Trump is going to plunge us into recession...on purpose
The more that Trump's agenda unfolds, the clearer his master plan becomes. He is trying to reshape the U.S. economy. It's audaciously bold and could only be done by someone unconcerned by running for re-election and with the sheer willpower to make others bend to his will. Holy shit. For starters, the economy is still on an inflationary government blowout sugar high that is unsustainable, has caused much pain for lower-income consumers and has resulted in huge real-state and stock market bubbles. DOGE, tariffs and other efforts to halt government spending are all part of his efforts to fix that. But he also must know that the only way to achieve a true economic reset is a recession. There was never going to be a "soft landing." And not just in the U.S. - the world by necessity needs to be dragged in too. My guess is that he's trying to hasten its arrival in the hopes that we return to boom times before his term is ends. Since the late 70s, the income inequality gap has continued to widen as the middle class has shrunk. This is directly correlated with our transition from a production economy to a service economy. He is trying to force massive reshoring using tariffs and I'm guessing other tools. Over a third of current U.S. production capacity remains idle, the reigniting of which could result in several million additional skilled blue collar manufacturing jobs. And let's not forget his efforts to bring us back to the energy independence that we had during his last term, including his efforts to get new pipelines built to take advantage of our domestic resources. If he is successful, we will experience some real pain in the short-run, followed by an economic resurgence. Time will tell if he succeeds, but it will be fascinating to watch him try, lol.
last comment^ He should do it with your money not mine
A successful businessperson is not afraid to take two steps back in order to eventually move 3-4 steps forward. This inane idea of immediate gratification that people have is killing this once fine land. My life stays the same because I never over-spend in the good times, just to make sure I don't have to cut back during the bad ones. Toi be fair i am only skiing 3 days this weekend and strip clubbing twice.
^ that is the most moronic statement you’ve ever made and you’ve made some doozies! My life stays the same, but that turd should be playing with his own money, I didn’t sign up for this and neither did any others.
25, it had to happen at some point. The path that we've been on is both unnatural and unsustainable. Half of the country has been benefiting at the expense of the other half. Inflation continues to pound those least able to keep up with it. Houses have gotten out of reach for the middle class. Credit card and car loan interest has been exorbitant. A full reset is the only way to fix all of this stuff.
Like I said, let them play with their own money, I’ve worked hard all my life, my daddy didn’t leave me a few hundred million dollars, and at my age after working over fifty years and playing by the rules, I’m not going anywhere, if you want to let this draft dodger and his cocksucker getting billions from government contracts to live it up on your dime I don’t give a fuck, but I’m sure not going to make it easy for him to use my savings.
It's ironic when he tried so hard to goose the stock market in his first term.
Offshoring was fine when "the end of history" (LOL) was a thing and all nations were going to become liberal democracies living together in harmony, and we were content to let other countries despoil their own environments to mine the shit we need for daily life. Now we realize we've let an increasingly hostile China grab us by the balls (or the pussy) and if they stopped manufacturing our pharmaceuticals, car parts, and other shit, we're in trouble.
I think these trade wars are becoming a matter of ego, like Canada wanting to stand up to their big brother, but we need security more than prosperity, and we can only have that if we can make what we need here or in friendly places.
@OP I really dont accept your premise, this isn’t really some sort of master plan by the brilliant Donald J. Trump, it’s more likely that he’s just fucking shit up just because he doesn’t know what the fuck he’s doing. The chaos has always been there with anything he’s ever been involved with and this is just more of the same. Unfortunately he’s gotten rid of all the adults and now he can burn shit down cause it’s fun for him, remember he’s never had to struggle for anything in his life, his daddy bought him out of the draft, paid off his schools when he got in trouble and even bailed him out when he bankrupted a casino. Anyone that thinks this man is some sort of a genius is delusional.
25, the guy could save dying children and you'd still hate him. I suspect that you were personally impacted at some point in one of his shady business dealings. But for everyone else watching, it's clear that there's a plan unfolding. Whether it's brilliant or an utter failure remains to be seen, but all of these things are obviously coordinated and connected. Maybe someone else drew up the blueprint and he's just following it, Idk, but he'll get the credit or the blame, as applicable.
You're assuming that Trump is playing chess while others are playing checkers, when actually he couldn't play to a tie at tic tac toe. I love how everyone suddenly thinks they have a PhD in economics.
I would love to know what Claudia Sheinbaum said to Trump in their private meeting, though. He seems to have completely laid off of Mexico.
Canada backing down on the electricity surcharge. Yeah, Trump comes off as a bully, but we hold a much stronger hand than our neighbors.
25 better Trump than Cumela, at least. You probably think Cumelas husband is perfect and infallible like you claimed the IDF is. I would also say you overlooked your racism for Cumela and still voted for her, solely because of her dirty husband’s heritage.
25, they shouldnt have to use their personal money, and anyone who has millions sitting in a savings account means they dont really need it, so the government should be able to access it and use it. Anything in the bank over 500k, should be takeable by the government.
Also Trump isnt what youre claiming, he turned millions into billions, which is far beyond what you were able to do with your money, so in that sense he is a genius especially compared to an average millionaire in net worth only like you
@PT Our country needs strong alliances with like minded countries, our strong hand won’t be strong enough to push our agenda, in order for our country to succeed we need alliances that are successful, eventually every bully gets their comeuppance.
@Loper, actually I think he's playing poker. Now who drew up his strategy? Beats the fuck out of me. But whoever concocted it, there's clearly a coordinated plan in the works.
^Trump playing poker with his tells, really LOL 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
"It's audaciously bold and could only be done by someone unconcerned by running for re-election and with the sheer willpower to make others bend to his will." A lame duck, or crazy as a fox?
I believe he wants the best for this country. He is aware that the GOP follows him for his success, and not out of any shared vision. The only shared mission is the defeat of the odious leftists in the democrat party. He hopes that he can unbind our economy from China and other damaging and malignant trade imbalances prior to the completion of his term. He understands that long term prosperity may begin with immediate pain and recession, but he has the determination to see it through as he did his three presidential campaigns. I hope he succeeds. Just look at Canada and this Doug Ford loon. What further proof do you need that allies are of convenience only and energy security is national security?
"I suspect that you were personally impacted at some point in one of his shady business dealings. "
There is no doubt that if 25 ever had to go up against Trump on anything in his Florida developments, 25 got his ass handed to him and he knew it. That is not a question any of us needed answered.
@25 - The problem with this president is that he's too eager to swing America's dick, but the last president (and his old boss) were unwilling to assert America's interests. Truth is, these tariffs have been asymmetrical for a while. They shouldn't be exclusive, but I'll take hated but feared over loved and unwilling to assert ourselves.
I agree with @gamma and @dugan that it's worth short term pain to decouple our supply chains from China. I wish he were more judicious with DOGE, taking some time to understand where to cut rather than cut first, ask questions later. Not everything is a slam dunk like cutting DEI administrators. Not everything has to happen at once.
Not that I think it WOULD happen, but it COULD:
We discuss this in terms of Trump not running for a third term and therefore having no risk of losing a fourth election. The first 150 years or so, there was no constitutional opposition to presidents holding three or more terms. This amendment was ratified after FDR won four terms (I don't know why - his economic policy sucked and he should have let Patton invade the USSR).
Theoretically, after some massive success or even greater national revolt against the leftists and democrats, another amendment could be passed to repeal the 22nd amendment and allow Trump a third term. I don't know why he would want one, he is already passed what I would consider a reasonable retirement age.
^youre talking about the process and intricacies for a third term but a huge portion of trump voters would simply be okay with him being a monarch and remaining in power even without any repealing of amendments
Something has to change. We can’t keep spending like this. People are crying about it, because they ofcourse are on the take.
Regardless that it's his 2nd and final term, he needs to be concerned that who follows him will keep the US on a common sense economic and social path, and not return to the insanity we lived through with Biden and Obama. Need more than a couple years of prosperity to keep the pendulum swinging in the right direction. Squash all the government waste and tranny bullshit for good, or at least for a long time.
It's a good thing that Trump is horrible for the economy? Got it. Things will get better at some point. It will be when Trump is the fuck out of office. Until then we will see multiple failures and our economy continuing to go downward.
Wait, you think the last 15 days have been part of a "master plan?" Ok, if you think so.
Same thing, but for different reasons, happened during Reagan’s first term. There, too, they knew we were likely heading to a recession. But that needed to happen to correct Carter’s incompetence.
Russian stocks are booming last week or so, is that part of Trump’s plan?
It's all part of a 4D chess master plan 25, just be patient.
Trumps problem is he does not consider what will go wrong with his plan, he always thinks he will win. That is why he has had so many business failures. He is a con man, not a smart person. This tariff thing is an absolute disaster.
I hope the comments above about a plan are correct but I’m not so sure that’s the case, or if it has a chance of succeeding.
One thing I think most can agree on, that Trump is an egomaniac and he wants to be remembered for centuries after his term ends. Takes back the Panama Canal, turn Greenland into part of America, renames the Gulf of Mexico, turn Gaza into a resort and golf course, make all countries bow to America, RESETS AND FIXES THE ECONOMY, trim the fat on the government. He has a Congress, a senate and a Supreme Court that supposed to back him, let’s see what his crew can get done. In the meantime it’s interesting to watch Elon, and I’m saying that because I am not a government employee.
I found part of the plan
To quote Agent K: "Humans, for the most part, don't have a clue. They don't want one or need one, either. They're happy. They think they have a good bead on things."
They have become use to "free" everything, and expect it. They have no clue what a $36T debt is and annual $2T deficit spending is as long as they have Netflix, "Zombie Apocalypse" movies, "Real Housewives of ...", "The Bachelor", "Spring Break." They have no clue the level of fraud and waste county, state and federal gov't wastes. $200B a year for the DOEucation, we spend more per student and we are at the bottom of the list. There is a reason Yugos went way.
The Global Leftist Movement, aka Marxism, has been morphed many times over the past 105 years, re: Frankfurt School, the goal remains the same. The Democrat Party supports this. The UN, IMF, World Bank, Europe, Canada and other countries pick our pockets to support their Socialism.
Gotta ask: why is the MSM is dying; why are Rogan and All In are rising; why the late night network "comedians" have lower ratings and getting butt whooped by Gutfeld!; Harris spent $1.1B had MSM backing with Clinton and Obama and yet cratered; why is Musk willing to lose $100B?
The Market is freaking out as the big ones are Globalists and have spent too much in opportunity costs to change. $2T in new plants and factories have been committed since 20-Jan-2025, this didn't happen with 4 years of Brandon.
The current course was destined for bankruptcy along with all the "free" stuff. Navigating America away from morphing into Amerika will take some time and pain like a heroin addict getting clean.
I can't wait to see DJT's 2026 Budget he'll present to Congress. The Dems will need to be near bathrooms with fresh underwear.