Joined Dec, 2004
Last Seen Sep, 2006

commented on
Getting a stripper a birthday giftIf you buy a stripper who you are not having sex with for free a gift then there is an excellent chance you are…

commented on
Reward for best idea to get rid of DavidsJC2003:"Help him find a woman."
JC, how about if I post on stripperweb like you did? Did you ever end up getting any good advice…
JC, how about if I post on stripperweb like you did? Did you ever end up getting any good advice…

commented on
Could A Science Professor Really...AN: When you say things like "I know you are not a scientist" that is just a plain lie, you don't and can't.
This is…
This is…

commented on
Could A Science Professor Really...AN: **** Thank you for admitting that you are a liar and a troll. *****
However, you've been doing it for way more than…
However, you've been doing it for way more than…

commented on
Reward for best idea to get rid of DavidsI have another idea:
Why don't we lobby Founder for expanded ignore capability. Or get him to use some canned (as opposed to home…
Why don't we lobby Founder for expanded ignore capability. Or get him to use some canned (as opposed to home…

commented on
Could A Science Professor Really...Should say

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Could A Science Professor Really...ClifBar: yeah you are right. I should just give him another freeeze out. I'll leave it at this either he admits that
lim(x->0) y/x =…
lim(x->0) y/x =…

commented on
Could A Science Professor Really..."There is no function you can substitute in for P(T|S) to make y = x^2 or x^2 + 1"
Didn't say there. Was a counter…
Didn't say there. Was a counter…

commented on
Could A Science Professor Really...AN: Retard: I wasn't trying to calculate P(S|T) I was trying to calculate how much it smaller it was than P(S). That's why I…

commented on
Could A Science Professor Really..."your claim that the limit on the right was either finite and non-determinant would show that bayes's formula was wrong."
should read
"your claim that the…
should read
"your claim that the…

commented on
Could A Science Professor Really..."Any limit is either indeterminant or infinity for y/x as x -> 0. If y is any nonzero number, y/x approaches infinity. If y…

commented on
Could A Science Professor Really...W/ regard to the 1st part of your last post:
Above you made the claim that when P(S)=0
P(S|T) = 0 * P(T|S) / 0…
Above you made the claim that when P(S)=0
P(S|T) = 0 * P(T|S) / 0…

commented on
Could A Science Professor Really...AN: "you would have used Bayes formula straight and had an answer of a very small number"
Again you need to try things with real…
Again you need to try things with real…

commented on
Could A Science Professor Really...Anyway, AN: the big problems in this thread are your strawman: I said "about equal" in my proof of how good the approximation was…

commented on
Could A Science Professor Really..."If you wanted to solve for a conditional probability you would have used Bayes formula straight "
Dude, I did use it straight. You are…
Dude, I did use it straight. You are…

commented on
Could A Science Professor Really...Very good, AN, I did indeed assume in my proof that P(T) was about equal to 1. Indeed, I even made it explicit.

commented on
Could A Science Professor Really..."
"The conditional probability of S given T where they are not independant is in fact 0 if the probability of S is defined as…
"The conditional probability of S given T where they are not independant is in fact 0 if the probability of S is defined as…

commented on
Could A Science Professor Really...AN: Read this:
In particular pay very close attention to this:
If P(B) = 0, then P(A | B) is left undefined.
I would also recommend…
In particular pay very close attention to this:
If P(B) = 0, then P(A | B) is left undefined.
I would also recommend…

commented on
Could A Science Professor Really...AN: "The inescapable conclusion is that you don't understand Bayes Theorem."
Wrong the inescapable conclusion is that it is you who doesn't understand bayes's theorem…
Wrong the inescapable conclusion is that it is you who doesn't understand bayes's theorem…

commented on
Could A Science Professor Really..."Now I could again ask where you got a representation of the left side versus the left side as;
".2x/x is about equal to .2/(1+x)…
".2x/x is about equal to .2/(1+x)…

commented on
Could A Science Professor Really...AN: Oh, another reason I did the division was that I wasn't sure exactly what P(S) was. I just knew it was small but…

commented on
Could A Science Professor Really...AN: Dude, you apparently don't even know what a conditional probability is
P(A|B)=P(A&B)/P(B) when P(B)>0.
A conditional probability it's not even defined…
P(A|B)=P(A&B)/P(B) when P(B)>0.
A conditional probability it's not even defined…

commented on
Are there strippers in your area who are VERY DESPERATE FOR MONEY these days?Yep desperate for cash is the primary reason most strippers do their "job".
Now what has surprised me lately is to learn that a…
Now what has surprised me lately is to learn that a…

commented on
Reward for best idea to get rid of DavidsStart a thread asking for an unanimous vote for me to leave. If, after one week, every vote is for me to leave then…