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Joined Dec, 2004
Last Seen Sep, 2006


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19 years ago
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The amount of money I spent on strippers over the years
Gone to the gym: whipped your fat ass into shape. Spent money on psychotherapy to deal with your issues with women...
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19 years ago
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Telling a stripper who has given you a fake phone number to get lost
Geesh, one bad phone number and CG is ready to jump ship. What a pussy.
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19 years ago
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I guess I'm not getting tongue
Charge her money for it or at least get a discount on your dances.
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19 years ago
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Unusual request
Quite trying to fix broken people and/or exploiting poor white trash you stupid old fuck.
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19 years ago
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What about unionisation for strippers?
Strippers are too cutthroat and self-interested to co-operate with each other long enough to form a union or to keep one together. If they…
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19 years ago
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Is anyone reading books on how to pick up strippers?
I read such books. Yes, they are indeed very helpful.
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19 years ago
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Open Call for Article Authors
parody is going to submit an article? Like what? "The Subhuman's Guide to Fart Jokes"?
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19 years ago
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ATF - What Exact is She and How is she Different
From the glossary:

"All Time Favorite - a patron's favorite dancer. *** If you have one of these, please see PL lower in the gloss…
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19 years ago
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ATF - What Exact is She and How is she Different
I bet this thread is going to bring tears to many a reader's eyes.
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19 years ago
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Question for strippers - How can a customer get a date with you?
Oh, this is just silly. Plenty of strippers are into casual sex: yes even with customers: yes even for fre. Just make it clear…
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19 years ago
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Are strip clubs turning into brothels these days?
sexkitten: You are missing a deeper point: Despite the lies you strippers tell yourself men do really go into stripper clubs b/c they want…
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19 years ago
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Are strip clubs turning into brothels these days?
Everyone gets exploited in strip clubs: customers by strippers. strippers by customers and management. I think very few can end up feeling good about…
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19 years ago
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Are strip clubs turning into brothels these days?
sexkitten: It is more respectable for strippers to lead on customers into thinking that sex/dating "might" await them down the line (keep in mind…
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19 years ago
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OTC sex
Sad that the pathetic losers of TUSCL think that dating/fucking strippers is nothing more than a lottery process.
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19 years ago
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19 years ago
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Open Call for Article Authors
I am thinking of writing a real FAQ for strip club regulars. For example:

Q: "A stripper just told me that she considers me to…
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19 years ago
Helping Out Love Stricken Customers?
A question for strip club regulars here: When you run into customers in strip clubs who are obviously LOVE STRICKEN and probably being DUPED…
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19 years ago
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Strippers who try to avoid personal questions about themselves
RL offers some excellent advice here.

I would recommend that if you are interested in friendship or dating strippers that you try and find out…
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19 years ago
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Any new people here? Welcome.
minnow: well that's an easy one: b/c most people just don't care enough about strip clubs to bother reading a discussion board about them…
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19 years ago
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What age do you like your strippers to be??
Holy fuck, I can't believe I actually agree with FONDL about something.
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19 years ago
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Any new people here? Welcome.
Only post if you are prepared to withstand the barrage of personal attacks, strawmen, and other rheoterical tricks that will be directed at anyone…
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19 years ago
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Any new people here? Welcome.
A note to newbies here: Casuaulguy is a CLUELESS DUMBASS who, amongst other stupid thing he said, once claimed that Iranians were Arabs. Take…
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19 years ago
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What age do you like your strippers to be??
18-21: Beyond that is too old to be stripping for women who have any kind of A LIFE or ambitions. Now exceptions to this…
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19 years ago
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clubber: Did you have to work hard to earn her trust before she did this?
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19 years ago
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Do Strippers Develop CONTEMPT For Customer Who Spend Money?
Any strippers care to offer their HONEST (I know that concept is a challenge for many strippers) opinions here?
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