OT : Brit Floyd

avatar for londonguy
For those of you that are into Pink Floyd you may be interested to know that the tribute band Brit Floyd are touring the US from March this year. I have seen them twice and can tell you they are excellent. They put on a great concert, well worth the money IMHO. I am seeing them for a third time in March.



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avatar for Jimmy108
2 months ago
I've seen them a few times, they really are great.
avatar for Studme53
2 months ago
So All aboard for the American tour, and maybe you’ll make it to the top…
But mind how you go
And I can tell you 'cos I know
You may find it hard to get off
avatar for twentyfive
2 months ago
Used to like Pink Floyd, until Roger Waters outed himself as a rabid anti-semite. They can go fuck themselves !
avatar for Studme53
2 months ago
Roger’s Waters does not play with Brit Floyd.
avatar for twentyfive
2 months ago
^ I get that, but if they’re supporters fuck them too.
avatar for Mate27
2 months ago
Agree, Waters can fuck off but the rest of Floyd don’t think like him. In fact they’ve been at odds w/roger for many decades so I’d see them.
avatar for Muddy
2 months ago
I’ve never been a big time Pink Floyd guy tbh but believe it or not Roger Waters is actually a distant cousin of mine (I don’t know him though)

Those tribute acts can be fun you gotta just drink until it’s basically the real thing. Live music is just the best though can’t wait for concert season again and I try to build a strip club journey around it when I go to these joints. I will look out for this group though if they come through near.
avatar for rickthelion
2 months ago
You know the best way to drink until you think a tribute band is the real thing? A rickstyle Dark 'n Stormy. That’s where you make a Dark 'n Stormy but replace the ginger beer with Jack. That’s a refreshing rick cocktail - a ricktail if you will. ROAR!!!
avatar for magicrat
2 months ago
Roger Waters hasn't been in Pink Floyd for 40 years.
avatar for skibum609
2 months ago
Why hate David Gilmour, who despises Roger Waters and has for over 4 decades, because Roger Waters is a terrorist supporting scum nazi liberal? Makes no fucking sense at all.
avatar for motorhead
2 months ago
Some dancers at a club I used to frequent often chose rock instead of rap / hip hop and “Wish You Were Here” was a popular choice. I always thought it seemed like an odd selection for stripper song.

avatar for Studme53
2 months ago
^ not a strip club song but it’s funny if that triggers your fond strip club memories.
When I was at the height of my nearly out-of-control mongering days back in the early 90s, I seem to remember all my favorite slutty, sexy, skinny, druggie, white daytime strippers at Cheerleaders danced to Alice In Chains songs.
Now I get chubby every time I hear one of their songs on the radio.
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