Matt Gaetz: Disgraced Libertine or PL

I hate this POS, he’s a nasty right wing gadfly do-nothing click baiter. But… his main offenses seem to be buying sex, and then buying sex from a girl that lied about her age.
I’m all for buying sex, legality be damned. In the right context all parties are willing beneficiaries of the worlds most awesome thing: sex. And when I buy it, I assume that the sw is telling the truth about their age. 17 vs 18 seems like splitting hairs, but then you have to draw the line somewhere. It’s hard to blame a guy who thinks he’s fucking a legal age sw when he is being tricked into fucking one that isn’t.
Maybe it’s worse bc as a congressman he’s trying to act like he is upholding the laws of our country, when he actually isn’t, even though one of those laws (prohibition of prostitution) is self righteous bs in this particular case.
I don’t feel sorry for Matt Gaetz, see my opening comments. But this scandal rings false to me.
last commentI’ll add that $90k to 12 women over 5 years works out to $1500 per sw per year. If he saw Jeannie in January 3 times, Francine in February 3 times, and Marcie in March 3 times etc., that sounds pretty reasonable at going rates. So I certainly believe that he did it.
He solicited a minor for prostitution
You're begging the question Icey.
Eating dinner at one of my favorite restaurants with a nice drink is the most awesome thing, with enthusiastic sex from an attractive woman being a close second. Not the point of this thread, but it does bring up how much of an ass clown Trump is by trying to hire anyone that can disrupt normal governing.
Gaetz is a polished PL turned politician. Hoping he can continue to show himself the door, and this his coming from a registered Republican.
Rules for thee, not for me, just like the rest of his ilk.
Bill Clinton raped Juanita Broderick and Ted Kennedy murdered Mary Jo Kopechne. Let's be real.
and yet he is more honest than Biden, more serious than Kamala, more qualified than Obama, smarter than Schumer, and more ethical than Pelosi. really makes you realize what pieces of shit the democrat party is made of, doesn't it?
"Maybe it’s worse bc as a congressman he’s trying to act like he is upholding the laws of our country, when he actually isn’t"
Yeah, but you accept that when you sign up for all the bennies that come along with the title. Seems like he's done ok for himself so far.
Skibum is correct. Clinton is a rapist and Kennedy was a killer, and all Democrats loved both of them. Worse than both of those, Obama liked getting his cock sucked by men.
Gaetz should be doing time. Anyone else would get 1 to 10
Would your line of reasoning hold up in front of that Family Law judge.?
Jesus, you're fucking stupid. And to make it even worse, slightly delusional in this case.
Your 75+ years on this planet should give you a more balanced perspective.
It's ok to think about the world outside of 1957.
^^ Right? And they say democrats are the emotional voting block. Rationalizing the in despicable behavior of current republicans by pointing out the atrocities of former democrats has got to be the stupidest take on a point of view. It shows a lack of compassion and intelligence to know what’s right (and rong).
Well he's a monger and a SugerDaddy. Does that make him unqualified to be AG?
Gaetz is a creep. And that’s coming from a seasoned PL whose hobby is paying girls for sex.
Gaetz has no business as a figure in this party. We can do better.
I like to adhere to Reagan's 11th Commandment.
Gaetz is a creep.
"Gaetz should be doing time. Anyone else would get 1 to 10"
The distinguishing factor between Gaetz and those who are active on this site (hopefully) is that he had sex with a minor. Without reading the Ethics Committee report, I'm willing to accept that he didn't know she was under age at the time. Statutory rape is one of the few criminal offenses where intent is irrelevant, so his lack of knowledge would be no defense to a criminal prosecution. However, it may move the dial slightly in his favor as far as the moral opprobrium is concerned. But, he is absolutely disqualified from being appointed as the nation's chief LEO. The people of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts chose the re-elect Ted Kennedy many times after Chappaquidick, as was their right, and Clinton never stood for election again after the Broaderick story broke in a big way. As for me, I steer clear of any woman who seems anywhere close to 18, or under 21, for that matter. That's less out of concern over statutory rape (I'm assuming the clubs generally run a tight ship on the age of their performers), than as a matter of taste. To each their own.