Joined Dec, 2004
Last Seen Sep, 2006

commented on
Weird shit strippers report being asked to doHey, chandler: Aren't you the fucking weirdo who refuse to cum during lap dances and doesn't even try for extras? (And who fucks parodySUBHUMAN--->…

commented on
Who reads stripper message boards before going to strip clubs to look for a girYes:
regularly has discussions on how to look for girlfriends in strip clubs.
regularly has discussions on how to look for girlfriends in strip clubs.

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IF a stripper makes love to you, does that mean she LIKES YOU?RL: do you mean unpaid sex? If so, it's a pretty good sign.

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My last message...badSUBHUMAN: "When will the healing begin?"
The healing of your ASS may begin to happen when you stop allowing chandler to FUCK YOU IN THE…
The healing of your ASS may begin to happen when you stop allowing chandler to FUCK YOU IN THE…

commented on
Strippers vs. Other Women: How do they compare on looks?But to not to be all negative about strippers: On the positive side we can at least say that they score above average in…

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Strippers vs. Other Women: How do they compare on looks?Oh they would score HIGHER in terms of promiscuity, however. This may or may not be a good thing, but I'll leave readers to…

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Strippers vs. Other Women: How do they compare on looks?For a random sampling of x strippers compared with an a random sampling of y non-strippers, and keeping the ages the same between the…

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My last message...Keep posting parody: I hear you being considered for a Nobel Prize in Fart Joke Telling.

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What's the best time to visit a strip club?The busiest times: 9pm-2am Friday and Saturday. That's when the when the highest quality women work.

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AN Cites Nietzsche as a Philosopher of Liberalism: What a Quack!AbNormal: pretentious fraud.

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AN Cites Nietzsche as a Philosopher of Liberalism: What a Quack!Thursday's reminder: AN is a quack.

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Three questionskomey is on the right track.
The poster needs to be honest with himself and clear about his intentions with the stripper.
If he wants…
The poster needs to be honest with himself and clear about his intentions with the stripper.
If he wants…

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Are any of you...Um, so chandler is likes to and is capable of dating women to good and too good looking to be strippers, yet he pays…

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AN Cites Nietzsche as a Philosopher of Liberalism: What a Quack!AbNormal is an obvious fraud.
Abbie: take your quackery elsewhere.
Abbie: take your quackery elsewhere.

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How good is this board?Actually, badboy is really parodySUBHUMAN. Look at the reviews they have written.

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My last message...Please keep posting parody: Inquiring minds want to know how the love triangle between you JC and chandler works out. Ooops, almost forgot about…

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My last message...Looks like parody is so in love with being FUCKED IN THE ASS daily by chandler that he won't be able to post here…

parody and chandler make strange bed-fellowsI mean they are both pricks, but what else do they have in common? I feel sorry for JC and parody's 300 lb wife.

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TUSCL Gossip: parody cheating on JC with chandler?parody is being disloyal to his 300 lb wife and to JC.