
Comments by sexkitten70

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    18 years ago
    Are strip clubs turning into brothels these days?
    OK, the reason I posted the question is, yes, I used to be a dancer and I thought about owning a club myself. I'm not against prostitution, but I'm against strip clubs doing it, because we are supposed to be selling a fantasy not sex itself. If we sell sex, there would be no need for escort agencies and why then call it a strip club. I started dancing in clubs in New Jersey when I was 18 about 15 years ago. Back then, it was strictly bikini go-go and we got paid 15 an hour or more and got to keep our tips. I guess now-a-days that could only be considered a dream come true. The last club I worked in was about 6 years ago and it was a topless, lapdance club which has become the standard throughout the nation. I found lapdances hard to do, because to me, it is too close to prostitution. I have danced tables back in NYC, but I never had to get any close to the men. It seems to me that the women have really lowered their standards and will do almost anything for a buck. It's sad to see it go from a respectable occupation to women having to turn tricks inside the clubs to make ends meet. They might as well be standing on a street corner. I noticed that the last time I danced, 6 years ago, there were a lot more drug addicted women in the club as well. Needless to say, I left the occupation and haven't been back since even though I still have the body. My feeling is that any person who works a job should get an hourly wage and be able to keep their tips just as a waitress does or a bartender for instance. I think the clubs just exploit the shit out of the women these days and out of desperation, they put up with it.
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    18 years ago
    OTC sex
    I've met guys after work from strip clubs either to hang out because we got along (no sex) or just to get to know them better, because I was attracted to them. no money involved. Unfortunately, none of these goons were interested in a serious relationship, just sex. So, I'd get rid of them.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Are strip clubs turning into brothels these days?
    Here's my answers to the posters who came after my last post: Yoda - Women do not go to strip clubs choosing to be prostitutes. They go there because they want to dance topless, naked, whatever and get paid. Also, they are willing to dance tables to make money, but they aren't willing to prostitute themselves. The clubs have a duty to let them know that that's what they are getting into. Abbie - I think the "laziness" you are seeing is more hopelessness. Most of these women have the attitude of why should I bother to dance for these assholes when all they want is a hand job. When they try to just dance clean on stage or as a table dancer, they get NO money. Minnow - I didn't say that we should necessarily go back to bikini clubs of the 70s. Topless and nude clubs are fine by me. But no contact should be the rule in any club. It's the LAW. Anything else IS considered prostitution. As far as the free market argument goes about supply and demand, we could argue that for any job professional or not. What do you do for a living? Let's just say you are a lawyer who has to go to law school, pass the bar, etc. Now, according to your free market theory, I should be allowed to practice law whether I have a license or not. If I want to charge 1/2 the price you do, too bad. It's a free market. How would you like those apples? The rules and laws are there for a reason. Or how about if I started selling drugs in a house right next to yours, because the cops either didn't enforce the laws or there was no law against it. When you have scumbags getting high up and down your block and shoot outs every night and you complain. I could just say, "Hey, it's a free market, I can do whatever I want." I don't think you'd appreciate that. Chitown - I would expect you of all people to understand the law since that is your handle. Unless, it is just a handle. The women in the strip clubs are being driven into prostitution if they can't make money in any other legitimate way. The owner of the club could go down for pimping or pandering whether he has knowledge of it or not. Criminal law 101, right. In most states, any type of contact with a dancer's genitals, buttocks, breasts or with a man's buttocks or penis is considered prostitution. FONDL- I saw your argument for them to go to clean clubs. Unfortunately, the way things are going, there are very few left. I understand the competition, but these clubs need to limit the amount of women they hire and they should be required to pay them even if it's just minimum wage. Giveitayank - Yes, I know about escorts and escort agencies. I worked for one. If you flip open the yellow pages in most cities, you can find a 24/7 operating escort agency that will send a girl to you for all the sex you can dream of. JC2003- oh yes, I'm such a prude, because i think strip clubs should be places where women STRIP and TEASE instead of sucking cock. I thought there was a name for a place like that. Oh yeah, now I remember, a whorehouse.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Question for strippers - How can a customer get a date with you?
    The only way a customer could get a date with me is if he seriously wanted a long-term relationship and not just sex.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Are strip clubs turning into brothels these days?
    A lot of you guys brought up some really good points. Especially about how other industries break the law to make money. It's up to the other workers in the industry make sure the law is enforced so that one person doesn't have an unfair advantage over the other. My solution, Chandler, is that the other dancers get together and complain to management. If this doesn't work, they will need lawyers to sue, law enforcement to enforce the laws and bust the clubs, and special interest groups like the ACLU make sure that women in strip clubs aren't forced to prostitute themselves. As I said before, I have nothing against prostitution. In fact, I think we should be able to have brothels and escort agencies in every city along with strip clubs. I think it should all be legalized. My problem is that when strippers turn tricks in strip clubs, they ruin it both for other strippers that would rather not do this. They also ruin it for thousands of escorts out there who do provide the "extras." In order to solve this dilemma, prostitution needs to be kept out of the strip clubs and placed in brothels and escort agencies, massage parlors - where it belongs.