Pa. regs changed or not?

avatar for mr.munchie
I have seen a few reviews stating that there were nude dancers at a couple of Pa. clubs that serve booze and were previously pastie's required. I have asked some of my fav's and none of them have heard of any change by the LCB. Does anyone have the straight info?


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avatar for FONDL
18 years ago
I spend a lot of time in PA and haven't heard anything about this. I seriously doubt that the LCB has changed their rules (pasties required if the place has a liquor license) but sometimes enforcement is fairly lax, espceially in smaller local clubs. Thus I have seen girls not wearing pasties in clubs that sell alcohol. But never fully nude. You have to go to a BYOB place to see full nudity in PA.
avatar for mr.munchie
18 years ago
That's what I thought also, but there have been quite a few "reviews" posted recently that state the dancers got nude on stage and these were all places that serve booze. Looks like we have some big-time bullshit artists posting fake reviews on clubs they have never been to just to up their count and get free access.
avatar for FONDL
18 years ago
What clubs are they talking about and where are they? I haven't written a review in a long time and therefore don't have access to the complete reviews. I know of one PA club that has two rooms and claims to be two clubs - one sells booze and requires pasties, the other is full nude no booze. I know of another that gives away free beer in a separate room. There are probably other places with gimmicks like that.
avatar for Striker
18 years ago
I haven't been there recently, but Al's in reading advertises on their site that they have a new bar but are still nude...
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