
Comments by apunkrockcowboy

  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    What type are you?
    The type behind the mic.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    The top earning strippers??
    Depends on the dancer, depends on the club. If she is not making at least 5bills a week she needs another job. A friend/ex of mine used to dance in Mexico at a club called amnesia. The owners would pay for her flight there and back, provide houseing(a group on condos) and a personal body gaurd while there. She would go work 2-3 weeks and come back with 6k-10k.She go about every other month.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    If a stripper who you are spending money on refuses to tell you her real name
    No that is a sign that you are "her Job."
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    What type are you?
    because there jock isn't doing his job...rule of thumb, if the bartender can't hear the waitress ordering a drink across the bar, it's to loud.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    The top earning strippers??
    to add to my previous msg,..that is the exception not the rule...but in a good club225.00 minimum. once again, it depends onthe dancer, how much she hustles and the club. For example I was recently helping an associate who owns a club (first club i ever worked back in the day) and a good friend of mine would work with me and the 3 shifts ranged 60.00-200.00. the same dance in my normal club wont walk out with less then 400.00 on a bad night.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    embarassing question...
    Where are you from Fondl? State?
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    What type are you?
    What club is this, or what city...I know in Austin no clubs run off juke boxs. The fact that customers and dancers are saying its too loud and the jocks are still playing it loud is ludacris. Were they my jocks, they'd get there shit together or they'd be unemployed till I could get sombody else in there. I have been hired as a DJ manger for a club that was having trouble with their DJ's not following music format, getting blitzed and unable to run a decent show. First thing I did was to call a meeting and hand all three of them their walking papers. I worked 13 shifts for a week and half till I could get caliber of DJ's I wanted. Incidently, after doing this, with the new musical format in place, the clubs liquors sales incresed 23% in the first month. Door sales increased 14% in the first month as well. A club is like a car and it is the dj's responsibility to steer it in the right direction.