
Comments by cardsfan

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    20 years ago
    How many visits to a strip club can you stand before getting tired of it?
    We have a BUNCH of clubs across the river in East St.Louis. 5 of them are buy one tix and gain entrance to all so if one club doesn't cut it we just move on. Plus I know the managers of a couple other ones that are not a part of that 5 and they let us in free. The way I look at it, I am going to go to a BAR anyways, why not have some naked girls jumping around while I watch sports on TV too? Twice a week seems to be my habit. Plus if you watch their calender events they have better drink specials than most regular bars do sometimes.
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    20 years ago
    Why Do Some Customers Become Regulars?
    I'm going to go to a bar anyways for beer and ESPN on the TV so why not toss in a few naked women in to the mix? Yeah, I have met a few and dated them (one for 3 years) but that was just what happened, as could in ANY bar really. I don't splash out a bunch of cash to any of them but if I see one that I like I tip well at the stages and I know which ones are the "hustlers" and which ones are just fun to talk to. I don't mind buying a drink or two here or there for the nice women but if they cross the line into "hustling" me they know I will tell them to take a hike cause I don't play that game, so they don't. It's all respect that is a two way street really. Plus like I said, it's still JUST a bar to me really.
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    20 years ago
    Why Do Strippers Do What They Do?
    Uhh, all in all this is really a VERY stupid question if you think about it. Why do YOU go to work and do what you do?? I do it to make money and pay my bills. Whats the difference if you go flip buurgers for $6 an hour or get naked for $200?? Gee? Thats a tough one... I bet you can go find a women who flip burgers and do all kinds of nasty things at her local bar too while she blows her whole paycheck getting tweaked. I'll bet you can find a Stripper who who socks away 40% or more of her income for an education fund for her child or her own retirement. My point is it takes ALL KINDS in ALL JOBS and there are plenty of smart people and plenty of stupid people in EVERY profession, not just strippers. Oh, plus I am sure you can find plenty of burger flippers who despise their customers too (rolls eyes).