Proposed Compromised
Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
If we're going to have an autocratic President who rules by decree, howse about we ask El Salvador if they want to be the 51st state? And let their President be President of the whole enchilada. He seems smarter, more competent, less hormonal, and even more benevolent than Trump. Do you really want Salvadorans asking who's the shithole now?
Oh and who's letting Salvadoran criminals and gangsters into this country. It isn't Trump.
1. Inflation and loss of faith in America's sovereign debt obligations. Biden's proposal, $7.3 trillion, are you fucking kidding me?.
2. An effectively open border, including admitted terrorists and criminals from Latin America...Venezuela is literally opening its jails and telling them to go to 5 times the level that Obama's Secretary of Homeland Security said was an "emergency."
3. "Green" mandates and subsidies for vehicles that are nowhere near ready to replace the ICE fleet.
4. Playing Americans against each other by races, genders, sexual orientations, origins, and more.
5. Valorizing and rationalizing street criminals while prosecuting those with the gall to defend themselves.
6. Creating enormous moral hazard by paying off lawfully-incurred student debt.
7. Projecting weakness abroad, leading to embarrassments like Afghanistan and more foreign hot spots.
8. Lawfare, including Democrats openly campaigning on getting Trump for anything they can dream up.
9. Open contempt of the Constitution, including fighting for the right to intimidate social media into taking things down.
10. Sexualizing and chemically/surgically mutilating children.
I'm no fan of Trump, but I will sprint to the polls to vote a straight Republican ticket this year, against the most rectum-brained, America-hating agenda I have ever seen.
Putin and Xi also proclaim they support Biden - knock me over with a feather.
I know tuscl is not the place for a high level discussion. It’s more for name calling and dishing out zingers. You’re in the minority on this issue, but the question is out there for both sides. Stayed more generically, if I’m so sure I’m right, why does half the country strongly disagree with me? That’s a much more interesting conversation to me. I admit this probably isn’t the place for it.
I don't anticipate changing anyone here. Just giving someone something to think about.
I’m not sure there’s an answer to my question. But I think the discussion could be interesting.
You're right that I think the left is not awake to the dangers of the Democratic agenda that will consume them too. I don't think the right is particularly rational either. A lot of my conservative friends are just giant balls of rage.
Yes, I think I see things a lot of people don't, but I'm aware of my blind spots too.
There are dangers in the dem agenda, mostly on the fringe left. Same for the rep agenda on the fringe right. It used to be that the general election would bring the candidates toward the center but that hasn’t been true since 2016. Put that in the same category with the senate filibuster. It doesn’t work that way anymore either. Shit, we now have a rep majority House having to rely on dem votes to keep the government’s on. The dems are the ones preventing Jewish space lasers lunatic MTG from moving to oust another speaker. I find it hard to find reasonable candidates to get behind.
-Peer pressure. Urban centers are typically democrat controlled. People who express conservative or republican views are pressured, bullied, and ostracized into conforming with the leftist tendencies of their urban peers. They watch MSNBC, CNN, Kimmel, and Colbert with their friends are eventually turned into leftists. Their friend groups go to anti-free speech protests, BLM rallies, ANTIFA marches, and they go because that is where their friends are. Through a constant stream of indoctrination, they begin to think like their friends act. And it spreads like a woke mind virus.
-Suppression of the truth by mainstream media. The laptop really was Hunter Biden's and not Russian propaganda. There was no Russian interference in the 2020 elections. There was no basis to either Trump impeachment. COVID-19 really did originate in a Chinese bio-weapons lab. Masking and shutdowns did not work. Slowly, we are learning that men in women's sports and bathrooms is a bad thing and children should not be reassigned genders. The inherent susceptibility to fraud of mail-in voting. This is all contrary to everything the media told us at the time we could have done something with the information. remember the lie, "it's not true, it's not true, it's old news."
-Shameless lying by democrat party politicians: Adam Schiff and his baseless proclamations of all the damning evidence against Trump. Obama saying "those jobs were gone forever" before Trump brought them all back. Bob Menendez and everything. Biden saying there is nothing he can do about the border when it was his executive actions that broke the border. Opposition to voter ID laws when everything else requires a photo ID. Congressional democrats denying the existence of Republican health care policies, border policies, budget resolutions, and more.
-bought votes. Biden's illegal scheme to buy votes in exhange for student loan debt relief. Redistribution of wealth from the minority who work for a living to those who vote for a living. Voting rights to illegal aliens who will vote democrat to remain in the country (and vote for a living).
It sounds really partisan, but it's all the truth. That's a fact, and the facts do not care about your feelings.
The problem with "the fringe left" is that they're driving the bus. Dems have forsaken the Rust Belt for the Upper East Side. Dems' donors and radical activists drive a hard-left agenda, and whatever "Scranton Joe's" past, he's fallen in behind it. Good luck finding more than 10% of Dems who disagree with what I said above. It should say something that people who condemn America as racist, sexist, homophobic, unequal, and a force for evil in the world have lined up behind the Democratic party. That should drive some introspection.
Also, a lot of Dem voters are on the take. Cushy, low-effort government jobs. People on welfare and other grifters. Read "Gang Leader for a Day" and "Off the Books" by Sudhir Venkatesh; you can see how a whole economy has formed off of taking from the government. Green-hairs with dead-end jobs who want $300,000 in relief from student loan debt they willingly entered into.
The filibuster isn't in the Constitution, but right now it's what keeps the country from whipsawing with a completely new agenda every few years. I said this about the GOP Senate refusing to grant Merrick Garland a hearing. The worm always turns and escalation always bites you in the ass.
The House GOP is a shit show, people like Gaetz and MTG are shitlords who I'd love to see primaried, but I'll take a nonfunctional government over a "functional" one driving us off a cliff.
Biden essentially won because of the urban black vote. So the real question is why Democrats can win such a huge majority of that demographic.
When the Constitution was ratified, abortion in the early months of pregnancy was a Common Law right (established by judicial case law). (The reason the Bill of Rights is in amendments is because the Framers, correctly, feared that any short codification of rights would serve more to limit civil rights than to protect them.)
There are opponents of freedom and democracy on both the right and left. Anyone who denies this obvious, historic fact is either ignorant, or one of the enemies of freedom.
They are not equivalent. The Jan 6 trespass, Trump's words, and the like are nowhere near the lawfare and open war on the Bill of Rights conducted by the Democrats.