Weird things that make you satisfied

avatar for skibum609
My weird thing is hot/cold as it relates to work. Courthouses here are 76 degrees in the summer. I keep my house at 68 and my bedroom at 62 and the bedroom is close to the temp I need. I start sweating in Court the minute I walk and and if it runs 4 hours I not only sweat through my shirt, it starts with the suitcoat. Yeah a long-sleeved shirt, tie and wool suit do make it horrible, but client's deserve professional attire not some seersucker barbershop quartet looking suit. I get shit from everyone.

Last three days its been 14 degrees with a 20 - 40 mph wind and if you know cities you know the wind tunnel effect makes it worse. All my peer are in winter coats, hats, sacrves and gloves, to walk across the freaking street no less. I put on my suitcoat, no coat, gloves, hat or scarf and walk 8 blocks. They're all sniffly and bitchy when they get to court and I am just happy to not be sweating. I gave them an entire summer's worth of shit this week.

Whats your weird thing?


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avatar for Studme53
2 months ago
I watch Jeopardy every night. I love that show. But I fall asleep during it at some point 90% of the fucking time. I’ll rewind to watch Final Jeopardy, then fall asleep again a few seconds later and miss it again. Then I’m wide awake after it until bedtime.
Ken Jennings is a better host than Alex Trebek. Sorry Canada.
avatar for Studme53
2 months ago
Also I develop a strong rooting interest in one of the contestants right away. I can’t stand when a tranny wins. They had one on last night but “she” (yeah right) lost.
avatar for Iknowbetter
2 months ago
I’m pretty much the opposite of SkiBum. I’m comfortable at 78 degrees year ‘round, and this has been a bigger issue in my marriage than my extracurricular PL hobbies. I also like to sleep outside on my screen porch (even in summer) with no AC, other than a ceiling fan and the breeze coming in off Biscayne Bay.
avatar for motorhead
2 months ago
“They had one on last night but “she” (yeah right) lost.“

Right away my first impression was that she was trans. So I googled her. Since she had been on before, she appeared numerous times in the search. But I couldn’t find anywhere definitively stating
avatar for Studme53
2 months ago
I could tell as soon as “she” talked, but I googled. “She” identifies as a a woman, as per the article
avatar for rockie
2 months ago
And summer suck is only 10 weeks. Winter suck has 10 more weeks, plus the 10 days that have chilled to the bone so far. What that totally explains is why you are made to ski in uncomfortable weather!

Personally, I’ve been whiny of late!
avatar for misterorange
2 months ago
You know how every once in a while you get a sudden itch that comes on in like a nano-second and you wanna scratch it immediately? For some reason as I've gotten older, the last few years, those have become about 5x more intense. So much that I bought four bamboo back scratchers. I have one on the table in front of my couch, one each on my home and work desks, and even one in bed, right next to my Sig P229. If I get caught anywhere else I run to the nearest door jamb. To me, scratching that itch is better than pain relief.
avatar for mogul1985
2 months ago
REJECTING reviews that PLs won't even take 1-2 mins to read the FAQ. This keeps TUSCL the best strip club review site on the Internet.
avatar for Muddy
2 months ago
I like to drive with both middle fingers up. It's just feels good dammit. Cathartic as all fuck. I don't know why.
avatar for sfrsox
2 months ago
Removing ice cream and chips from carts of fatties in supermarkets
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