Joined Dec, 2004
Last Seen Sep, 2006

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Anyone ever have very hot looking girls ring your doorbell on occasion?Does this post have anything to do with strippers (this is a board to discuss strippers, in case you hadn't clued in yet). Does…

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How do YOU spot a ROBClassical FONDL logic: ROB's are nice to nice guys. It's the jerk customers they try and rip, since we all know jerks are so…

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OTC opinions.As for Hugh Grant he was probably living out some transgressive fantasy about having sex w/ a sleazy prostitute and happened to get caught.…

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OTC opinions.AN: "If all you want is sex from a woman, no relationship etc. what is more honest, to seduce a woman as if you…

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OTC opinions.chandler: I think the real reason is that your prefered lap dancing experience represent your life in microcosm. Attractive girls teasing you but never…

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OTC opinions.Well for the first time in TUSCL history we have a regular finally admitting that he pays women for lap dances and sex because…

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OTC opinions.I don't understand: If you Yoda is the stud he claims who get sex "from any woman he wants; any time he wants" then…

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Strippers who get EMOTIONALLY ATTACHED to customers who PAY them for SEXDoes this really happen?

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Finding strippers who spend time with customers OUTSIDE THE CLUB for FREEThere are four basic stripper personality types. Three of the four of these types we have figured out. For three of four of these…

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You all suck, I am the greatest!!AN: I am sorry to hear that you have problems with alcohol and vodka in particular. Why not try AA? I am sure their…

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Ever had a dancer sit a your table with nothing to say?Yes, certain retarded stripper will come and just sit down and either: say nothing at all, contribute only monosyllabic sentences to the conversation. I…

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Beyond the normchandler: Plus, I think strip clubs allow me to live out lifelong, nearly subconscious desires to have my way with that "Girl Next Door".…

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You all suck, I am the greatest!!" Our troll, who apparently feels neglected seems to be waiting fingers "
I will little the TUSCL readership in on a little secret: AN,…
I will little the TUSCL readership in on a little secret: AN,…

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OTC opinions.AN is worried about having his reputation as a MERE BARTENDER pretenind to be a science professor on internet message boards ruined. Maybe his…

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Air dance indicators.AN: How about indicators for spotting "air heads" on TUSCL? How about this poster claims to be a science professor but doesn't know Godel's…

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How do YOU spot a ROBA more interesting question:
How do you spot someone pretending to be a science professor on an internet message board when he is a…
How do you spot someone pretending to be a science professor on an internet message board when he is a…

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~*~New to Dancing~*~Man you old fucks are as paranoid as you are stupid. A sorrier lot I have not seen.

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~*~New to Dancing~*~Hmmm... AN sort of has a point (for a change). But some girls can take the chameleon aspect a bit too far. Especially if…

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~*~New to Dancing~*~Or perhaps parody is confusing me with the rest of the TUSCL community who seem to be deeply into the self-help movement with their…