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Joined Jun, 2004
Last Seen Feb, 2015


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16 years ago
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In through the Out door
I used to go to a club who's surrounding neighborhood was made up of a particular ethnic group. I was told that the men…
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16 years ago
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Playhouse Lounge
OK that last one didn't work to well so I'll try again.

Month-----# of Reviews-----Ave. score

DEC -----------17------------7.98
JAN -----------13------------8.12
FEB ------------9------------8.96
MAR so far ----29------------9.66

Look kinda fishy to…
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16 years ago
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Playhouse Lounge
Month # of Reviews Ave. score

DEC 17 …
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16 years ago
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Going to strip clubs 'alone' . .
Ninety Nine percent of the time I go to strip clubs it is alone. I have been doing it for years and have been…
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16 years ago
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Depends on the local law enforcement and how they chose to handle the situation. I was at a club in 2000 when it was…
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16 years ago
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My Dancer Pass Me Over to See her richer Regular
Whghlost. Don't be so naive. You have no idea what is really going on between this guy and the stripper. You only know what…
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16 years ago
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My Dancer Pass Me Over to See her richer Regular
Nothing to get upset about. Think of this as a educational experience. Whenever a stripper has multiple regulars the one who is willing to…
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16 years ago
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Menus for extras have become more and more common. In some areas they have become the norm rather than the exception. As long as…
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16 years ago
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off topic, slightly re: Playboy
About four years ago I received a two year gift subscription for Christmas. I agree with everything that has been said so far. The…
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16 years ago
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What exactly are you looking for?

If it's high mileage then I would suggest Niagara Falls instead of Toronto. Same distance from Ohio. Also you…
avatar for robofan
16 years ago
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Bachelor or birthday on stage
Every bachelor on the stage show I have ever seen has been designed to humiliate, degrade and abuse the bachelor. That is a given.…
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16 years ago
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Have you heard of the "LINGERIE" bowl???
The first year it was on it was on pay for view. I was at a friends house for a Superbowl party and he…
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16 years ago
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Reasons to visit a strip club...
The sun came up in the morning.

The sun set at night.

Either one is a good excuse to go.
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16 years ago
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What would you like to see "new" in a strip club???
How about no annoying shot girls. Lap dance rooms that are completely private with doors that lock. No men's room attendant and outstanding waitress…
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16 years ago
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Man Sues Akron Strip Club For Injury
Robofan why is it unfortunate for people to sue each other if they feel aggrieved?

argedbuy First let me ask are you an attorney? The…
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16 years ago
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They May Legalize Prostitution in Las Vegas
Have any of you been to Las Vegas? Prostitution is already quasi legal. All you have to do is go to any bar in…
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16 years ago
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One of the best.
Congratulations on having your eyes opened to the the fact that strippers are like any other group of human beings. Some are bad and…
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16 years ago
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Man Sues Akron Strip Club For Injury
Some people will sue over anything. I say if your going to sit next to the stage you should be paying attention to what…
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16 years ago
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Off topic. DVD Players
What type of DVD burner do you have. I'm no expert or computer geek but I know that there are 2 types of DVD…
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16 years ago
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Percentage of strippers who like what they do...
It's hard to generalize. There are many reasons why someone becomes a stripper. I think that there are some who like it and many…
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16 years ago
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Hollywood Strip Clubs
"She's not the one in "The Wrestler"...that's Marisa Tomei"

Sorry got confused thought you were saying Jessica Biel was in The Wrestler. If Marisa Tomei…
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16 years ago
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Georgia Poll Tax
Typical government philosophy punish the innocent and ignore the guilty. The vast majority of customers at a strip club have legitimate jobs where they…
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16 years ago
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Hollywood Strip Clubs
My guess is that Jessica Biel will not deliver the goods in The Wrestler. Just like Rose McGowan didn't in the beginning strip scene…
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16 years ago
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WTF? A "10" rating?
shawocat sorry for misspelling your name above a typing error. No offense meant.
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16 years ago
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WTF? A "10" rating?
shadiwcat I'm with you. I see a lot of reviews which are meaningless. Sometimes I wonder if the person writing just has no clue…
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