Joined Dec, 2004
Last Seen Sep, 2006

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How do you tell other customers you aren't interested?FONDL: "SuperDude, that sounds like a sure sign of a rip-off club. I've never paid for a seat in my life, and I wouldn't…

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Strippers who OVERVALUE the price of their AFFECTION (which is sometimes FALSE)This is actually one of the most distrubing thigns about strippers. Forget affection, forget looks, forget conversation. Most strippers would GLADLY accept money from…

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Here is a quote apparently written by a stripperI am afraid that far too many strippers think that. In fact, I think a MAJORITY of strippers do. Some strippers have better attitudes…

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How do you tell other customers you aren't interested?Chandler must look like a FAG if he has other guys hitting on him in stripper clubs.
Here's a tip, chandler, maybe if you didn't…
Here's a tip, chandler, maybe if you didn't…

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Seattle area strip clubsBtw, $40 are for complete suckers. A number of dancers have told me that the amount they charge is how much they think they…

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Seattle area strip clubsThere are ways to work around the no staging tipping: have a waitress or another stripper hand it off, throw the money on stage…

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Seattle area strip clubsAlso note that Seattle is in a relatively wealthier region of the country, so I think this accounts for some of the differences compared…

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Seattle area strip clubsGo to Honey's if you want high mileage for lower prices: Note that the quality of the girls is going to decline compared to…

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OTC opinions.God, FONDL, that has got to be in the TOP THREE MOST RETARDED POSTS ON TUSCL, EVER. Get a fucking clue! The difference is…

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OTC opinions.It very easy to get strippers to do paid OTC. Oddly, enough it's the sweet, nice girls who are most likely to do it…

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Twin SistersI've noticed that strippers have a particular thing for threesomes. About 1/2 the OTC encounters I've been offered (both paid (back in THOSE days)…

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OTC opinions.I sure hate to agree with AN, but I think he is right about >50% doing OTC. Confirms what I've heard when I discussed…

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OTC opinions."Some fortunate fellows like George Clooney can probably get a stripper to come back to his room for free, I think most guys would…

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"Boys and girls, our new word today is 'pimp.'"Yoda: "The MTV generation seems to be de-sensitized to a lot of realities."
And the old generation here seems to be desnisitized to the fact…
And the old generation here seems to be desnisitized to the fact…

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OTC opinions.Have any of you tried having OTC relationships (or one night stands) with strippers without bringing money into the equation at all? No you…

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OTC opinions.Gentlemen, It is very important to understand this. FONDL is a COMPLETE PUSSY who has paid women for CONVERSATION for 40 years. He has…

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48 Hours Mystery on CBSA stripper got killed? Unless there is something particularly significant about the case, in particular if it was somehow related to her being a…

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48 Hours Mystery on CBSPeople get murdered every day. Why is this one particular instance signficant?

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Do you enjoy DEEP FRENCH KISSING with a stripper?I enjoy DFK'ing strippers. IMO, it is even more fun than sex.

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Who is LOOKING for a GIRLFRIEND in strip clubs?I go to strip clubs looking for all of the following: