Dem media and politicos in denial

avatar for rickdugan
I know I posted this in another thread, but I think it really deserves its own place as a thread starter, lol.

None of the liberal media gets it. They still think it was a messaging problem. If only the knuckleheads in the electorate understood how good things really are, they all tell themselves, then they would have never have put the Bad Orange Man back in office.

They don't get that almost half the country has lost real purchasing power since Biden has been in office, with inflation on their core household expenses (rent, food, electricity, insurance premiums) outpacing wage growth

They don't get that people really care about border security.

They don't get that a solid majority of Americans oppose the woke policies that were being quietly pushed on them by an alphabet soup of regulatory agencies, including attempts to strong arm schools into allowing boys on girls playing fields and in their locker rooms and ESG mandates driving up auto and other prices.

They don't get that a majority of Americans saw the lawfare waged against Trump for what it was. Now maybe if it had been limited to the Georgia and federal cases it might have been viewed more seriously. But those cases in NY were a joke, both basically speeding ticket violations that were contorted, by both the prosecutors and all too complicit judges, in unprecedented ways to be treated as major crimes worthy of extraordinary punishment.

They don't get that folks can see that the world has become a much more dangerous place since Biden took office. After our hasty and disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan and our eagerness to hand back to Iran the very money it has used to attack Israel, other bad actors obviously became emboldened.

But don't believe your lying eyes, they keep saying. All that matters is the Bad Orange Man is a felon and is...well...bad. Don't worry about all that other stuff - listen to our messaging instead, they say. It's about joy. Don't worry that Kamala has dodged every policy question posed to her, except to say that she wouldn't have done anything different than Biden. Just don't vote for the Bad Orange Man and all will be good, trust us, they say. 😉

Well, obviously the voting public believed their own eyes over the Dem messaging. Harris lost because people witnessed the disaster of the Biden Administration and Kamala did nothing to communicate how she would be different. Probably because she had no intention of being different, so at least I'll give her credit for not lying about it.

But too many in the media have spent the last 4 years excusing and whitewashing Biden's many mistakes. So now that they are on record for doing so, they can't backtrack now. So messaging it is, lol.


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avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
4 months ago
Truth! All the Dem columnists and operatives bring to mind this saying:

"It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it." - Upton Sinclair
avatar for Muddy
4 months ago
Btw it’s amazing a Hollywood actor (Clooney)basically removed a sitting president.
avatar for Icey
4 months ago
Its amazing how your broke ass thinks Trump will make you wealthier 🤡
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
4 months ago
^ Trump has already made me wealthier. Twice now.
avatar for wld4tatas
4 months ago
Hey rick the election is over.

Recycling your post won't make it any truer. Dem media and politicos are not in denial and are talking about everything you said, but they differ in how much weight they think each factor had. You're not reading widely enough if you've come to this conclusion.
avatar for Icey
4 months ago
Only ones in denial are the bigots who think trumps victory means theyre mainstream now
avatar for dickdecker
4 months ago
Well if any politician can built a coalition of people making less then $50k/yr into a cohesive voting block they would dominate the political discourse….. but of course that ain’t happening
avatar for skibum609
4 months ago
Wild and icey are the type of bitches that when you are beating the shit out of them, they cry and "give up" and when you let them up they try to scratch your face like a little girl. Trump's win was America's way of saying "fuck off losers" to the entire Democratic party. We chose the worst of the worst over your best.
avatar for Mate27
4 months ago
They don’t get it that it’s about to get way worse, above stated problems pointed out by Dugan, as Trump’s economy stoked inflation to begin with and his policies are about to kick it into high gear.
avatar for Icey
4 months ago
Poor people who think Trumps policies will make them better off are like sheep led to slaughter...
avatar for wld4tatas
4 months ago
skibum once again demonstrating his main skill in life, which is to insult and smear other Americans. Probably why so many people have him on ignore.
avatar for misterorange
4 months ago
The Democrats have painted themselves into a corner, and I don't see any way they can get out of it. America has definitively rebuked their biggest platform issues, and it won't be just a simple matter of tweaking their positions on a few things.

If they want to stop the downward spiral that now defines their party, they will need to abandon their most extreme positions, particularly on border security and the outrageous trans agenda they've been promoting. But unfortunately for them, they have spent the better part of a decade demonizing anyone who isn't 100% ALL IN on those issues. So they must, in effect, become their own enemies.

They would have to change from selling unbuilt pieces of border wall for scrap, to supporting the immediate resumption and rapid completion of the wall. But how can they do that after angrily shaking their fists and screaming to the point of tears, that building a wall is racist, barbaric and un-American?

And they would have to change their policy of FORCING the participation of male competitors in women's sports to FORBIDDING it. Well, that would require them to concede that "trans females" aren't really female. According to what they've been telling us, only an inhuman monster would believe that.

Kamala, during her brief campaign, attempted to soften her positions, and was lambasted for it. I've never seen so many "flip-flop" accusations directed at one person. This is what every Democrat is now facing. Seems the choices are 1) Stay the course and lose. 2) Change your positions, become a blatant hypocrite, and piss off those who chose #1 above. 3) Leave the party and hope you're not labeled as #2 above.

The Democrat party is imploding. I don't know what it will look like 2, 4, or 10 years from now, but it will be interesting to watch how it plays out. In the mean time, I'm just enjoying all the infighting and finger pointing. And I'm loving that Trump won the "popular vote" by a convincing margin. That's a nice big FUCK YOU to all the anti-Electoral College douchebags.
avatar for Icey
4 months ago
Republicans are imploding. They now have to deal with Trumps personality cult and Vances extremism...
avatar for rickmacrodong
4 months ago
Im curious how Trump will handle the iran israel situation. People assume he will be as pro israel as his first term but theres no guarantee. The biggest problem with the republican party, IMO is the hick voters in southern states who want to go out on rampages killing Moslems/immigrants of all kinds.
These same people will constantly bring up Hitler, Hamas, Iran, Stalin… whilst wanting to wipe out half the world essentially… lol.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
4 months ago
The 2024 Democratic platform was ass. The American people have always preferred abrasive assholes to policies that will impoverish and immiserate them.
avatar for ricktheredmeat
4 months ago
Refer to my other comment about the View for my thoughts on the OP's topic.

I an amused that our liberal friends think TUSCL is a popularity contest. Everyone knows that a liberal is the first to click "ignore" to define their safe space, and avoid being triggered by dissenting opinion. Thusly, we can conclude that many conservative posters are ignored by all the lefties who just cannot handle regular doses of the Truth.
avatar for wld4tatas
4 months ago
^ Gammanu so upset he's one of the top 5 most ignored posters on TUSCL, he created a new username "ricktheredmeat" to force his garbage back on people who didn't want to listen to him.
avatar for wld4tatas
4 months ago
>And they would have to change their policy of FORCING the participation of male competitors in women's sports to FORBIDDING it.

Hey orange, honest question. When/where did Democrats ever say this was party policy?
avatar for gammanu95
4 months ago
wld4testes convinced that I am all conservative posters. lol

James Carville finally gets it. He has said that the core of democrat party failures can be summed up in the moment when Asuncion Hostin asked Hamas Kamala what she would do differently from Joe Biden, and she answered "not a thing". That is how out of touch and party line-driven the democrat party is and why they lost so badly.

Piers Morgan lectured that fat Unger fuck that what happened last week was a complete national repudiation of the democrat party, and that democrats have no reasonable response or defense. They need to go back and do some real soul-searching as a party to understand why they have drifted so far from the American public and working for the national interest. Many hardcore liberals complained that Clinton made his decisions based on polling, which was reliable back then, and maintained his popularity by doing so.

RedMeat is right, this is not a popularity contest. I agree that many ignored posters are being muted by snowflakes who are tired of reading us hitting the mark every single time. It doesn't matter since there are two unicorns on TUSCL: a hot, not-crazy, honest stripper (I've found three- one in Fort Myers, one in FLL, and one in PHX), and the democrat liberal who will read right of center posts with an open mind.
avatar for wld4tatas
4 months ago
^^ orange, where in that video does Biden talk about competing in sports?
avatar for misterorange
4 months ago
wld4 the host guy talks about it at the very beginning and then Biden sits there in perfect philosophical alignment with the fruitcake Bud Light dude. You don't need to have a specific statement in every interaction to know who stands for what, but regardless, I'm sure youve seen clips of Kamala specifically supporting tranny surgery for prisoners and illegal aliens.

It ain't the Republicans pushing the trans bullshit. It's the left and all their media mouthpieces. If that's not obvious to you then you're even dumber than I thought. Fuck you and all your tranny locker room rapists.
avatar for rickdugan
4 months ago
@wld4tatas: They never admit the unpopular policies that they support. Instead they try to sneak them through the back door using their regulatory agencies.

In the case of transgenders competing in sports, Biden's Department of Education tried to reinterpret Title IX to include transgender rights. Had that gone unchallenged, the DOE would have used it as a cudgel on any school that tried to keep biological males out of girls' playing fields, locker rooms and even bathrooms. Fortunately a number of states challenged this in court and won, quite recently actually. Not surprising, it did not get much coverage from the mainstream media. But given Kamala's stated support of government funding of transgender surgery for prisoners, there's no reason to believe that a DOE under her oversight wouldn't try again.

This is sadly all part of the Dem's "the ends justify the means" approach to governing. The Dems won't hesitate to bend, break or change the rules to accomplish their goals. This includes trying to firebomb the filibuster, a desire to pack the Supreme Court, attempts to do an end run on the electoral college and trying to use their regulatory agencies to ram through sweeping policy changes that should properly be passed by Congress. Because of course they know what's best for all of us rubes, even if we don't.
avatar for rickdugan
4 months ago
One of my favorite Trump ads, lol:…
avatar for Icey
4 months ago
Delusional is as delusional does. Keep supporting the snake oil salesman 🤡
avatar for rickdugan
4 months ago
^ Better than supporting the snakes themselves. 😉
avatar for rickdugan
4 months ago
A better link for my favorite Trump ad:…
avatar for LapHunt
4 months ago
There is no question that in the wake of Kamala's loss, Dems and their strategists still don't understand why they were shellacked. And they are making themselves look even more stupid with their explanations.

I too have noticed endless use of the phrase (or close variant of the phrase), "we have to look at our messaging" spouted on the cable shows by the cadre of Washington Dem consultants like Karen Finney, Maria Cardona, Jamal Simmons and the like.

Any normal person knows the economy sucks and inflation is rampant, and that the country is being overrun with mass immigration which is straining every facet of civil society. These Democrat consultants are out to lunch. They can't stop talking about "comms" and "messaging."

I don't see them fixing this in time for the next cycle. They are too woke and too dumb. I think they run Newsom or Shapiro in 2028 with either Whitmer or Buttigieg as the VP and lose again.
avatar for misterorange
4 months ago
"And they are making themselves look even more stupid..."
Jamal Simmons is calling for Joe to resign now, so Kamala can become President for the next 2 months.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
4 months ago
^ He said so to remove the future pressure to be the first woman president. Yet another example of Democrats having their heads up each other's asses, that they think everyone is as hard on for race and gender as they are.

I'm seeing a lot of women beating their chests and saying "ohhh you're showing us that our lives don't matter and you want us raped!" Some even threatening a sex strike. But it's always the land whales threatening that LOL.

If they had so much self control, why were they fixated on abortion in the first place? Lulz
avatar for misterorange
4 months ago
^^ Why would they need an abortion? Nobody wants to fuck them.
avatar for Muddy
4 months ago
I mean as far as the left moderating in the future, what dem politician under 40 isn't absolutely fucking bonkers? You would have to see new folks come in. As I live in a blue state, I root for a better, healthier democratic party. But the old democratic party of decades prior looks a lot MAGA today people just don't want to admit it.
avatar for misterorange
4 months ago
Damn Democrats already trying to take Trump down:…
avatar for wld4tatas
4 months ago
Looks like orange had to backtrack on his false claim.

It seems your and rick's argument now is "it wasn't formal Dem policy but it was their intention" (to have biological males compete with women in sports). That it total bs. If I had believed this for a second, I would have questioned my vote for Harris.

The changes to Title IX were intended to address discrimination but didn't specifically mention transgender athletes or participation in sports. Normally, that should not have been more than a blip in the news cycle. But when there were some instances where biological males competed in women's sports, Republicans ginned that up into some giant issue threatening the entire country that Dems were pushing.

This is definitely one of those topics where more proactive messaging and cutting through the right wing spin could and should have been used to reinforce this was not Democratic policy or intent. But Dems stayed mostly silent and let it fester. That's on them.
avatar for rickdugan
4 months ago
The Title IX changes were hardly innocent. Notably they included restrictions on discrimination based on "sex characteristics" and "gender identity." I'm not sure if you're just ignorant or being disingenuous, but either way you're wrong. This would have neutered the laws of several states which protect women and girls from getting beaten up in competition sports and having biological males in their locker rooms and bathrooms.
avatar for rickdugan
4 months ago
It would have handcuffed colleges and primary schools around the country, virtually all of which receive federal funds.
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