TUSCL need a REAL political debate

Many of you know that this rick is dismayed by the typical political debates on this site. This primarily reflects their leakage into the front room. However, it also reflects the fact that certain posters end up behaving like lil’ bitches whenever threads get political.
Anyhoo, I have taken it on my bad self to elevate the debate on this site by posting my intelligent and rickish thoughts. Most of those thoughts will be apolitical, but this lion thought he would start with a political thought:
Would the United States government be improved by randomly assigning senators and congresscritters and their senior staff a mind altering chemical they have to take each morning?
You might be asking yourself “how would this work?” The answer is simple. The US Capitol would have a truly enormous store of everything from ayahuasca to zoly and everything in between. Upon entering the capitol the congresscritter would be required to draw a lot telling them what to take, how much to take, and when they need to complete their dose. Failure to follow instructions would lead to their removal from office (or, in the case of staff, their immediate termination).
This lion thinks we’d get better legislation if Chuck Grassley started the day was a few peyote buttons and Mike Johnson was told he had to take some frickin’ molly. As the late great Juice would say, thank about it. ROAR!!!
last commentSplitting a handle of Jack every morning would work too.
Hmmm, maybe
Joe Biden looked beaned up at the State of the Union.