avatar for elstebo

Comments by elstebo

review comment
2 years ago
avatar for Riquewihr
Solid and Consistent
Well gee, there are 2 stages, not 1. The larger usually has 3 dancers on it, not 'only room for 2'. The price for table dances is $10 (many will push for $20) and are high contact topless or nude ymmv. The friction rooms are what you seem to be talking about as VIP, they are topless and $25per. The Private rooms are individual, curtained booths with a padded bench seat and extras are accurately described by several thousand prior posters not including yourself.
review comment
3 years ago
avatar for Warrior15
Anywhere there are Titties.
This place is still The Bomb for dayshift.
You clearly provide current info pertinent to each reader's decision as to whether this club is a comfortable fit. Thanks
review comment
3 years ago
avatar for MrBlonde19
It isn't for everyone. But if you're the right person, it's a pleasant experience.
I think this is a shill ad designed to get a few people to dump big money before finding that there will be no naughty details because nothing will happen. Can't say firsthand but there have been 2-3 of these places over the last 3 decades where everyone I have heard from says 'rip-off'. On the other hand there a 3 reasonably good strip clubs that have also been there for decades; my recommendation is to stick to them.
review comment
4 years ago
avatar for elstebo
Key West update middle
'twenty-five', this finishes my allowable time allocated to dealing with your stupidity.
review comment
4 years ago
avatar for elstebo
Key West update middle
'iknow', you should change it to 'idontknowmuch'. I think I have met only 2 native KW dancers over the years, of course they come from elsewhere. But a much lower % of Cubans than the rest of S FL and it was part of the fun/profitable/interesting location list for thousands of dancers who worked their way all over the country for decades. And reread my 1st paragraph, I know the S FL clubs well and none of them are surrounded (think of the Pompano main 3)with restaurants, music food and drinks you can walk down the street with. And my last line, 'they are not there yet but improving'.
review comment
4 years ago
avatar for elstebo
Update on Key West (Monroe County, FL)
Gee 'Scrub' you could have been a little right if you said that about the other 2 KW clubs I reviewed but this is the locals club well off from the main tourist zone. To clarify, all of KW is used to a high % of tourists so of course dancers adapt to that but there is difference btwn the ROBs that conduct themselves that way all the time and only work high turnover touristy places and those that work tourist types vs a possible new regular. Think N Olns, SFran, Vegas, Houston, Atlanta. Mons was its own tourist attraction for years. Actually as I am thinking, most all the good areas have both strong in place populations supplemented by significant tourist/business patronage. Sliding scale, you need the transient moneyed visitors and a strong base to attract good looking talent and the higher the proportion of transient the higher the proportion of ROBs.
review comment
4 years ago
avatar for elstebo
Key West update middle
There used to be 2 total ripoff agencies in KW, I believe both are gone but will likely reappear. Anyone familiar with Key West knows the 3 I reviewed have been legit for 25+ yrs. So 'twenty-five', you don't have any idea what you are talking about. 'Miami', Bare Assets has sufficient parking but the 2 Duval clubs have no dedicated parking. Paid on the street is all over but on weekends you may be searching. 'Scrub', Bars are everywhere, live music (of pretty high quality) all over the place and food is good. Touristy yes but still a lot of fun and the SC action good but not S FL level of fun. In compensation, more English speaking non-Cubans and a significant presence of serious 9s and up (only saw 2 this trip but that is part of what I meant in saying the area is recovering).
review comment
4 years ago
avatar for Cogitoscoob
Got one
I visit maybe 10 times a month between here and Diamond Dolls and Dean's Gold. I think the reviewer is totally accurate, trying to be a bit discreet and maybe split between referring to a single dancer vs an overall average.
discussion comment
4 years ago
avatar for CJKent_band
The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
“Trump won’t be convicted — but his trial remains essential.”
CJ -I hope you are just straight forward lying, it would be a shame to be that stupid.
review comment
5 years ago
avatar for Roadworrier
Good indication of poor performance #1 topless only vs nude for the table dance. #2 as you seemed to anticipate, fee first. There are 30 to 50 women there most nights, most are great. If you are new, they recognize that fact, they are there every night, and some will provide less.
review comment
6 years ago
avatar for SimonBelmont
There is no Gold Standard at this club because it’s the Diamond Standard!
Review is no club ad, it is very accurate (on a good night), maybe enhanced by a bit of bliss and/or alcohol.
review comment
6 years ago
avatar for Shotgunner
Best strip club yet
Twenty years ago this club had some tremendously hot women. Over the last 10 years or so the quality had been down the occasional times I would visit. The negative comment replies way overstate the worst and I look forward to seeing if I can confirm the apparent revival the reviewer describes.
review comment
7 years ago
avatar for lookforfun
BT Saga continues
MrB, about 80%
review comment
11 years ago
avatar for tuscl
A catch-all account
My name is Brandon Westfall. I...
sounds like total BS
review comment
8 years ago
avatar for quimmy
Nice Club
Scrub needs to get out of the sun and into a nice cool bar. He is completely off base re this review. While a bit short on words it is absolutely accurate. Enjoy it while you can.