Joined Dec, 2004
Last Seen Sep, 2006

commented on
Could A Science Professor Really...Here's a good article for people who want to learn more about percentages:
Note the introduction:
"A percentage is a way of expressing a proportion, a…
Note the introduction:
"A percentage is a way of expressing a proportion, a…

commented on
Could A Science Professor Really...OMG: To convert a factor to percentage multiply by 100. To convert a percentage to factor divide by 100. That's like grade 6.…

commented on
Warning to Posters/Readers of This BoardYou're wrong: I don't care if you stay or go. As long as I peridiocally let people know you are a holocaust denier and…

commented on
Could A Science Professor Really...OMFG, What is P?
You obviously have taken NO MATH. Probability.
What is rhs? Right hand side?
What is P(S) probability of being a scientist.
What is…
You obviously have taken NO MATH. Probability.
What is rhs? Right hand side?
What is P(S) probability of being a scientist.
What is…

commented on
Could A Science Professor Really...Well I obvious meant by a "factor" of 400%: multiply don't substract. sometimes I leave words out of my sentences please forgive me. in…

commented on
Question for Strippers: Dancing for Unattractive Guysstripper18: AN is just mad at me b/c I "outted" him as a NAMBLA member and a holocaust denier.

commented on
Warning to Posters/Readers of This BoardDude, I don't "need" you to write any code for me. I don't know if you know more about computers than me or not.…

commented on
Question for Strippers: Dancing for Unattractive GuysThank you for your input stripper18. Even though you do not do extras, period, perhaps you can help us out with a little question…

commented on
Warning to Posters/Readers of This BoardI said I don't want to disclose my profession/educational background due to privacy concerns. However, I will tell you that I am not a…

commented on
Palmistry ArticleAN: Come on:
do you really think that I would think that anyone would believe that you and parodyman were really NAMBLA members and holocausts…
do you really think that I would think that anyone would believe that you and parodyman were really NAMBLA members and holocausts…

commented on
Could A Science Professor Really...AN: Are you familar with Bayes's formula? If not you'll need to review it before you understand this proof.
The exact result is given by:
The exact result is given by:

commented on
Could A Science Professor Really...AN: As for the NAS thing, are you admitting you're not a member? Nothing to be ashamed of if you are not. It's a…

commented on
Could A Science Professor Really...AN: Dude your logic is mighty broken. The question we are considering is someone who may (in your case almost certainly is) lying about…

commented on
Warning to Posters/Readers of This BoardAN: You are the one who claimed the hololcaust never happened. You get help: you fuckin' nazi!

commented on
Warning to Posters/Readers of This BoardPlease boycott the posts of the holocaust denying/NAMBLA members who post under the names of "parodyman--->" and "AbbieNormal".
Thank you.
Thank you.

commented on
Could A Science Professor Really...Ok, parodySUBHUMAN does not follow current affairs and can't google and needs me to post the link here and do the math for him.…

Warning to Posters/Readers of This BoardI would just like to point to anyone reading this board that the posters known as "parodyman-->" and "AbbieNormal" are both on record as…

commented on
Palmistry Articleparody: Why did you advocate (this is a direct quote) "eliminating all jews and niggers off the earth" here?

Could A Science Professor Really...Could a professor of an anonymous physical science really:
a) Not know what Godel's theorem was
b) When he found out, call it an "obscure result"…
a) Not know what Godel's theorem was
b) When he found out, call it an "obscure result"…

commented on
How to have fun in a strip club, the new rules.In my case I want to make it clear when I am joking and when I am not. You actually want people to believe…

commented on
Palmistry ArticleAN: Good word. You really plummetted to new depths. I thought your blatant lies and strawmen were bad enough, but now you have resorted…

commented on
How to have fun in a strip club, the new rules.Let's compare with AN's advice:
My Thoughts on Science Fri, Nov 18, 2006 @ 7:25 pm
Posted by: AbbieNormal
Actually, davids, I think science does indeed have…
My Thoughts on Science Fri, Nov 18, 2006 @ 7:25 pm
Posted by: AbbieNormal
Actually, davids, I think science does indeed have…

commented on
Palmistry ArticleYou left out some important pieces, AN:
Keys to Strip Club Success Mon, Mar 13, 2006 @ 10:42 pm
Posted by: AbbieNormal
davids: Lately I've been trying…
Keys to Strip Club Success Mon, Mar 13, 2006 @ 10:42 pm
Posted by: AbbieNormal
davids: Lately I've been trying…

commented on
Palmistry ArticleDude, I'm not into this shit. It's you and AN who asked. So here's your info. Hope it blows up in your face when…