Joined Dec, 2004
Last Seen Sep, 2006

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If a stripper KISSES you on the mouth, does that mean she REALLY LIKES YOU?Did you spend money on dances or conversation before you got the kiss?

An End to Flame Wars?Gentlemen: I would like to try an experiment involving a "peace and love and positivity" type approach to life. As part of this I…

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Do strippers really like there jobs?FONDL: "But that's true in any field, the positive people are always the most successful."
Sounds like just another of the stupid self-help mantras we…
Sounds like just another of the stupid self-help mantras we…

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Do strippers really like there jobs?Only if the old unattractive women were: yer mom, JC's mom, AbNormal's mom.

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Do strippers really like there jobs?Do a thought experiment: Think of the room being filed with old unattractive women, and you are the stripper? You think you are going…

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Could A Science Professor Really...I had fun when I spent money on LDs, just not as much fun as when I don't.
Some guys might prefer watching shows…
Some guys might prefer watching shows…

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Did first OTC lead to a second one?Maybe when she got home she felt SO ASHAMED with herself for having sex (or whatever) with a disgusting 60 y/o pervert for money,…

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Could A Science Professor Really...Of course, I tried the "spend money just to have fun strategy" as a yardstick and guess what: You have MORE FUN when…

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Could A Science Professor Really...Youu can't do first year math, you are a scientist/researcher/professor, and aren't lying? All three statements cannot simultaneously be true. Sorry: caught you lying…

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Carry-out TechniquesYoda: "I never ask. If a woman is interested in OTC she wll always ask you. "
Except in the cases where you need to…
Except in the cases where you need to…

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Favorite BooksAlso starting a new book by AbNormal (PhDs in the sciences of revisionist history and the creation and knock down of strawmen.) In…

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Favorite BooksOh, my favorite books: Let's see
parody subhuman's wife diary in which she complains about how disappointed she is about her marriage and how parody…
parody subhuman's wife diary in which she complains about how disappointed she is about her marriage and how parody…

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Keys to Strip Club Successparody subhuman:
Then enter hold down the "Alt" key and press F4 at the same time to start a search. When it ask…
Then enter hold down the "Alt" key and press F4 at the same time to start a search. When it ask…

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Should a manager of a club recommend girls to customers cold?Forget it: chances are if they are recommending a girl to you it's not b/c they are looking out for your interests. They have…

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When you're into a stripper's friend more than her?It's ALWAYS a good idea to have more than one stripper you like and play them off against each other.
Remember that strippers are…
Remember that strippers are…

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Could A Science Professor Really..."The real quandry to me is why you claim to be so open minded and advanced in your thinking "
Quandry? Here, I'll help you…
Quandry? Here, I'll help you…

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Could A Science Professor Really...Ok, I'll respond to "syllogism" by an appeal back to original exchange. AN plays Dan Quayle while davids plays Lloyd Benson:
Dan Quayle (AN): You…
Dan Quayle (AN): You…

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Question for Strippers: Dancing for Unattractive GuysFS: Are you a stripper too? This thread posed a question for strippers.

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Strippers and their promises"I've never understood why so many strippers take such a short-term view. "
Because they spend money on their drug habbits, dead beat boyfriends, whatever…
Because they spend money on their drug habbits, dead beat boyfriends, whatever…

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Reward for best idea to get rid of DavidsI kind of like the thread w/ AN: In it he has admitted that he doesn't understand limits, bayes's theorem, conditional probabilites, percentages, algebra,…

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Could A Science Professor Really...AN: Didn't work for you to beg for an argument about it the first time. Not gonna work now.