase. Which brings up an odd practice at this club: Out on the floor, when I ordered my third drink, the waitress brought me a card that she wanted me to sign. I couldn't read it in the dim light so I asked what it was. She tells me it's so that I won't hold the club liable if I have an accident or some other problem after having had too much to drink at the club. What the fuck? I don't want a fuss so I sign it with my stage name in a scrawl. Good luck to them with that. And again, when I order the bottle in the Champagne Room here's this stupid card I gotta sign. I comment that I've never seen this practice before and the brunette tells me it's me promising that I won't contest the charges they're putting on my card. (I'm not running a tab. I'm only charging the bottle. Anything else, I'm paying cash.) Regardless of the purpose of the card, it's still an odd practice. But back to the reason we came ... In addition to the bottle the brunette ordered whipped cream and strawberries. So it's whipped cream and strawberry nipples all around. Serious nipple nibbling done by all. Yum! After a while the blond needs to take a short break. Cool, alone time for me and the brunette. And she is smokin'. Slow, smooth grind with lots of stick shifting. She's hitting all the right spots. And I'm all over her smooth skin. Grabbing her ass. Cupping those massive breasts. Tonguing those nipples. Getting me all cranked up. And now the blonde is back. But she's grumpy. "There were girls back there throwing up in BOTH bathrooms," she complains, "it's way too early for that shit." Now that she's back we move on to the main event. We're into some serious rule breaking now, apparently. And we discover why these two work as a team. The brunette has her hands in my pants, stroking, while the blond screens her from the view of the manager who's in and out of the room through the far entrance, taking care of business at the bar. They both scan the room while she unzips me and starts stroking with intent. She has to ease off every time the mangler comes into the room which kind of fucks with the mood. But I focus in on her fabulous curves and soon enough we do acheive lift off. Nice. Very nice. I've got an early flight. The alarm rings at 4am. So I gotta get outta here. No more time left to explore just where the boundaries actually might be with this girl. Much as I'd like to take the brunette up to a private VIP room and see what happens, I'd rather not pay to take the blonde along for the ride. And I really am turning into a pumpkin. Honest. So I say good night. The brunette texts me her picture and contact info so that I can let her know next time I'll be in town. (The picture thing is a nice touch. First time I've had a stripper do that.) And I settle up: 3 table dances plus tip, times 2 dancers: $160 1 buy-the-stripper-off-stage shot (Macallan 25) plus tip: $100 1 Champagne Room bottle plus tip: $325 Stripper hourly rate plus tip, times 2 strippers: $1000 There you go, the $1500 hand job.
  • discussion comment
    8 months ago
    When she licks your nips
    “Few strippers have let me kiss their nipples (most of those have been Cubans)” - Sorry to hear that. I guess I’m spoiled. Even at the no extras clubs in Michigan outside of the Detroit metro area, most seem to allow it. For me, it’s almost a requirement. And I’ve told dancers that’s what I want for me to be a repeat customer and word must get around the dressing room because then they all offer
  • discussion comment
    8 months ago
    How is Baltimore / DMV so bad
    “How is Baltimore so bad?” — Watch “The Wire”
  • discussion comment
    8 months ago
    How not to smell like a french whore when you get home
    “Credit cards suck cuz dancers get less of a cut” Sorry to divert the topic - but that’s true for any business. You’re just a poor business person if you’re criticizing the use of cards. I’m sure Wal-Mart won’t divulge what they are paying for credit card transactions and they’ve probably negotiated the best possible rates but if Wal-Mart had your attitude they would be out of business in a few months. ** disclaimer - I learned long ago not to use credit card cards in clubs but those businesses who refuse to take cards or charge a fee sre shortsighted and do not understand the finances of modern society