Ecstasy or MDMA type drugs, Where to find these?
Southern Libertine
Title is the question. Where can I get drugs that are similar to Ecstasy (but not actually the drug)?
I am interested in the euphoria effects.
I am interested in the euphoria effects.
Lots of druggie strippers out there. If you ask one and she trusts you, I'm sure she or her friends have some connects.
According to hearsay, another one of my favs, who regularly used E, once should up to the club wearing nothing but a long t-shirt.
So you are saying that you can't get her in the mood to want to have sex with you and now you want to drug her so you can fuck her?
Why would anyone want to help you do that?
Are you retarded?
You'll need to find someone. And the club isn't where you will find clean E (Mdma). Clean means it has no or little additives (speed/meth is most common). It takes "work" to find clean E. Based on your inquiry, you haven't worked (that's not an insult, it's the way it is). The best you are going to get is "yeah baby, it's clean." It won't be. If you know anything about the snow scene, same idea.
I don't doubt the experience you shared, but that "E" wasn't clean. I'm not famiiar with those behaviors being associated with uncut Mdma.
Clean Mdma (there's no way of knowing if it's clean unless you trust the source, or do all the purity/chemical tests yourself) does NOT black you out, does NOT cause you to self harm (may be possible if you have an underlying mental health issue), and does NOT keep you up for over 24 hours.