The best way to get a woman's attention in TJ and more? (serious answers please)

avatar for Owlyoung_ggofv
Southern Libertine

When I enter the brothel, is it setup similar to a strip club? That's the impression I get from YouTube videos sneaking cameras inside the building.

what is the appropriate name for these women, since nobody refers to them as strippers ? Harlot? Puta? I want to follow the rules and not say anything offensive.

Do I just walk up to someone I like and say :

¿Puedo conseguirte una ficha?

¿Cuánto por el sexo?

¿Cuánto por un arriba contigo?

Or can I just ask in English. I have Google Translate and I read RonJax2 and a few other modern guides on this site. I am going to want extras as soon as possible. Do the staff suggest or offer to bring women to you?

Do you ask for the $70 at the hotel reception desk at Hotel Cascadas or is it in another area?

Since I'm a gringo, what are some major social mistakes I can avoid while traveling. It's very obvious I'm an American.


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avatar for RonJax2
1 wk ago

what is the appropriate name for these women, since nobody refers to them as strippers ?

They are simply chicas! That's the most universal term. To be overtly polite you could use the term "bailarina exótica." "Stripper" also works, just say it with the spanish accent like STREE-pehd.

Funny story, beginning of the last trip I was with two chicas and referred to them as bailarinas exóticas, and one chica was like "No somos bailarinas, somos strippers." Later in the trip I was with a different chica, and called her a stripper and she corrected me back to bailarina exótica. Just stick with chica!

Avoid the term puta. It can mean bitch or whore, one of those words where if she says it its fine but you as a gringo should avoid.

Do I just walk up to someone I like and say :

I start by introducing myself, then offer a beer.

Hola, buenas noches ¿cómo estás? Soy Ron, cómo te llamas? De dónde eres?

Half the time a mesero will interrupt to ask you to buy a ficha before you even have that conversation.

¿Puedo conseguirte una ficha?

She'll understand you, but this sounds weird, to me. The ficha (chip) technically is the receipt she gets (worth like 3 USD) for selling the beer. Try:

¿Quieres algo tomar? / Want something to drink?

Very natural and mexicano, but leaves you vulnerable to the dreaded wine ficha, which you must avoid (No vino, por favor!) if you are on a budget. So instead you could say:

¿Quieres tomar una cerveza conmigo? / Want to have a beer with me?

Or can I just ask in English.

Yep, you can definitely just use English. I'd say like 70% of all chicas are proficient enough in English to introduce themselves and negotiate a transaction.

¿Cuánto por el sexo?

¿Cuánto por un arriba contigo?

Yep, she'll understand this. You could also ask it like:

Quieres ir arriba contigo. ¿Cuánto cobras?

Since I'm a gringo, what are some major social mistakes I can avoid while traveling.

Make sure you tip the little guys in Mexico. They don't expect much but do expect to be tipped. Obviously you'll remember to tip the meseros and chicas, but I'm talking like the robe guy ($1), the shuttle guy $3-5, the viajeros (hotel attendants - tips depending on what they do for you.)

Enjoy, I hope to read a good report or two!

avatar for RonJax2
1 wk ago

Quieres ir arriba contigo. ¿Cuánto cobras?

Doh, I didn't proof read my post, I hate that I can't edit. That should be

Quiero ir arriba contigo, ¿Cuánto cobras?

avatar for justinyoo
1 wk ago

Hello Owl,

Most of the first timers will not have the linguistic acumen as @RonJax2 yet he did provide the best examples of the basics for complete phrases.

For an idiot like me, when I was first going, there was so much going through my head and I just used basic chunks, like "¿una cerveza?" / one beer? since I know cerveza is beer. I would also gesture holding holding a bottle and tipping it up like a quick drink, eyebrows slightly raised to signify a question.

If you are having a drink/ficha and you want to go upstairs, I used chunks again. "¿Cuando arriba?" / How much upstairs? This is baby talk but it works.

I would learn phrases like, nice to meet you and what is your name.

Now the reality is it is so handy and easy to pull out Google Translate app (make sure you downloaded Spanish so you could use offline). Great conversations can be had for hours. Trust me on this.

The problem with Google Translate, it becomes as crutch for me and my Spanish doesn't improve.

In reality, the chicas are there to meet patrons so don't worry and over think it. Most of the time you show them with some respect, they will in turn treat you well. If they just sit there and don't do much and you want to cut bait, then when the waiter asks if you want another ficha / beer, just say, "no, gracias" and she will understand, say goodbye and leave. They understand, feelings aren't hurt. If you already bought them a beer, they got something. Your can even tip a few bucks if you like but that is not required.

avatar for justinyoo
1 wk ago

Also, don't think that if a chica doesn't come to you, it means you won't have a good time and she isn't interested in hanging out. There was a review by @PutaTester a while back at a beach town club where he was talking to a chica and she mentioned some ladies are traditional, meaning they are not comfortable asking men. They want the man to ask them.

So you just never know and honestly it isn't even that difficult to ask because I personally have never seen anyone get rejected. So just go for who you like to meet and enjoy. You are there for fun, so go and have it.

avatar for shailynn
1 wk ago

Man I sure could use some CJ Kent comments right now.

avatar for Icey
1 wk ago

You call a hooker over and solicit prostitution by offering her money..

avatar for justinyoo
1 wk ago

Remember Pic or Vids or it didn't happen

avatar for Jascoi
1 wk ago

owl… it ain’t too complicated. a smile goes a long way.

avatar for PutaTester
1 wk ago

I was rejected once. I asked a trusted mesero to bring me a sexy redhead that I spotted across the room. They were heading my way when she made a fast right turn into a group of guys.

The mesero asked her what was her deal? She said that she knows my ATF and knows her to be very possessive, to the point of fighting and she didn’t want to get into it with her.

Yep, that HK ATF was a feisty one.

avatar for PutaTester
1 wk ago

And @justinyoo is exactly right regarding my comments/experiences. When I first started mongering in TJ nine years ago, traditionally chicas did not approach. Obviously, times have changed in TJ, but in other areas of Mexico, including the other border towns that I have visited, this tradition is upheld.

I now often wait to be approached. The logic being that she saw something that she liked in me (in addition to my money) and I favor aggressive women. And remember, if the chica has been in the club for at least a week, she has heard just about everything you can imagine.

avatar for justinyoo
1 wk ago

@PutaTester - Hahaha, ok ok. I guess for Owl though, the odds are that isn't going to happen.

That ATF will kill your action at HK though! Hahaha. Drama in the club!!

avatar for Owlyoung_ggofv
6 days ago

Thanks for all the help everyone

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