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Joined Dec, 2004
Last Seen Sep, 2006


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19 years ago
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is ROMANTIC LOVER addicted to making posts????
chandler: Quit being such a control freak and let people do what they like. Get control of other areas of your life and then…
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19 years ago
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is ROMANTIC LOVER addicted to making posts????
Bones: It's about honesty and THE TRUTH. I have no problem, in principle, with prostitutes or men who pay them providing they are honest…
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19 years ago
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is ROMANTIC LOVER addicted to making posts????
With a sense of humor that sharp, I can see why wank, er, I mean yank has to pay for pussy.
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19 years ago
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Do homely girls try harder?
Average girls have lower boundaries to begin with than hotties. But it's easier to get hot girls to exceed their (supposed) boundaries if you…
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19 years ago
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What are considered "extras" & should they be paid for?
Yoda: "There are as many definitions as there are dancers and customers of what an extra is. "

This is the kind of cute hyperbole…
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19 years ago
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Day Shift Versus Night Shift Which is Better
Too funny: THE ULTIMATE PUSSY (FONDL) duking it out with the MINDLESS ASS KISSING MAN (Yoda).

Yep, management has learned not to set a precedent…
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19 years ago
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Do strippers LOOK DOWN on customers who PAY FOR CONVERSATION?
FunSeeker raises an interesting question. I wonder who strippers have more contempt for: conversation buyers or lap dance buyers. Good arguments can be made…
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19 years ago
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Srippers not reliable
"I thought if I tipped her better than most and treated her with respect she would appreciate it. "

On the contrary: strippers will respond…
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19 years ago
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Srippers not reliable
chandler actually offers good advice in this thread.
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19 years ago
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Srippers not reliable
Strippers are inherently flaky. So are most women that age. You can train them to be better and more respectful, however. Just don't get…
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19 years ago
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Thanks, Founder!
Bye-bye, parody!
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19 years ago
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Dances in Non-Club Settings
Please chandler, you don't own this board. Get some control of other areas of your life and you may feel less of a need…
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19 years ago
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Dances in Non-Club Settings
chandler you really think about some stupid shit. You really ought to get a life.
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19 years ago
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Stripper With Mental Illnesses
Man strippers are either:

a) poor and in desperate situations (e.g. single mothers)
b) drug addicts
c) alcoholics
d) have some form of mental illness

Do any of you…
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19 years ago
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Dances in Non-Club Settings
OMG, once you start complaining about the music the younger generation is listening to, you know YOU'RE REALLY FUCKING OLD.
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19 years ago
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Stripper With Mental Illnesses
AN and parody are the two TUSCL trolls I know about. AN suffers from alcoholism. parody is a homosexual, but I don't think that…
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19 years ago
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I can't believe she remembered my name
parody: "I'm pretty bad with names and faces because of the volume of people I meet "

What's your job, parodySUBHUMAN? Are you on display…
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19 years ago
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Don't you just hate bad club visits?
FONDL: "That's a main reason why I started being a regular at a club and having a favorite about 10 years ago. "

The main…
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19 years ago
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Stripper Friendship Puzzle Solved
Man, I love this quote:

Yoda: "ethics simply don't apply in strip clubs"

Then he gets on my case, about how bad it is to mislead…
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19 years ago
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What's the best way to tell if the tip parade nis worth a dance or two or three?
Yoda has a bit of a duel nature: He tries to present himself as wise, modest, and an ultra-tolerant ass-kisser. Look a bit below…
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19 years ago
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Gay men in strip clubs
parody: I understand. Just b/c you have a few (hundred) guy's dicks in your life doesn't mean your gay: Gotta love TUSCL logic!
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19 years ago
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I can't believe she remembered my name
komey is following the typical TUSCL pattern:

a) claim that you don't give a fuck what strippers think of you and just go there for…
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19 years ago
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I can't believe she remembered my name
Ok it was cool but you don't care what they think. Got you, now.
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19 years ago
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Stripper With Mental Illnesses
Comments on the eploitiveness of strip clubs?
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19 years ago
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Why aren't more strippers posting about dating customers?
LAG: Why do you think that is?
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