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Joined Dec, 2004
Last Seen Sep, 2006


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19 years ago
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Stripper With Mental Illnesses
Posters here don't seem to have a problem with exploiting poor women in desperate circumstances for cheap sex. But what about mentally ill women?
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19 years ago
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Gay men in strip clubs
yanker: Ok, gay guys trying to pick up (obviously) straight guys in a strip club. Yep makes alot of sense.
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19 years ago
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Gay men in strip clubs
(Also note that JC and parody, wto reknowed and flamboyant homosexuals of TUSCL fame (set to marry each other, interestingly) are in strip clubs…
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19 years ago
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Gay men in strip clubs
In case you don't know: women LOVE gay guys. They aren't worried about the gay guys trying lame come ons, and they can talk…
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19 years ago
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How long do you wait before ASKING a stripper out on a DATE?
Depends on the stripper type:

a) "normal girl": 3rd visit, but no later
b) "party gir"l: 1 visit. We aren't asking her for a date though.…
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19 years ago
Stripper With Mental Illnesses
What percentage of strippers do you estimate have some sort of MENTAL ILLNESS? Would you knowingly by a LAP DANCE (or "extras") from one?…
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19 years ago
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Strippers posting on STRIPPER WEBSITES who COMPLAIN about customers who want
This issue needs to be discussed in greater depth here
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19 years ago
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Who is LOOKING for a GIRLFRIEND in strip clubs?
Looking for a girlfriend in a strip club can be FUN:

Especially if you are not spending money (beyond cover and drink charges required) and…
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19 years ago
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How do you know if a stripper is really your FRIEND?
If they don't charge for conversation and don't try to sell you anything over a long period of time, then there is an excellent…
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19 years ago
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I can't believe she remembered my name
chandler still tyring to convince me that he and everyone ignores my posts. Maybe when they stop taking oblique (and sometimes direct) shots I…
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19 years ago
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I can't believe she remembered my name
"davids - If a girl remembers my name, it's great. "

Ok, it's great, but you don't care. Thanks for clarifying that one.
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19 years ago
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Distance to club?
Many you guys and your driving long distances to exploit poor women in the deep (white trash) south. And bragging about it on the…
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19 years ago
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What ever happened to the Colonel?
In the drunk tank w/ AbNormal?
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19 years ago
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I can't believe she remembered my name
Ok, you don't care but you appreciate it. Gotcha!
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19 years ago
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High Mileage Clubs in Vegas
Olympic Garden used to be good. How about now?
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19 years ago
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I can't believe she remembered my name
Isn't it funny how the posters here who claim that they "don't give a fuck" what strippers think of them are so elated when…
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19 years ago
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Dances from Non-dancers
I've got lap dances from sheikitout's daughter even though she is not a stripper.
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19 years ago
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Sure, sure, old man. Try and save face with the others here.
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19 years ago
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Day Shift Versus Night Shift Which is Better
No myth: Night shift has better looking girls.
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19 years ago
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Seattle area strip clubs
$30 is the standard at Rick's. Not $40.
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19 years ago
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Giving money to a dancer OTC
So the moral of the story is that if you spend money on strippers for 40 years you will eventually find one which you…
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19 years ago
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Day Shift Versus Night Shift Which is Better
chandler: "Nighttime is when it feels right to be getting out and prowling."

Good word! This guy is so fucking old that "prowling" for him…
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19 years ago
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Giving money to a dancer OTC
1) No.
2) No.

She is completely capable of doing these things by herself. Millions of women do. She does need your help in doing them.…
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19 years ago
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Day Shift Versus Night Shift Which is Better
Night shift has higher quality women. Night shift on the weekends is best. Think about it: During the day you get the lifer/loser older…
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19 years ago
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Seattle area strip clubs
What can I say, I guess us "geeks" are smart enough to figure out that paying for pussy is not the way to go.
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