Joined May, 2002
Last Seen Jan, 2010

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They are just tits!One of my old girlfriends (not a stripper) could have an orgasm from enough of the right nipple play. She had 'aa'-cups and…

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Tales from the dark side - part 2 (the sad conclusion)I wouldn't feel to bad about not noticing track marks in the club, we are concentrating on a different part of the body. …

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I got a PM from a dancer that I don't even know...Could it be that she is married and her hubby got transfered to that area? Or maybe she herself has a real job…

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Secret ConspiraciesThey do have a better sense of smell. I remember when I was young and we had gas heat. My mother would…

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Telling a dancerI have never seen an ugly pussy, but if I saw a hairy one on stage I think I would say something about that…

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WTF is wrong with you guys that need foreign entertainment?I guess it depends on why you are there, do you want to have a conversation with her or do you want your dick…

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How old is too old /I don't care about her age, just her attitude and a good body. I think Ozyman's attitude is really poor, calling the women…

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Going Commando or NotI am always commando, never any underwear anytime. When I know I will be going to a club I wear light weight sweat…

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Found out how Hillary wants to fix Health Care and the mortgage mess"Posted by: MisterGuy Send Private Message to MisterGuy Read MisterGuy's blog [ ignore ]
There will never be a flat tax, because it's…
There will never be a flat tax, because it's…

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Have any of you upgraded to windows Vista?Maybe next year, by then Microcrook should have it running somewhat close to properly. Then again I may try to get Leopard to…

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Found out how Hillary wants to fix Health Care and the mortgage messThere should be a flat tax instead of the current rip off system. Where did the idea that someone that works smarter, not…

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Loner or extrovert?I'm in the same position as HD, but I don't know anyone in my area who frequents clubs and am now retired so there…

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Do you want some breast milk with your lap dance?I'd take the nano's in a heartbeat if they wold help with my neuropathy.

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Are dancer concepts of a good lap dance different from the customers view?Since we don't all agree what the 'grade' of any particular lap dance is, how can we expect the dancers to understand. Also, as…

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MastectomyI have known a couple of women (not dancers) that have gone through that and the fact that she is even considering dancing is…

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Glossary questionHD is correct. He is talking about commercial radio and tv broadcast station call letters, for example 1 that a lot of people around…

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I met a new dancer...Me too. I can't think of another "well known" poster with a name that would work for a dancer.

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Strip Club patrons: left, right, or middle of the road?FONDL, I think that's exactly right. The hard part is getting people to realize it themselves.

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Does mileage increase the more you get to know a stripper?Generally it doesn't change much in the club, but take-out becomes easier.

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Strip Club patrons: left, right, or middle of the road?Sounds to me like most of you are libertarians (although in the closet) as am I. We, as adults, don't need nanny's as…

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Possible scenario, dancer needs a place to stay, would you let her stay with youMake sure the decisions are being made by the big head after the little head is asleep. And whatever yo do don't give…

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off topic POLITICSUnfortunately, you are right that the sheep (85% of the voters) vote for a party, and they get the government they deserve. What…

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Figured out where you're going to spend an extra 800 cash yet?As many BBBJCIM as it lasts for.

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off topic How low will she go?Don't worry, be happy!
I don't pay any attention to the market, although I do have substantial investments in stocks, since regardless of what it…
I don't pay any attention to the market, although I do have substantial investments in stocks, since regardless of what it…

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Conversations with Wondergirl"what do you think of the "outsourcing" of dancers? Ive read the reviews in my area and while on 1 hand I see complants…