Taking your wife / girlfriend to a strip Club

avatar for csrjohn
I plan on taking my wife to a strip club in Vegas when we go there in a couple of months. She has never been to a strip club before. Anybody have any advice on which one to visit? Any experience on how the dancers treat couples?


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avatar for rekrap
16 years ago
I would suggest Spearmint Rhino or Sapphire. The high end clubs will probably suit her better than some of the middle class joints.
I think they will welcome couples willing to spend cash without a second thought.
avatar for jaxman5150
16 years ago
The onlt couple their going to care about are the couple dozen dead presidents in your wallet.
avatar for Philip A. Stein
Philip A. Stein
16 years ago
You're probably going to be ignored for the most part. Strippers shy away from women custies because they fear that they will be psycho bitches ready to pounce on them.

If your wife just wants to see the inside of a club, have a couple drinks, then being ignored is no problem. If she wants to get her grind on, then it might take a little doing. The key is your wife has to make the strippers comfortable.

On occasion, I take my wife to one of my favorite clubs. They have a couple's night and I know several of the strippers. That made it easy for my wife to go the first time. My wife knows how to handle herself in a club now and could easily meld at about any club.

Clubs that cater to women are not typical. When in a typical club, she'll have to work at getting attention. She'll have tip (and talk and grope) at the rail, invite strippers to our table. I send her up to tell strippers to come over because I might be interested in a grind.
avatar for Philip A. Stein
Philip A. Stein
16 years ago
I hit enter a little early.

We sit right beside the stage. I have her tip every stripper. My wife wasn't crazy about this idea at first. Why pay if you're not getting anything for it? Buying some blue sky sure makes the experience a lot more enjoyable. Now the strippers ask me where she is and when she's coming again.

Also, you might tip the doorman and tell him to send over their hottest bi strippers
avatar for SuperDude
16 years ago
Will she want a lap dance or GFE? What happens if a dancer asks her to DATY? Can you handle this?
avatar for shadowcat
16 years ago
DON'T!!! 25 or so years ago, I took my now ex wife to one. She wanted to see what it was all about. We went to the "King of Hearts"(now closed) on Aviation Blvd near LAX. We went in the afternoon. Being the only female customer in the place, she was uncomfortable and finished her drink in record time. We were outta there in less than 10 minutes. Did I have a good time? NO.

This is a Man's thing (lowpaw exception).Leave them at home.

A few years ago my Ex's best girl friend's husband got a DUI on Christmas Eve after leaving a strip club and got thrown in the slammer. Then she found out about the $1,000+ that he had put on their credit card. My Ex was in disbelief that a man could spend that much money in a strip club. She wanted me to take the 2 of them to the club to see what goes on. I stalled and fortunately it never happened.

Leave them at home!!!
avatar for FinalLap
16 years ago
If your wife likes girls, she'll like a classy club. If she's just curious about what you do there, it's probably not a good idea. In Vegas, If I was in that situation, I'd try Sapphire first. There's enough space to "observe" without being in the middle of anything until you want to be. I wouldn't recommend OG or Cheetah's for wives.
avatar for csrjohn
16 years ago
This trip to a club would be for her. She is a little "curious" about women and this is as close to being with another woman as we will ever get. Thought I would spice things up and take her to a club. Then, after getting all worked up, having a great evening back at the hotel room! What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas!
avatar for lopaw
16 years ago
If you want to take the missus to a SC, Vegas is probably the best city to do it in. I've heard that Seamless is very plush & classy, and a place that would be comfortable for your average woman date. It also turns into an after-hours club after 4am.

It's funny, but the worst times I've ever had at SC's was when I went with a guy - it surely must have appeared to the dancer's that we were a couple, when in fact we were just buddies. Dancers tend to be very leery of couples, as Philip A. Stein pointed out. Nowadays I go alone, and don't have any of those "couples" issues. I know this isn't an option for most....I'm just sayin. :)
avatar for chandler
16 years ago
It's usually a bad idea both for your relationship and for your clubbing. Unless she's a stripper, in which case having a relationship is a bad idea.
avatar for Philip A. Stein
Philip A. Stein
16 years ago

Hahhahaha Chandler!

CSR, these guys are telling you to leave her at home for a reason. Clubs are poison to relationships 99 out of a 100 times, maybe 999 times out of 1000. Be damn sure this is what she wants and not just your fantasy. You said, "Thought I would spice things up and take her to a club." Does she know you're planning this?

For the right couple, clubbing can be a lot of fun. Be sure that you and your wife are the right couple.
avatar for Philip A. Stein
Philip A. Stein
16 years ago
Here’s the curveball we got the first time. The first dancer we met invited both of us back to the couches for a his-n-hers session. We had a great time for a song. I got up and left a little into the second song so my wife could have her own time with the dancer.

Actually, most dancers invite us both back, some times I go sometimes I don't. Do not pay two fees for this, its one dancer one fee.
avatar for Clubber
16 years ago
I've taken my wife a few times. Always gone with others or met them at the club. I've not gotten a dance during those club visits. My wife mostly enjoys watching the guys (most all of us) making fools of themselves. She understands that the dancers are playing the guys for all they're worth.
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