210 Madison St
Brooklyn, IL 62059
Roxxx Reviews
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9 years ago
went to roxys earlier this month around 3 in the afternoon, only been there one other time at night and had a good experience so didnt know how the day shift would be
Went to Roxys earlier this month around 3 in the afternoon, only been there one other time at night and had a good experience so didnt know how the day shift would be. Coming...

9 years ago
a veteran of roxy's
How do you begin to describe Roxy's in Brooklyn,Illinois?
First off,it's beautiful inside...the stages are well placed...everywhere is a good view...and the atmosphere is special.
But you horny devils want to know about the women,right?
Well,the last...

9 years ago
headed over to roxy's a little before 8pm while admission was still free
Headed over to Roxy's a little before 8pm while admission was still free. Parking lot was monitored. Bartender was friendly. Interior was dark and out of date, but relatively clean. There were 8 dancers...

10 years ago
made first ever visit to roxys about a month ago late on a sunday night, didnt know what to expect but was pleasently surprised, doorman outside was pleasant and there was a metal detector going in which made me feel somehwat safer
Made first ever visit to Roxys about a month ago late on a Sunday night, didnt know what to expect but was pleasently surprised, doorman outside was pleasant and there was a metal detector...
9 years agoby