Ben D'erhover
New Jersey
Comments by Ben D'erhover
review comment
18 days ago

Ben D'erhover
New Jersey
And word is, it is once again no more. Truly sad as Rest-A-Bit is also gone. Cl
ub 15 is all that is let in the area and it is pretty strict.
review comment
a month ago

Ben D'erhover
New Jersey
I'd say that probably depends on the girl and you, as well as the size of the crowd. I would say they are careful, as they should be. Sadly the 'good old days' seem to be in the past. Lots of closed places, and the ones that are open are much less playful.
review comment
a month ago

Ben D'erhover
New Jersey
Think of it as a To Go order
review comment
3 months ago

Ben D'erhover
New Jersey
The Daily Planet is NOT CLOSED! It is open. There are dancers Mon-Wed-Fri afternoons. It is NOT what it used to be, but it is not closed.
review comment
8 months ago

Ben D'erhover
New Jersey
That place is so far out in the sticks they NEED a real attraction and I think they may have, as so many have, killed the goose that laid the golden egg.
review comment
a year ago

Knapsack, Thanks. I'll have to make a trip up. Sad that the cabin in the woods has changed. I hope that they succeed, but I will miss this place. I think the first time I was there was probably 40 years ago!
review comment
a year ago

New Jersey
There are a couple ladies that provide similar to your experience with the cleaning lady. And several that are totally stand-offish.
review comment
a year ago

Thank you for the confirmation that Breathless might take your cash away, but it isn't going to take your breath away. I ALMOST gave in a week or so back. I'll save my $$ for other venues.
review comment
a year ago

Ben D'erhover
New Jersey
The outskirts of North Jersey, lots of limited English speaking dancers. And sadly the venues have faded, many are gone, or have changed so radically they are not worth the trip.
review comment
a year ago

Ben D'erhover
New Jersey
I agree that the scale is subjective. I am not a 'High-Flyer' dropping hundreds or more in uptown clubs. I visit 'bars' with dancers. To me an 8 is clean, well lit, decent seating, ladies that approach you and are playful, ideally speak English. If I were a City Guy, I'd probably rate my 8's as 4-5, maybe 6. A dancer that is obese, is doused in perfume, etc, get low ratings. I can deal with eye candy only, but I want to see tits, and I like some two way action, I don't need High Mileage, but I appreciate getting to see and touch the goods, extra points for more than backing into me and grinding. My experience is the fancier the place the less you see unless you have BIG BUCKS and are into Take Out. Maybe this clears up my positions.
review comment
a year ago

In NJ. Goes to Pa for BJ.
So there are 'extras' available? I've been satisfied with some pretty decent barside fun, frankly more has happened barside here than in the LD Rooms in some other places. That said, BJs with cameras?
review comment
a year ago

Sad, this was one of my favorite haunts. It was low key, low pressure and usually a good time could be had. I've had some of the best lappies here that I've ever had. Sure, you can get a Model for a few hundred in a VIP some places, but this was the Lady next door stripping and providing a nice interlude. I wonder where Kathy, Angela and the rest are now?
review comment
a year ago

Ben D'erhover
New Jersey
Going to comment on my own post. Yes this is NOT 'downtown' and you'll not likely see a centerfold here, however on occasion there is a decent looking girl. There are a couple ladies that are definitely hands on. Not going to go into any details and Penthouse Forums isn't going to publish my experience, but there are a couple ladies here that if you treat them right, will treat you right. I've had more fun here barside than I've had in a lot of lapdance rooms. Some girls just aren't shy and they like to grab hold of things and play. Am I always happy here? No, but most times it is pretty good. Afternoons, T-W-T. I will continue to be a patron when I am in the area. There is no place else locally and the couple I used to visit up north have pretty much gotten tame.
review comment
a year ago

New Jersey
A truly sad day. This was a nice quiet place you could go, a backwoods Cheers with middle aged ladies, not girls, that you could talk to, joke with and get a nice dance or massage from. Had some really nice times there over the past few years. Going to miss the cabin in the woods, could not care less about a sports bar.
review comment
a year ago

In NJ. Goes to Pa for BJ.
So, without the stalking story, pretty much the same. There are a couple ladies that are pretty hands on at the bar as long as George keeps traveling their way, enough so that I haven't felt a need to retire to the couches. A couple have been very accommodating bar side and that is enough. Not going to stick Mr. Happy anywhere that hundreds of you all have also traveled regardless of price. Hands on is enough, not that a little oral stimulation, and I don't mean talk, wouldn't be nice. The ladies do need protein to keep up their dancing.
review comment
a year ago

Breathless, Same-O, Same-O. Relentless dollar parade, occasional nip slip, occasional grind bar side. No Cover days. Sort of OK, but only when I don't have a choice, and I usually do.
review comment
a year ago

I've been an on-off patron of Clancy's for too many years. I was told about it by a dancer at the Coal Hole in Dunellen, so that should give you an idea of how long ago. Back in the day you got more action at the barside than you do today in most LD rooms! Ah, the good ole days!
review comment
2 years ago

Ben D'erhover
New Jersey
OK, a bit of an update here. There are no lap dance booths or rooms here. But the girls are quite friendly barside. Last couple trips I have had a very enjoyable time. No, I am not posting the letters to Penthouse here. Suffice to say, I will travel a distance to get here, happily. I do think take-out is an option here. First time I here in recent times I believe I hit a shift change so there were more girls around than usual. Last 2-3 times 4-6.
review comment
2 years ago

This is 'Cheers' with dancers. Laid back, no big city vibe, no rip-offs, just an easy time. So many places today are high pressure, dollar parade, sell the VIP, Sell the $10+ drink. Here you can relax. Especially nice in Summer months on the patio. A long drive for me, but I head up there a few times a year. Been going there for 30+ years.
review comment
2 years ago

Ben D'erhover
New Jersey
I've found the DP to be an incredible time and an absolutely boring time. Been there when they had maybe 10 girls and when they've had one or none. I think that if you are in the area it is worth a try, what else is nearby? but I would not head out with high hopes. That said, I've been surprised there more than once and had some really good times. Sadly they did add cameras and that has toned things down.
review comment
3 years ago

Ben D'erhover
New Jersey
My understand was that the dancer does.
review comment
3 years ago

Ben D'erhover
New Jersey
Went back today, wasted trip. They way get one more trip as I was there apparently too early. Won't be for a month though.
review comment
4 years ago

Ben D'erhover
New Jersey
I don't know. never been my thing.
review comment
4 years ago

Stopped in on Saturday after a visit to the DP. Lots of ladies, at least 6-8, Barside was like the old days, but the missing curtain kept me from doing a dance. I had at least 4 ladies with one or both hands up my shorts introducing themselves to Junior. One nearly got a reward. of course this is all just a rough draft of a letter to Penthouse.
review comment
4 years ago

Ben D'erhover
New Jersey
Early afternoon. before 1